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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks Glenn, the fine design really helps create a nice looking model. Thanks Ron, it's kind of a love hate relationship.
  2. The anchors have been made with a minor modification on my part. The stocks are two parts and when I put them together and started sanding them, I was not happy with the way I could make them look. Not the parts fault. I was not as careful putting the together and the seam just didn't look good to my eye. Because of this I cut some stocks from pear I had on hand. Now with the anchors in place I just have rope coils to make and check the lines to ensure they are snug, and we'll be finished. That happy sad moment is rapidly approaching.
  3. Excellent workmanship and description Glenn. A perfect example of planning and patience!
  4. Thanks Rob and Glenn. It took me a bit to get into the proper mental mood but once I took the plunge it went pretty well! Starting on the anchors then rope coils. Thanks for all the likes too.
  5. Well if I've not missed anything all the stays, jeers/tyes and braces have been added. I'll have to go back over everything and make sure the lines are all snug. Then I'll have to clean up all the belaying points and add the rope coils. Here's what some of the mess looks like.
  6. Everything is looking really nice Glenn. You and I must fair alike. Your quarter gallery stern window piece fit pretty much just like mine!
  7. Wonderful work Bob. I love it when I get to catch up on your progress!
  8. That's looking nice Joe. Sometimes you just have to jump in and have at it!
  9. Thanks Glenn and Bob. There's a lot of rig some lines, oops lines are crossed, swear, re-rig some lines oops wrong belaying pin, swear again, re-re-rig and on and on! Also thanks for the likes!
  10. Thanks Reg. Also, thanks for the likes! I've completed attaching the yards to the main mast and mizzen mast like I did on the fore mast. With all the yard jeers and tyes now attached I'll start on the yards lifts and braces. The spider web of lines is really starting to grow.
  11. I've started to add the yards and the yards jeers/tyes on the fore mast. For the fore topgallant yard the plans showed the line attached like this. I then pinned the yard to the mast and secured it with a strand of parrel beads. The fore topsail yard was also pinned to the mast and secured with a double strand of parrel ribs and beads. And finally the fore yard was added pinning it to the mast and then rigged per the plans.
  12. Just caught up with your build Glenn! Excellent job on the planking. It's a perfect example of Chuck's "slow and steady" approach!
  13. Thanks Rob. I'm chugging along looking at the plans, other logs and just trying to make it look good. I look forward to seeing your progress.
  14. I know what you mean. I love this build but I'm exhausting all of my patience to finish up the DOK's rigging!
  15. I've now added all of the backstays to the Fore, Main and Mizzen Masts. That should complete the majority of the standing rigging. Next I'm onto hanging the various yards. That should prove to be an interesting adventure!
  16. I agree with Yves and Chris to leave the cradles off if you don't fit the boats.
  17. Thank you Glenn, Derek and DocRob. This is the model I've done that had crowsfeet and I too really like the look. I've now added the all of the stays and preventor stays. Here is an example of the blocks used in some of the rigging. These are for the fore topmast preventor stay. And here is the bocks in place for the fore topmast preventor stay. And some overall picture of the completed stays. Thanks for stopping by!
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