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Everything posted by Prowler901

  1. That emblem is absolutely gorgeous. Excellent work. Todd
  2. Really beautiful, Bob! I have one sitting in the box. Not sure when I'll get around to it. But, your build log is a great resource. Todd
  3. Beautiful work on your paddle wheeler. Nice job with the pilot house. That wasn't a mistake. You model is now unique. 👍 😁 Todd
  4. Excellent looking prints. What filament are you printing with? I have the Ender 3 Max. Still tweaking it's settings for best prints. Todd
  5. Welcome aboard, shipmate! Fellow submariner here. Todd
  6. Your scratch built winch looks great! Beautiful work on the Fifie so far. Todd
  7. Love the clock idea! You should definitely do that.🙂 Todd
  8. Welcome aboard, shipmate! Todd
  9. Absolutely beautiful work, Steve! Nice job on "re-surfacing" the caulk as well. I also like that you specifically chose to stagger the colors of the mahogany strips in the planking. It turned out very striking. Todd
  10. This is a seriously impressive resume of work, sir. Thanks, for sharing your talents with us. Todd
  11. Welcome aboard! Your research led you to the right place. Plenty of knowledgeable and helpful members here. I'm also in Colorado. Todd
  12. This is an outstanding build! I especially like the way you have colored and weathered the deck. Very realistic. Todd
  13. Welcome aboard, Andre! I to am an avid RC modeler. But, I'm just a fixed wing guy. I also enjoy machining parts for my models. It is fun to be able to combine wood and metal into a beautiful model. Your helicopters are most impressive. I look forward to seeing more of your work here. Please post a build log for your Falconet. Todd
  14. Beautiful models, Ray. Welcome aboard!
  15. There just aren't enough superlatives to use to describe the beauty and skill of the craftsmanship on this build. My goodness, it's beautiful! Todd
  16. I personally really enjoy the more obscure subjects. And, you're doing a beautiful job. Keep up the good work! Todd
  17. Ah yes. As it often does with life. Beautiful work you are doing though. Todd
  18. I shall look forward to that. Todd
  19. Hi Steve. Welcome aboard, you've come to the right place. The Tartan 34C is a lovely sailboat for sure. Todd
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