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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Your preparation and execution is producing a wonderfully planked Winnie! Outstanding work Glenn!
  2. Oh don't I know it Glenn. I had to add the fold down bench on the back wall this winter as I ran out of counter top space! Thanks B.E. It's really nice to see people incorporate Chuck and Chris's wonderful designs into their models. FYI I'm taking a minor break from the Winnie to work on the DOK's rigging. The poor girl has been left in the corner too long. Also thanks for all the likes.
  3. Very nice workmanship B.E. The lining up of the pumps, stanchions and gallows looks spot on.
  4. Thanks JJ. In my last house I had a small corner of the basement. When we moved here I took a bigger corner of the basement. The curse of a bigger corner is more area for "stuff" to accumulate and then longer to clean! Thanks Bob. I always take inspiration from following along behind you. Also thanks everyone for all the likes.
  5. As you might remember I paused chapter 7 and finished chapter 8 while waiting for my 1mm brass rod order. Also my grandsons volleyball team was very busy the last 10 days as were we driving many miles to all the games. They won the league, sectional and regional championships finishing the season undefeated. Well the rod is here and onward I go, finally back to the workshop and finishing chapter 7. First off I made the rhodings out of brass. I formed them over a piece of brass rod and blackened them. After that is was just a matter of bending the rod to the correct lengths, fit the forward stanchions and shape the wooden connectors. No super secret to assembling the handles. Just careful measurements, test and tweek as needed. Then reproduce a duplicate for the opposite side. Also the elm tree pumps were finished. After that the last two deck beams were placed as well as the last of the knees. I really enjoyed these two sections. A lot of fun! Now that chapters 7 & 8 are finished it's time for a deep cleaning of the workshop! Tools everywhere except where they belong. 😂
  6. Thank you JJ, Glenn and Vladimir for the kind words. It's very much appreciated. Also thanks for all the likes!
  7. While waiting for the brass rod to arrive I continued working on the forecastle. The bowsprit step and manger boards were placed at the fourth beam. Then the rest of the forward beams, knees and lodging knees were added. Also the cat tails were added. Then the forward bits and mast partner were added and additional beams and knees. Lastly, I added the stove, riding bits, bulkhead panel and the remaining beams and knees. Now that I received the 1mm brass rod I'll go back aft to finish the chain pumps and the rest of chapter 7.
  8. Glenn, I just got caught up on your work and I echo everyone else's comments. It's more of your usual excellent workmanship.
  9. It was so much fun I'm thinking of getting a second one to display with the Winnie. Thank you all for the kind words and likes. It is a marvelous little project and even if you're not building the Winnie you would enjoy it.
  10. Hi All, Well, I've diverted a bit. I thought I had the 1mm rod needed to do the chain pump crank handles. Come to find out I have .89mm or 1.19mm rod. Either too small or too large. Of course, the local hobby store did not have any in stock either. So, I ordered some online and have to wait for them to arrive. I could have started on chapter 8 but the stove was calling me so I listened. The parts all fit perfectly. Here is the stove all assembled and painted. No weathering powders have applied yet. And here is the finished stove. I first applied a grimy black powder, sprayed it with a matt spray. I then applied some rusty brown powder. It was a little strong for my taste, so I went over it with a light coat of grimy black to tone it down just a bit. It was then sprayed with dull coat. Until the brass rod arrives I'll start on chapter 8.
  11. Thanks Matt. This is the fun stuff now. Thanks Chuck. I really hope I can make it again this year! Also, thanks everyone for stopping by and all the likes!
  12. I spent the weekend completing the main jeer bits and the gallows as well as the chain pumps. They are just set in place for the picture. I have also fit all the beams but removed the last two as adjustments and alignments will follow. The shop LED lights washed out the color but it is the same red ochre as used on the bulwarks. Next it will be aligning the pump crank handles and permanently placing the jeer bits, gallows, chain pumps and columns.
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