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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Ray, Yellow Ochre would be absolutely right, and the contrast would look great. The Topmasts and Topgallents should be stained, if it helps I use Nut Brown fence stain. It gives the colour I want and I feel it's better than a lot of purpose stains. Your Diana is credit to you mate, she looks superb. Hope that helps. Be Good Mobbsie
  2. Hi Ray, Yellow Ochre would be absolutely right, and the contrast would look great. The Topmasts and Topgallents should be stained, if it helps I use Nut Brown fence stain. It gives the colour I want and I feel it's better than a lot purpose stains. Your Diana is credit to mate, she looks superb. Hope that help. Be Good Mobbsie
  3. Some great woodwork going on here Augie. She looks great. Once again you have raised the bar to new heights, well done sir. Good luck with your seasons outdoor activities, just don't go out in the mating season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be Good mobbsie
  4. Hi Patrick Sorry to hear of your health issues mate, unfortunately many ailments have a tendency to creep up on us and before you know where you are there is a fistful of problems. You know what it is you have to do and I wish you every success at it, just be careful when you do go back to work. The framing is coming on really nicely and I'm sure will go a long way to reduce your stress levels. Take Care mobbsie
  5. Hi Matti, Been a while since I last checked in mate and boy, it's unbelievable, you could almost be looking at a real ship on a slipway. She's looking absolutely superb mate, very well done. Note to me," check in more often" Be Good mobbsie
  6. Thank you Gentlemen for you very kind remarks and comments, also to all who hit the like button. It's good to get back in the saddle so to speak. Frank, if anybody even dares to suggest another refurb I'll scream, it really greaves me to think of the skills that have been lost, the reason to bring so-called tradesmen in was mainly because of my physical inability to do the job, I forget how many times the Admiral said that I could have done a better job,even if it killed me, is there a cryptic message here, not sure. Mike, I really don't have any plans to put sails on her at the moment, I know there is a mixed bag of thoughts / feelings on this issue but I'm afraid it's not for me at this time. My skills are not up to that standard yet and full kudos to all those who are able to. I envy you. I did have a second little project going which was to put a workroom up in the loft, this has now been done but there is still a lot of tweaking to do, worktops, electrics and lighting have all been sorted, toys are all up there and have been used and I still have a space issue, improvements will be on going as and when I think of them. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Sjors, Well done so far mate, tell me, when the transom is properly fitted that that gap with the galleries dissapears? I would continue with the galleries, glaze the walls and glue them on. You will have use a little filler to smooth out the transition from gallery to hull. When you have done that do the second planking and then paint. Hope that helps mate. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Morning / Evening Grant Pictures 1 & 2 show your Pinnace to be almost transparent mate, that really is one very fragile little craft. It's a wonder anything so delicate can be built when the hands are like shovel blades and fingers like drum sticks, one of life's little wonders I suppose. :D Any damage sustained getting it out of the jig really cant be seen so that's a good fix, I have never seen that filler over here but I use a general household filler, it's flexible, doesn't crack and sands down really fine, it comes ready mixed so no mess and is water soluble, it's like everything else, we all have the mediums we like to work with. Keep it up mate, were all in for a real treat watching these little craft being fitted out. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Guys, Sorry for the long delay but affairs of state have taken precedent over the build ( Admiral said so ), but I'm back into the swing of it again and have just a small update to offer. I am currently tying off the Mizzen, Main and Fore Mast Top Shrouds, I have put the lanyards onto the Mizzen deadeyes but not as yet tied them off, the main topmast shrouds are held by their jigs and will be tied off tomorrow also the Fore Topmast shrouds will be given the treatment. Following that will come the Futtock Staves, Ratlines, Shroud Cleats then the Topgallant Shrouds, so still a ways to go. Anyway a few pics to show where I'm at. Fore topmast shrouds waiting for deadeyes Topgallant Shrouds waiting to be fitted So there we have it, not much since my last post, I will be picking up the pace fairly soon. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi Guys, Kitchens all done so it's back to the Aggie, hopefully an update soon. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Morning Sjors, I have a worry mate, can you check parts 249 and 250 against the transom before you cut or remove any parts of the Bulwark pattern. The problem I had was that the transom was too low and I had to raise it by 5mm, this was fairly easy to do, but I would advise you to add fillers rather than remove wood. Please tell me my concerns have no foundation. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Hi Sjors, Good fix mate but I think you need to look at the 2nd window from the left. I hope I'm wrong and it's just camera angle. Gun ports look great mate, well done. Be Good mobbsie Sent from my iphone
  13. Hi Popeye, I'm sure that with the waste you have left over from planking you can build something with it, just a bit smaller that's all. Fantastic planking mate, well done. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Hi Sjors, Gun Ports look great mate, well done. Only another 26 to for the lower ports, for you that's a stroll in the park my friend. Your making good progress mate. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Grant, The Pinnace is coming on a real treat mate. With you using different colour woods I take it you wont be painting it, if you are going to apply a stain will the filler have an effect on the overall colour, some fillers soak up like a sponge and are a darker shade when dry, just wondering. Your little boats are going to be a superb addition to what is already a fantastic ship mate. Watching on with fascination and wonder. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Hi Augie, Been a while since I last looked in mate and your making some fantastic progress. I love what your doing with the hull sheaves. Make hay while the sun shines mate, the summer is getting shorter and the winters getting longer, make the most of it while you can. I promise not to stay away so long in future. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Jeez Popeye, another one on the go, to my reckoning that makes 8, that's gotta be some kind of a record aint it, unless you haven't started the Boulogne yet in which case it's 7. I wonder where you find the time to go to work I hope it all works for you this time mate, deck looks great. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Don't ya just love those fiddly bits, coming on a treat mate, looking real good. Be Good mobbsie
  19. This is a good tutorial for me mate, I'm enjoying it immensely. Looks to me though as you don't need that much practice on the scroll saw, it all looks ship shape to me. Really looking forward to the next instalment. Be Good mobbsie
  20. 3 down 61 to go, bet you go nuts before your finished. Nice round houses mate and those door hinges look great. She coming along nicely my friend. Keep those updates and pictures coming. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Very nicely done Hans, I love the picture from your meeting, she looks absolutely splendid. Well done mate, keep up this terrific work. Be Good Mobbsie
  22. Grant, all these plaudits are well founded, be proud mate you've earned it. Be Good mobbsie
  23. What an absolute peach, she's looking superb mate. Great photos and good background colour mate, very well done. Nice job on the sheaves, unfortunately the kits do drop this detail which is a great shame because it's such an important detail. As far as the Tackle Falls go I really cant see where you could put them other than where you have already placed them. As a suggestion, you could make up a pulley system on the upper companionway where the falls could be pulled along the walkway horizontally, attached by a hook for easy removal. That would not be accurate to the ship but it may be a thought, but do really want to go down that avenue, personally I wouldn't. Good luck with the boats mate but I somehow don't think your going to need it. Looking forward to more pics buddy. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Hi Hans I've forgotten what it's like to go upstairs two at a time, if I tried now I'd end up injuring myself, I'd certainly drop a couple of things on the way. Cant help you with the ratline issue mate but no doubt it will be the right decision for you, but that's a ways off as yet if you plan on doing more rigging. Whatever you decide to do, enjoy it. Be Good mobbsie
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