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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello Vince, It looks great. Very neat and tidy. Well done. Anja
  2. Yes, what they said. Welcome home Mobbsie. I hope you had a wonderful week. Talk to you later. Anja
  3. Hello Mick, The last two with the embroidery thread are looking good. It makes a huge difference with the other thread. Anja
  4. Hello Nenad, You will get there. You are making good progress. As you said, almost there. Just replace the words boring, boring, boring with learning, skills, and knowledge. Looking forward to seeing the hull closed. Anja
  5. Hello Mick, Your lifeboat is looking good. She's coming along very nicely. It's a shame the thread isn't exactly what you expected or wanted. Maybe, instead of twisting the thread double, you might try to put a thread between the planks and add another one later. Or is that a bad idea? I do hope you will be able to get your hands on some carpet thread soon. Anja
  6. Hello Nick, You've made some nice progress. Congratulations to your mother and enjoy the party. How did your testweek go? Anja
  7. Sorry Mick, I won't be home at 9.00 to serve it, so here is your requested beverage. Anja
  8. Hello Mick, That's a nice little boat you have there. Good luck with the 'tholes' tomorrow. And your double ration of grog will be served at dawn. Anja.
  9. Hello Augie, being late and everything has been said already. It looks Well done and congratulations. Enjoy the fishing. Anja
  10. Hello Mick, That's a nice little boat. I'm glad Greg and David gave you some advise on the oars. Good luck, Anja
  11. Happy birthday Jack, and many more. I hope you have a wonderful day. Anja
  12. Beautiful work Sherry. I love the lights. Have a safe trip and enjoy your stay in the cottage. See you next week. Anja
  13. Hello Robert, I agree with Druxey, it looks excellent! Anja
  14. Hello Mick, Nice start, the framing looks good. What kind of cotton or thread do you use for the caulking? Looking forward to your progress. Anja
  15. Hello Elmir, Nice job on sawing the planks. They look good. 'Experience is simply the name we give to our mistakes'. I think it was Oscar Wilde who said that. Good luck. Anja
  16. Hello Adriaan, Very nice. What did you use for the deck? Anja
  17. Good morning Wim, And many more to come. Have a wonderful day. Anja
  18. Hello Mick, I will follow this one. Good luck, happy modeling and enjoy! The Photobucket pictures work well. Anja
  19. Hello Elmir, Thank you for the explanation. Anja
  20. Hello ZyXuz, My compliments, you did a fantastic job on the rigging. She looks great. Anja
  21. Hello Nenad, Congratulations on finishing the hull planking. Enjoy the sanding. Just keep the end result in mind ..... A smooth hull. Keep up the good work. Anja
  22. Hello Augie, Here's one from me too Enjoy the fishing and the flying. Anja
  23. Hello Elmir, Hull planking is finished and looking good. I'm glad your saw works well. I have never seen this preparations for the deck planking before. But when you are done sanding, you will have a nice smooth surface for the planks. Anja
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