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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thanks John, And that after 2 shrouds…what will you say when i have them all 50?
  2. When i read your journey ,sometimes I think thats a brochure from a travel company…... I only missing the stewardess….
  3. Wow Ferit. You are making a piece of art from it! Really great work!
  4. That looks very nice Andy, I have to remember myself that i have to go to this build log and not that touristic part of yours Fine job! Keep on going and let those pictures come!
  5. Sure she is Wayne, Maybe we have to move to a castle……. When I'm at the top of the mast, I can trow my seat away. I have to do it standing up!
  6. A few pictures to keep everyone satisfied The first 2 deadeyes on the main mast are in place….. A few more to do. You can go further…...
  7. Who is that guy Robbyn. Tell me and I give him an warning…..
  8. Hi Jim, I was surprised that Adeline ( Padeen ) ask me if she can join the fan club….. You are the second one who's starting the day with a smile because of something I said. So be my guest and join my fan club And I can post pictures, no problem at all, but that has nothing to do with building……. Then i get a warning from one of those Moderator things, and one of those I live together with……. So i have to be careful…….there is already a sign in the house that is saying….WARNING POINTS! I don't know what she is meaning by that. Do you know that?
  9. Hi my friend , I have take a look at the drawings of the SI and they have only ratlines at the lower mast and middle mast, above that there are only shrouds…... To late with your advice….I have to see how I get the holes in it now. The coronation was just great. Hi Danny, I'm not in panic….( yet ) Still have to do all the shrouds at the lower mast. So take your time to take a look for me. Thanks in advance ( learn a new word ? I think I write an E-Mail to Corel to ask if the guy that makes the drawings are drinking at that time…...
  10. I found something out again….. I hate those drawings from Corel. The next thing happened…. I was looking at the drawing and see the shrouds going on the lower part of the main mast. Then in the middle of the main mast there is also shrouds, but no holes to put the deadeyes in. And on top of that there are also coming shrouds and yes….no place to put in the deadeyes! I have to drill holes ( I think ) into the cross beams. I hope that that is correct…... This build really gives me an headache ….. But i shall finished her!
  11. That looks really great Augie, You are doing a great job with the rigging! And thanks for the pictures
  12. He Wayne, You are awake I'll take my time and pictures coming in a few days or weeks or months! I prommissed you, this year
  13. Hi Garward……I'm not Still working on the shrouds of the main mast.
  14. Morning Garward, I know that i have to ask more questions but I think I'm a real man….. It's the as you have a new technical thing. First try everything before you read the manual. I know that I have to look forward but when you start building ,at this kit, you don't must start with page one of the drawings but page 17…... They only tells you to glue part a to part B. Why give you measurements? See what you like and put it there. You want to build this kit…... When I get back to the San Ildefonso, I know I have a lot of questions for you! So be prepared…...
  15. Hi Garward, Thank you for your reply. I'm glad that your are back and I accept your apology. Let us just leave this behind us and get back to the build. Danny showed me a picture how it should be and yes, it is a big difference with what I have done. The chains on my Mirage are soldered at the end and in there they made a tiny hole to attach the chain to the hull. When I cut the chains shorter, I see no way to attach them to the hull. I wanted to change it but I didn't know how, for me this was the only way. That's why I left it the way it is now. Thanks again for your reply. Sjors
  16. At the end of the day I'll be coming Happy Birthday David!
  17. I see I'm to late…….. Nice, nice and nice! I didn't know that 0,20 euro cents are that big! When you start your next buildlog, I will place the popcorn machine. And you can ask Wayne if he put the bar there. So Andy is also happy!
  18. Congratulations Jim! Wonderful build! Don't let me wait to long for the next ship that you build. And beside, you can do both at the same time……. Or you do just like Robbyn…..She is building a longboat and the Syren together. I hope she don't mix the parts
  19. It's a beauty Adeline! And no worries about the gnomes….when I'm finished with the Le Mirage I have also the San Ildefonso and she has also a lot of ratlines….. I'll keep those guy's buzzy!
  20. Hi Adeline, I bring my own popcorn and I see that there is a seat available next to Andy. Nice kit you've got there! And I also see that you are using the Dremel workbench as a standard for your ship Very handy tool isn't it? I will follow you further on. And by the time you are on the ratlines, you can take a look at the Mirage how it works. Or do you also want the gnomes? Question…..can you post a picture of the Fly?( not a real one but from the box) I see that you live in Rome or are you Italian? My grandmother comes from Italy, so I'm a part Italian
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