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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Hi Sjors, To me "Wiggle room" is cutting the transom a tiny bit oversized and the window openings a little smaller so the I have a little room to adjust, wiggle, to the correct position and then sand or trim to the finished size.
  2. Thank you all for the kind words and all of the likes. It is very much appreciated. Well I’ve started chapter 6 now and started working on the stern. To start I have to cut the transom out of some 1/32” plywood. I pasted the plans on and then cut it out with the scroll saw getting it close. I then used various sanding tools to get it close to shape. The windows were cut out using an x-acto and finished with files too. Then the assembly was glued to the frame work. That's it for now!
  3. Hello all, Well I’m happy to say I’ve completed the planking on the portside too. No stealers or drop planks this side either. All that is needed now is a good deal of sanding and then some wipe on poly. I have to say planking this way is more time consuming but it works so much better and the run of the planks is much easier to maintain. Definitely the way I will plank from here on out! One thing I want to point out is that I handle a model a lot when I’m working on it. Because of this I would inadvertently rub off some of the pencil marks. To make sure I didn’t lose the main belt line mark I used a sharpie to mark them. Then if I accidently rubbed off any markings I could go back to the main mark and redo them. After I check the hull over and make sure it’s all set I will move on to the stern.
  4. Hi Greg and Ben, Oh I've used the white glue sanding trick many times. There were only a couple of spots where I needed to do that. The joints that bother me the most were ones that weren't a tight as they should be but were filled with glue and dry before I saw them so there was no sand n fill possible. Oh well trying harder on the port side. Chris, I could see where doing that with tung oil would work. Not so with the poly as it dries real fast. Thanks everyone for stopping by and the like. Continuing to make progress.
  5. Hi Chris, I can't wait to see you finish her up. I doesn't seem like it's been five years either.
  6. Thank you for such kind words. Nick. Practice, practice, practice. When I first started I rejected as many as I was accepting. I would think walnut would also be a bit harder to get a smooth run. Also I use a sanding block whenever possible. It helps me keep a clean edge.
  7. Thanks Chuck, If someone hasn’t tried it they can’t believe how much nicer it is to plank this way. This is my planking method now. Hi Sjors, Thanks but yes it can be done much better. Next time I’ll need to get the seams tighter and the width of the planks isn’t uniform enough yet.
  8. Hi Everyone. Thanks for the comments and likes. Sorry for the delay getting back to you all. My PC's hard drive started failing and had to take her to the doctor. During that time I was able to complete the startboard side planking, sanded it down and applied one coat of wipe on poly. The good news is that I was successful in doing it without any drop planks or steelers. The bad news is after sanding it a few joints aren't as tight as I would have liked. All in all I'm happy with my first attempt at this type of planking. Hopefully the next one will be better and the planks a little more uniform. Well I'm off to the port side to start the last two bands of planking.
  9. Hi Chuck, I like your jdea to paint it. Then as we build our version we can fret about painting it or leaving it natural.
  10. Hi Ben, You are really doing some great work and don't worry all Admiral's want the shop ship shape! Hopefully you don't have to holystone the deck too! As long as you have the storage unit in there it would always be Aye Aye Admiral!
  11. Hi Chuck, you could take two months and I'd still not catch you. Thanks Mark. Thanks Augie I used to do more sanding but found that it was hard to match the new planks so I just hit it lightly until all the planking is done.
  12. Hi all, Well I'm back and glad to be back in the shop and it feels sooooooo good. The first thing I did was to clean up a bit. Mind you it had nothing to do with running out of room to work. One of the things I did was solve the issue I had with my vacuum hose being the same diameter as the outlet for my Byrnes tools. I broke out my handy dandy lathe and took a 1 1/4" PVC coupling milled the inside diameter to match the outside diameter of the hose and bingo I had a quick coupling. The next thing I wanted to do was cut some sanding paper for my thickness sander. Normally there are two 3" strips of sand paper on the drum. Sometimes though I sand wood that is 3" or wider. Now you can put two strips of sandpaper side by side but that tends to leave a little grove in the wood from where they meet. So I got some 6" wide sanding belts and cut strips that cover the whole drum so now, if needed, I can sand wood up to 6" wide now in one pass. Ok back to actual modeling here. I have now completed planking the first two belts on both sides of the hull. So far so good. Not stealers or drop planks. And as I said before it is slower but the planking is much easier. Everything has been sanded with 120 grit paper. Once the whole side is planked I'll finish sanding it and apply a couple coats of wipe on poly. Now it's not a pristine as Chucks but I'm happy.
  13. Hi Chuck, She's looking really nice. I like how the molding will define the run under the gun ports. That makes for a real nice flow. You will be planking below the wales the same way you did the Winnie won't you? I'm looking forward to taking a crack at her once you've finished!
  14. Hi Mark, I've just had the pleasure of going over your build log and catching up from my busy season. Great work my friend! I loved watching your progression and how you worked through each portion of the framing. So very well done! An inspiration to us all. Also consider the like button pounded until it wore out. Best of luck on the stern, but then I don't think wishing you luck will be needed at all!
  15. Hi Chuck, I found this log a couple of days ago and read through it and love what you are doing. But that's a given anyways. If you keep this up I'm gonna have to sell the couple of kits I still have on the shelf.
  16. Hi Elia, It's was great to hear from you and thank you! No pictures to post but I wanted to let you know that I am working along. Slow but sure. I've almost completed the second belt of planking but work will halt for a couple of weeks as I have to take the Admiral on a vacation. It's one of those good/bad things. Vacations are great but I hate missing the shop time. See ya all in two weeks.
  17. Hi Ben, Looking really good there and as you said careful on that sanding. Enjoy the conference. Wish I was going to be there!
  18. She looks wonderful Chris. I like your thoughts and it would be a shame not to finish her. Go for it!
  19. Hi Jim, I do the bow and stern and then strip wood between. I do have to taper the strip wood though. Also I will be away and can't make it to St Louis. The Admiral issued travel orders that can't be ignored. Thanks Ben.
  20. Thanks Druxey, I'm onto the second belt and with each plank cut out gets easier or I should say more comfortable. Thanks Bob, Fun but slow. Hi Alistair, Follow Chucks directions and you'll not have a problem. Thanks Sjors. Thanks everyone for all your likes too. I'm heading back to planking now!
  21. Hi All, When starting the planking I wondered about the waste, or maybe better put, the amount of wood needed to plank the hull in this manner. I started with a 2" x 18" piece of wood and I was able to cut all the spilied planks for both sides and still had wood left over. I was very pleased with this. Now onto my impression of this style of planking a hull. In the words of my sweet granddaughter .......OMG........ though time consuming it was soooooo much easier to lay the planks. No twisting and bending and forcing them into place. Here are pictures of both side rough sanded. Once the entire hull has been planked I will progressively sand it down to 400 grit and then seal with wipe on poly. On to the second belts!
  22. Hi Bob, Great work on the bowsprit and all the pieces. Keep after sculpting the figurehead. I know you can do it!
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