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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Back up to post #7 in this post and you will see a PDF download for beams and knees. At least I think that's the one you need.
  2. Thank you, Chuck, Mike, Glenn and Matt! I was apprehensive about doing the stern rail but the supplied template made it much easier. I still more eye bolts and rings to make too. Thanks for all the like too. Very much appreciated.
  3. I finished the last portion of the rail with the timber heads and the transom cap was worked on. It appears that I was a little negligent taking pictures. I'd like to blame it on the camera, but it was me. You can see the shaping of the curved portion of the cap rail partially completed. Chucks template was used to determine the heights of the stern frames with some minor sanding to get the heights right. The top rail for the sides was completed and the fairleads added. Now there are eight more cannon carriages to assemble for the six pounders.
  4. Looking really nice Glenn. Your attention to the details now will pay off later when everything is close to spot on and "adjustments" will be kept to a minimum.
  5. Greg that is simply one of the most stunningly elegant models ever! Her lines are so nice, and your workmanship is exceptional. It has been a pleasure following along and learning so much. Thank you!
  6. Not a problem Glenn. You'll know when I'm on chapter 12 and doing the head gratings. You'll be able to hear the cussing all the way to your house.
  7. Thank you for the invitation. I have looked in on your build and you have made a good start. Unfortunately, I have a few months to go on the Winnie before she's finished. Also, I am already committed to the Speedwell project. So, at this point I don't feel I would have the time to properly spend with you on the Eagle. If I can, I would offer what little knowledge I have to you.
  8. Hey Glenn, I guess after 3 years and ten out of twelve chapters almost finished, I'm "almost" done? 😂 Well Chucks Speedwell is at the top of the list with Chris's Indefatigable. I also received Pavel Nikitin's Captain John Smith's Shallop as a fun little side project. But first I have many months of work on the Winnie yet to complete.
  9. I've continued to work my way aft building one section at a time. Still some clean up and touch up needed.
  10. Thanks Glenn and Chuck. Yes it is a fun project. The design is such that a great result can be achieved with out a lot of stress. Work through each section and they can’t be rushed. Thanks for all the likes too.
  11. Chapter 12 part have been ordered and progress continues on chapter 10. In this portion I was assembling the companionway railings and the first sections of the quarter deck fancy rails. The companionway railings were turned and shaped using files. The quarter deck rails were all laser cut by Syren. The first thing I did was start cleaning up the parts and lay them out to see how they compare to the layout of my model. After confirming that I was in good shape I started assembling the rails. After assembling each section I test fit them adjusted as needed and then painted them. The two sections port and starboard were then permanently glued in place. Also, the companionway railings were finished at this time too.
  12. I am crushed. We conversed for many years trading so many ideas and ways to do things. He will be sorely missed. Rest in Peace my good friend!
  13. Thanks Ben. Not a big deal. Just a little irritating when you think you've selected better. I built the ships wheel, binnacle and breastrail per Chuck's direction and placed them in their correct locations as well as the already completed capstan. Just take your time and follow the directions and all will be fine. I still have to add the pawls to the capstan and the companionway railings. I'm still toying with adding the rope to the ships wheel. I'll probably add some to see how it looks and decide from there.
  14. What is a perfect model? I have some I'm very happy with, but none are perfect!
  15. I too have ordered one and it's in route. Looks like a fun little build.
  16. Welcome aboard Aceso! I'm looking forward to seeing another Winnie come to life.
  17. The pear I used was all cut from one block into sheets and then strips from each sheet. I could see color changes from sheet to sheet and from one end of a strip to the other. They were sorted by color variation, marked and I still came up with differences in color. Next time I'll go the one step further and wipe them down with WOP or alcohol and see how that works. Then again 15 years from now I'll probably not see much variation as the wood ages.
  18. That is an excellent idea which I'll do next time around. Thanks Mike!
  19. Thank you Glenn. I chose each plank carefully trying to get ones close to the same color, sanded them and thought they were very close. I applied the WOP and boom the absorption as different for various planks causing both light and darker planks. Oh well I tried. Also thanks all for the likes.
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