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Everything posted by Anja

  1. Hello Sherry, Wow, your cabine furniture is awsome. Great job! I love it. Take care, Anja
  2. Hello Mobbsie, Wonderful job! And a big cheer for you But do be careful with all those sharp tools my friend. Otherwise you force me to buy a children's toolbox for you. That way you won't hurt yourself. Take care, Anja
  3. Hello Augie, Everything has been said already, but I wholeheartedly agree with everyone. You won't be lineless, how else are going to catch any fish. Enjoy the fishing. Take care, Anja
  4. Hello ZyXuz, I must agree with Mike. It looks neat. But if you're not happy with it .... Maybe you will see it differently when you come back after your cooling down. Go and enjoy your vacation first and have fun at the party. Try to take some photos of the moon if it's possible. Take care, Anja
  5. Hello Nigel, Incredible work. I'm glad you're not going to use paint. The natural colours are just beautiful. I'm looking forward to your carvings. Take care, Anja
  6. Hello Bob, I have deleted your other topic. Anja
  7. Hello Thanasis, Welcome back with this beautiful model. I'm looking forward to the rest of the pictures. Take care, Anja
  8. Hello Kats, Yes, sometimes life requires more from us then we would like. Just take your time, we will still be here when you find the time. I'm sorry to hear that you might not be able to give the Dame her intended home. Will keep my fingers crossed for you. Take care, Anja
  9. Hello Sherry, Looking great! I also agree with the others cutting the gun ports now, and with Robbyn. Good luck, Anja
  10. Thanks for sharing Hank. I saw you were also one of the MSW builders with the ship Peacock. Anja
  11. Hello Pierre, Welcome back. I hope you had a wonderful vacation. Good decision to use a file from now one. It will take a bit longer, but you have more control. Take care, Anja
  12. Thanks again for explaining Daniel. Will try to find an answer to your question tomorrow, it is now time to go to dreamland. Have to go to work tomorrow. But I hope you will have an answer by then. Anja
  13. Hello Daniel, Thanks. Found the article. Learn something new every day. I didn't know that iron Jacob's ladders were used in hatchways. I thought these ladders were only used for climbing up. Like the picture below. But these are not made of iron. I guess you have to wait for a better answer, sorry. Anja
  14. Hello Daniel, As far as my knowledge goes, the Jacob's ladder is used to climb above the lower mast to the topmast and above. Sailors had to het around the top, a platform at the mast. On ships the only way around and up was the overhanging futtock shrouds. Modern tall ships use an easier vertical ladder from the ratlines as well. This is the Jacob's ladder. The other ladder you talk about, if I understand correctly, is called a pilot-ladder. Anja
  15. Hello Daniel, The link doesn't work. Can you post it again? Thanks. Anja
  16. Wow, I think you're right David. Just saw a mirror image of her on Google.
  17. Hello Gerry, There's not much to be found on the internet about a kit. The Traplet shop has a scale (1:24) model of Hsu Fu. This is the link: http://www.trapletshop.com/gb/p/14038/hsu-fu But I'm not really sure that that's the one you're looking for. Maybe you can contact them and ask if they have any plans. At least it is a start. Or you might have a look here http://indigenousboats.blogspot.nl/2012/03/tim-severins-bamboo-raft.html It contains a picture of the raft and a picture with the deck layout. Below is a picture of the raft Tim Severin sailed in accross the Pacific. Maybe the same picture you found. It is, to say the least, a big difference from the scale model. But if Tim Severin's raft is the one you are looking for, you can send him a message. He build it, so he must have plans. On his website you will find a contact form which you can fill out: http://www.timseverin.net/contact.html Good luck with the search. I hope you will find what you are looking for. Regards, Anja
  18. Hello Constitution, Welcome aboard and thank you for joining us. There are a lot people here who are willing to help and advise. It would be great to see a buildlog of your Bamboo raft Hsu Fu. Constitution is probably not your real name, how may we addres you? Anja PS - I have edited your topic title.
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