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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. I have not used the dye ...yet.... but I have used swiss pear and for me it has similar bending characteristics as boxwood.
  2. Hi Ben, Very nice. It really looks sweet. I'm glad you've been able to find sometime to work on her again.
  3. Thanks Augie. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do. Hi Greg. The simple answer is yes and no. As the clamp is tacked temporarily in place for measurements etc I’ve not made the final adjustments to it for the deck beams. Also the hull is laying on its side which makes it look even worse. Thanks.
  4. Looks real nice Bob. A nice smooth run. Also tons of time to procrastinate I mean think about those treenails!
  5. As I was making the floor riders I looked ahead in the plans at the shell room as that comes after the floor riders. I measured up the cannon balls, went to the shot locker and I just couldn’t understand why I didn’t have any cannon balls big enough. I mean they are only 14mm (.55”). So I had a not so bright idea. I tip toed into the Admirals craft room, located her stash of jewelry making supplies and found some 14mm beads. Then with the saddest face I could make asked permission to use them. Permission was granted, hole on one end filled, paint administered and tada cannon balls!
  6. Hi Ben, Thanks for stopping by and yes it is fun to experiment. I believe the smaller ones are closer to scale so you will be seeing them again. Onward we go. The mortar deck clamps have been cut and test fit. I have also started cutting out the floor riders and will have to shape them to fit the hull. So much fun and so little time!
  7. Congratulations John on a really beautiful model. I love it!
  8. Hi Augie. Just got caught up on your build. You're making great progress and she's looking really good. Well done!
  9. Hi druxey. Thank you for letting me know the correct size! When I get there 3/4" it is!
  10. Grant and Bob thanks for your opinion on the treenails. I too like the larger one. To me it’s better on the eye. I’ll hold off for a while on making a final decision though. Here I’ve made the false keel. It calls for the top edges to be beveled and to do this I used the Byrnes table saw with my new tilting table. Once I figured out the angle it worked great. No surprise there. I then glued the false keel in place. I used a second piece clamping the ends to hold it in place. I also put a ¼” thick piece in the middle between the false keel and the second piece to put pressure there until the glue dried. Next up will be making the deck clamps and floor riders.
  11. Hi Bob, As anticipated you did an excellent job on the planking. I have done the simulated treenails before and if you like them they can add nicely to the model. Then again I have left them off and been very happy too! Lotta help huh? I’m sure whatever you do will look great.
  12. Thanks Sinan. OK the test continues. The treenails on the right are approx 1 1/4 of an inch while the ones on the left are 3/4 of an inch. The colors are different because I used scrap wood. The one on the right are closer to what the color will be.
  13. Ok I did a little experiment. I took a plank that the plans call for that is 13 scale inches wide. I pulled a treenail to a size 55 on the Byrnes draw plate and it would equate to a little over 1 scale inch. Visually it looks good to me. I might try it a little smaller. Maybe ¾ of an inch at scale.
  14. Hi Grant, Thanks for confirming my math. Now I have to try and figure out what size treenail to use. One down and one to go.
  15. Hi all. I've been looking ahead and they don't show treenails for the inboard planking and my feeble mind is trying to figure out the correct size a treenail should be at this scale. Now if 1/2 inch = 1foot then would 1/16" treenails be 1 1/2" @ scale? Then if that's correct would 1 1/2" treenails be the right size? Help!!!!!!!! and thanks
  16. Well I made it back last night and I popped on for a quick look see and man has everyone been prolific while I was gone. I'll have to take a couple of days off from work just to catch up on all the posts. I want to thank you all for stopping by and for you kind words and interest in this build. Work, yeah like it’s work , will resume tonight.
  17. Ohhhhhh having flash backs!!!!! Even nice wood like box can still bite you in the butt once in a while. My scrap box got so big I had to scrap the scrap box. Nice work and the good news is I know that, if possible, the second will be even better than the first!
  18. Thank you Rob. Well I’ve installed all of the frames. After fine tuning them so they sat correctly it was just a matter of gluing one in place, waiting for the glue to set then repeat. To strengthen the frames for when I remove the cross section from the framing jig I glued blocks between the frames at the area of the wales and then at the tops of the frames. I also thought about installing blocks between the frames at the keel but instead I drilled through the frames into the keel and glued in a dowel. Now those frames aren’t going anywhere. Next up will be a lot of sanding the frames to fair it up. I’ll start with the inboard while it’s still in the framing jig and install some of the interior framing and clamps to strengthen it even more. Well I’m off on a short vacation so I’ll be away from a computer. Hopefully the withdrawal pains won’t be too severe!
  19. Hi Terry and a hearty welcome back. Minimal explanations on the old pictures are fine. I vaguely remember what I did on a current build let alone one so long ago. Great to see you are back and I look forward to another scratch Syren.
  20. Hi Remco, I'm glad to be able to sit back and watch you work again. Very inspiring.
  21. Hi Robbyn, Having built the Confederacy I wholeheartedly agree with Augie. She’s big, challenging yet fun to work on and you don’t get better instruction than Chuck’s. Also should you get the desire the plans are great and you can scratch some of the parts but beware it can start a pull to the dark side!
  22. Hi Greg and Grant, thanks for stopping by. Starting to put frames in place!
  23. Hi John and Harvey, Thanks for your interest and kind words.
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