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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi Carlmb, Thanks for looking in Carl and the good word, I used the Proxxon Jig saw to cut the depth and a 5mm chisel for the centres and the jig saw for the cross beams, all the angle cuts for the supports were made on the Proxxon circular saw. Hope that answers your question mate. Augie, Cheers mate, I will have to get some finer belts for it, the one that's on there is a bit savage, far to rough for fine work, but all in good time. Don't know if I will use the disc sander as I have the Proxxon one but it will be a good standby. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Hi Guys, Just a quick update to let you know how things are with the Aggy. I haven't been totally idol but the progress on the ship has slowed slightly, the rigging continues and has seen all the breast ropes and backstays completed on the Foremast, all 4 anchors are made up and ready to be fitted when the time is right and I have made a new stand for the ship. Oh ya, I also got some new toys, a swivel vice and a Clarkes Belt and Disc Sander. All that remains for me to do now is, fit the Main Mast Breast Ropes and Back Stays, all the Braces and Sheets, some Cluelines and all the Tacks. Fit the anchors ( already made ) and the ships boats ( already made ). I have the glass for the case so that needs to be assembled, once that's done I can take the inside measurements and get the base made up. So I would say in all about 2 - 3 weeks work left. Cleaning the ship will take some time before she goes under glass so I will have plenty of band aids and glue on hand for that task OK enough said, time for some pics, rigging pics will follow soon. My new belt and disc sander Vacuum base swivel vice The start of the new stand, all pieces are pegged with no glue used at all Here's the finished base with a coat of Rosewood stain I do hope guys that that will suffice as a quick update. There will be more to follow soon. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Sjors, nice looking sails mate. Just one thing my friend, shouldn't the sails be in front of the footropes and stirrups, hope I'm wrong. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Nice one Matti, LED's always make the build that bit extra special. She looks great mate. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Coming together real nice Denis, well done mate. It strikes me that the only person not to have a boat is Popeye himself, your imagination could really run riot there mate. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Peter, Lovely work on the sails mate, I don't have any sails on my Aggie and it's too late but you make want to put them on my next build. Thanks for showing your method. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Frank, that's a bugger, but I have no doubt the repair will come out perfect and to your usual high standard. Just remember to be more careful next time mate, :P Be Good mobbsie
  8. Hey Augie, breaks over mate, BACK TO WORK. Welcome home mate. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Wow, she's coming on a real treat mate, you've made some good progress there. Love that last shot. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi John, I can only reiterate what every body else has already said mate, superb. Have a great break and come back fully refreshed and ready to go, Regards to the Admiral Be Good mobbsie
  11. Lovely work there mate, and plenty of it as well, when that last mast foot is done you can look at them with bucket loads of pride. The day looms ever closer. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Found her, languishing back on page 13. Can I have that apple now please. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Bet your glad you bought the Caldercraft kits now aint you. :D Really smart little boats mate, paint job looks top rate and a nice touch with the duck boards. The finishing line looms ever closer, enjoy what's left mate. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Hi Kevin, She looking really smart mate, very well done. That is one simple jig, but it's really effective, have to stick that in the old memory banks, thanks. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Wayne, Good progress mate, she has some lovely lines on her. Just one thing mate, I know Jesus walked on water but ships don't float very well without planks, I'm sure the crew would appreciate some. Be Good My Friend mobbsie
  16. Wow Keith, now I understand "the mad chemist" I think I like what you wrote, not to sure if your trying to tell me something or if you just flew of the planet. I'm certainly not offended mate, just not to sure if I can use it though. Be Good mobbsie
  17. The framing is coming along nicely John, will you be planking the entire hull or will you leave a section open. It seems an awful shame to completely cover your superb workmanship. Looking forward to more updates mate. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Hi Matti, She evolving mate and looking great as usual. Just take your time with the ratlines, use the correct knot and don't over tighten the thread, you don't want to distort the shrouds. Looking forward to more updates mate. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Hi Boris279, Thanks for the information mate but my own experience of Silicon is purely domestic i.e. around the house, bathroom mainly and some in the kitchen, that needs replacing after a relatively short time, so I don't really have much confidence with the Silicon. I know there are different grades of the stuff and a multitude of uses but I think most people will go by their experiences with a certain product no matter what that product is. It's not that I don't want to try anything new, I have to in this case, it's just that the glass is so expensive that I don't want to try something I'm not entirely convinced with. I think I will be going down the road of this Nano470. I have no experience of it so therefore I have to believe in it, this to my mind has to be better than going with a product I have some issues with. I hope to god I'm not wrong. Thanks again mate. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Guys, Boris279 :- Thanks for looking in mate and the link, the size of this case dictates a stronger bonding agent and I don't think I would get that from Silicon if you can imagine a case 4ft 6in x 3ft 4in x 1ft 10in of 4mm toughened glass, I will not be putting a wooden frame around so I think you will understand my reluctance to use Silicon. Thanks again for the suggestion, it really is appreciated mate. Thanks for the good words. Cog :- I think I may have led you up the garden path a little, I actually use diamond files on the spars followed up with a P400 wet and dry paper. With all my previous efforts being major failures I find that what I use now is a winning combination. I have used two different methods on this build, the first being to use planks for the angles and work on those, this system for me still comes out chunky so I shant be using that system anymore. Sorry for the confusion mate. Adrieke :- Great to hear from you mate, you have been missed by a lot of guys and it's great to have you back. Are you back in the shipyard yet, if you are then it's time we got an update mate, no pressure though. Your absolutely right, the lads really are pulling out the stops and producing some really great stuff, the bar is being raised constantly and it's great though a little daunting. Frank :- Yep it really is one big case, I haven't weighed any of it yet but when it's all together I think it going to be around 20 - 25 kilo's. Thanks for the good words my friend. Dragzz:- I'll do my best mate, thanks for the good words, very much appreciated. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Frank, I love those lines mate, she will clean up beautifully and you may even get away with a single planking. All the plaudits are well deserved mate, you've earned them. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Have a wonderful vacation Augie, and remember, anything your not sure of mate let the admiral try it out first. Come back keen and refreshed. Be Safe and Be Good mobbsie
  23. Excellent work on the davits mate, really looking forward to seeing them finished, they'll compliment your cutters wonderfully. The paint job on that cutter has come out great, I don't know as I would have the patience for 6 coats though. I'm enjoying the ride mate, thanks. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Hi Sjors, Lovely job on the stand mate finished of beautifully by the name plate, well done. Coppering looks good, don't leave the filling in to long or else your going to get fed up with cutting plates. With regard to your new Avatar, the pictures fine mate, it's just a shame about the face. :D Talk later. Be Good mobbsie
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