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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. I know what you mean mate, they tend to get a bit wider at some point, tends to make life a bit more awkward. She's a beautiful ship though. Be Good mobbsie
  2. That's the trouble with Balsa Popeye, you need to be so careful with it. Great job mate. Be Good mobbsie
  3. You must be looking forward to working on something in miniature Grant.
  4. Those masts look great Matti, fantastic colour and those outside pics show her off to a tee. Your thought process and skill are a great combination mate, well done. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi Guys, Thanks very much for your comments and remarks on the build and for the congrats for our anniversary, also those who hit the like button, it's very much appreciated. You have no idea what trouble you got me into regarding Sjors age, he really is very sensitive about it, but I suppose when you get to that age you are Popeye, if I turn Sjors over you can count his rings mate, I aint going there. :D Sherry, 29 x 36 = 1044, you could be right. Grant, I have some old dresses he could use, from my younger days you understand, I enjoyed a bit of drag. John, Hardknot Pass is most definitely on the agenda, I travel that road every time I go up there, it's almost a tradition now, I may have a look at Hardknot fort this time round, trouble is there's hardly any parking. For those of you who don't Hardknot Pass it's a notoriously steep road over the top of a mountain range, at some points it's a 1 in 3 climb and bends like you've never seen before, at points the road just disappears and all you can see is the sky. OK to get back on topic, having said that I didn't want to fit any backstays just yet, I have to make an amendment, when fitting the Mizzen Topmast and Topgallant stays the Topgallant mast was waving around like a whip areal so I've had to steady it up, that's now done so I can now continue with the Main and Foremast stays, when they are done I will post some more pics. Thanks again ladies and gents. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Your doing a fine job and shes taking shape nicely John. She's at a high standard even this early into the build mate and I love the colour. Be Good Mobbsie Sent from my iPhone
  7. Hi Guys, Denis I have a Samsung Digimax L60 if that means anything but to be honest I get better results from my iPhone. To answer your questions mate, the work on the loft has largely been completed although there is always little bits and pieces that need doing, it's not pretty but it's functional, I have lighting, mains power, and ventilation but I still have open beams, rough concrete block walls and cobwebs, thousands of cobwebs. Anja and Sjors are definitely visiting very soon, in fact they arrive here on the 27th of this month, I'll pick them up from the port at 06:45 for a 2 week stay. First week we are going of to the Lake District and then it's back home for the second week, we will be celebrating Sjors 65th birthday and my Admirals and my 40th wedding anniversary. You better believe there will be pictures, lots of pictures, you never know I may even be in some of them, now that really is something to look forward to. As far as the Aggie is concerned I'm just getting back into the swing of this after the refurbs, I am going to post an update with this and so I'll go into what I have done since getting back into it. All the ratlines are now complete, the Mizzen, Main and Fore Mast Topgallant Shrouds are fitted and tied off, Shroud cleats are all fitted, Bowsprit Shrouds have the deadeyes tied and have been tied off and the Bowsprit Bobstays are all tied off and finally the Figurehead has been fixed on. The ratlines gave me the biggest headache, I had the ship on a very low stool and I was still working at shoulder height, arms felt like lead by the time I was finished for each day, because of this they took longer than I would have liked. Another part that I found awkward was tying off the Topgallant Shrouds to the platform deadeyes, whilst In the process of doing them I bashed the Mizzen Topgallant on one of my shelves which didn't do it a lot of good but I was able to repair the damage thankfully. So some pictures of where I'm at. First off the ratlines and topgallant shrouds Next up Figurehead, Bowsprit Shrouds and Bowsprit Bobstays So there we have it, your as up to date as I am. My next task will be the Topmast Stays and the Topgallant Stays, I still have to do the backstays but I'm leaving them as long as possible so I have more access inside, at least that's the theory. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Hi Martin, Way to go mate, it's not difficult to open a log, just follow the instructions given. Camera details, sounds as if it may be complicated but you may just as well speak an alien language, I'm afraid I'm one of these clever men who don't need to read the instructions, I know how it works, that is until it doesn't do what it says and then it's the camera's or other equipment's fault and never mine. Stick with it mate and all will come good in the end. Be Good mobbsie
  9. See what happens when you throw an artist a crust of bread, she's beginning to look good mate. You've got to drill those windows out, I cant believe they still make moldings like that, it would add so much more to the finish. Your choice mate. :D Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi Martin, I'll say it again mate, open a build log, that way we can all help if you need it, lets face it we all need a little help and encouragement from time to time, we may even be able to prevent you from making that fatal mistake. Wood can be a very forgiving medium and it's a very rare case where a mistake cannot be rectified, as the builder we may not see how but stick on the forum and you will receive a bucket load of help, but to do that you need a log. Be Good mobbsie
  11. I can only agree with all previous comments mate, it's just a great shame that the cases very often cost almost as much as the ship, I know that when the time comes for my Aggie the total price is going to be pushing £1,000, the only good thing about it is there is time between the two, gotta be done though. Pinnace is looking the part, well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  12. My scrap has come in real handy at times, sorry to say more often than not so it doesn't build up much, I have 4 tubes with spare planks and dowel and 2 small plastic food take away boxes plus the cut outs. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Hi Denis, what sort of material are those decorations made of, most are made of white metal which is very soft and don't give any trouble at all to work on. Looking good mate keep it up. :) Be Good mobbsie
  14. Your making some good progress Frank, is she single or double planked mate, the reason I ask is that I see your using scale planks. Keep it up buddy, your doing great. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Nicely done Sjors, the Main Wale looks great, I think the remaining planking will be a walk in the park for you, it's just going to be a long walk that all. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Red Lion, that's a pub aint it. mobbsie
  17. Plenty going on here Ray, really good work mate, I love those bow chasers and guns, the rigging of them is superb. Belfry and the deck fittings are coming on a treat, well done Ray. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Nicely done Augie, waterways and margin planks are nicely fitted and the colour look great. Love to see a moose on the end of a trout fly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up mate Be Good mobbsie
  19. Did you model your figurehead on a Chinese Lion Hans, it's a little reminiscent of something I've seen on a Pagoda in a Chinese restaurant. Seriously mate, it's very good well done. Be Good mobbsie
  20. There's some really good work going on here Mark. I am watching but from a distance and I like what I see mate. Keep it up. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Thank you Martin for your very kind words, much appreciated. I don't understand when you say you don't know if you'll finish your Aggie or not, yes she is a big ship, yes she is an advanced build and yes she can be difficult at times but isn't that the reason we build these ships. We all make a promise when we start a new project which is to "Do the best we can to do the best we can". We all of us make mistakes and we correct them, not one builder no matter who he/she is can say they haven't, it's just a matter of how we deal with it. You will finish your Aggie and it will be to the best of your ability, you will be pleased with the result because you would have done your best and that's all any of us can do, so go on and get stuck in and "Do the best you can to do the best you can". Be Good mobbsie
  22. Sjors, on reading eagle eye Andy's comments I had a second look mate and it does look as if the top sticks out further than the bottom. If you put a calliper on the top and bottom decks you may find the top is wider, if that's the case then they are the wrong way round. The smaller deck should be at the top with the middle section sloping out to the top of the bottom gallery. You have my full permission to give my -rse a good kick if I'm wrong. Be Good mobbsie
  23. Very nicely done Grant, the Pinnace is coming along beautifully. The other two are going to be smaller by the looks of things, jees, glad I'm not doing them. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Hey that's nicely done mate, and not too much filler at that. Now all you have to do is make sure they Port side gallery lines up with the Starboard side, good luck with that. Well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
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