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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Welcome home Adriaan and also the best wishes for you ! And now back to ship wharf and let us see some upgrades....
  2. Hi Bob, Ben and George, For you also the best wishes for 2014 @ Bob, That's the reason that I wanted to start in a new year.... So far, so good @ Ben, It's gonna take a while and that's not bad. I have a few great examples of builders who also building the Aggy and I want to improve myself.... Do a little bit more then other builds of mine. Rigging the cannons, treenailing on the deck etc. @ George, Congrats on finishing the hull ! Pictures please !!!!! I already enjoy the building. The first 7 bulkheads are in it.... Lot of sanding the slots a little wider. But it is great material to work with ! Drawings are clear and easy to follow. And of course I take a look at the other Aggy's......
  3. Great job Jason ! 2 things..... You have on the mizzenmast no platform ? Be careful that you take enough distance between your deadeyes. The are short all ready and when you tying up the lanyards and the tension in the shroud is working, you have the opportunity that the deadeyes are "kissing' each other. I had that problem with the Le Mirage and had to change it. Best wishes my friend !
  4. Everyone thanks and A Happy New Year ! @ Sam, Thanks for the title but ratlines take a while....I think ! I'm now busy with the frames. The first 3 are done but Nr 4 is saying....why is it going smoothly ? I give you some problems So ,tomorrow a new attempt !
  5. Wow Augie, That's a great paint job ! 8 layers....I think that's paint enough ? Looks smooth to me.... You see my update so....Happy new year for you also !
  6. Happy New to you both Wayne and Augie, The first glue is on the Aggy. I placed the bow piece, keel strips and rudder post. Everything fits perfect ! As you can see at the stern, there was a piece broken when Mobbsie was checking the box. He fix it for me and when the hull is closed, you don't see a thing. If this part is the only part that's gonna be broken, I'm a happy camper And of course pictures !
  7. Thanks Grant and Pierre, @ Grant, With the upgrade that I've got from you, it gonna be a beauty ! Happy New year to you ! @ Pierre, Thanks also. Enjoy your Holliday in the south of France. Happy new year to you also !
  8. Happy New Year to you also Doris, I shall not tell you how beautiful this is. You know that your self ! I'm just watching in admiration......
  9. Morning friends, As I promised, the 1st of January and I will start the Aggy ! The tape is now from the box and I make my building board. After that I cut out all the frames....... There has to be a little work so they can fit in there slots. I want to show you how big those frames are so I placed one in front of the Half Moon from Anja. Let the voyage begin with pictures.
  10. Morning Kamil, For you also a Happy New Year !!!!!! That looks good that fix of yours. The easy fix is always difficult to find. That's why this forum is so great. You can help each other ! If you have anymore questions, you know where I'am.
  11. Hi Kamil, I have build the Corsair myself a few years ago and I see that you have the same problem as what I had. And not only me but also another builder. My solution was this.....I have placed the poop deck in place and then planking it strait to the bulwark. The gap that you see now is gone then. When you are sanding the deck, it's gonna be to short. I post a picture for you.
  12. Thanks Graig, I know there is no pressure Tomorrow i can switch again between two builds So, tomorrow it is Aggy time..... It's nice that I can switch, wood work and rigging work....YIPPIE ! Enjoy your switching of the New Year so...Happy New Year ! ( Sooner for me then for you )
  13. Thanks for the update Mark In what are a few months when you see such masterpiece? It looks great !
  14. I'm curious when build nr. 9 and 10 will be arrived on the workbench..... Very nice to see it all together Popeye. Hope in 2014 we will see some finished builds ( no rush )
  15. To bad Andy, But know that the members of MSW are with you on board of the ship when the year is changing ! Have a safe trip and we will meet you in the new year when you are at home !
  16. Thank you all @ Sherry, Thanks for looking in. For you also a Happy New Year and that the New Year goes better then the old year....... @ Robbyn, I know it's a hobby and not work I'll take my time with it and do things better and more then the other builds. When I reach build 25, it goes perfect @ Piet, Thanks,for you and Gwen also a healthy and prosperous 2014. I shall be careful when the fireworks goes of tonight. I just see on the news that it is not allowed in the USA to lightning up your own firework. As you know it is a tradition in the Netherlands to do that. @ Sam. Thanks ! Can you give me an other name then King of the ratlines ? Maybe King of the screw up and re- do things ? P.S. sorry for the off topic. Tomorrow I shall behave !
  17. Thanks for the likes.....I like it @ Grant, There is no rush with both of the ships. I take my time with it. I'm using you as a example @ Augie, No update this year anymore...sorry 31 hours to go to 2014 @ Lawrence, I can not make the time goes faster. The mizzen mast took me almost 4 weeks so the main mast is taking a little bit longer. But no rush ! By the end of 2014 the SI is also finished ( I hope ) @ Popeye, You are right. Doing something else as only the rigging is a pleasure. That's why I do two builds at the same time.
  18. Doris, I don't know what to say ! It's amazing that someone can make this...... I know it is miniature but it looks so real !!!!!! You have a fan for live Don't forget to give some water to those flowers.....
  19. The last update for 2013. The mizzen mast is finished with the shrouds, ratlines and blocks on the mast. I wish you all a good change of the year and watch out with the fireworks ! We need all our fingers and both eyes for the building !!!!!!!
  20. Mick, That you've got a new popcorn machine...ok. That you are going for fishing........ok. But I want to see some paint on your ship ! So come on, go to the wharf and get panting !
  21. Hi Doris, What everyone is telling you, counts for me also. Incredible, beautiful or just WOW !
  22. Thanks for the pictures Jason, Your deck is looking fabulous ! Really a great job ! The mast are also perfect. Now soon at the rigging.... And now a question for anybody. I have recommended Jason to use beeswax for the ropes. Jason was reading that it eats the ropes away. For me it is the first time that I hear something like that. Maybe someone can clarify it for us ? I use it all the time and I have no problems with it. But then, it is not standing for years yet.
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