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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Hi John, I have a 60' length of Privat here mate, I can send you some if you like. Just need to go out with the pruning shears. Have fun mate. Be Good mobbsie
  2. Nicely done Denis, the chute adds a completely different perspective to the hull mate. Continuing to watch with interest mate. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Nicely done John, that looks one fragile piece to work on mate, good job you pinned it. Steady as she goes. Will you have a contrast in wood colours when you get to the deck planking John. I think that would look really neat. Looking forward to your next update mate. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Hi Guys John, Your a busy person mate, my little bit of progress is easily missed, thanks for the good word mate, appreciated. Sjors, Thank you, your doing alright mate, you have nothing to learn from me. Wombat, Welcome to MSW mate and thanks for looking in on my log, I'm a little beyond the centre plank stage now but if you don't mind I'll save that remark for my next build. Now I have a question to ask you guys, I received the glass for my display case this morning and it is big, 4'6'' x 3'4'' x 1'10'', my question is :- Has anyone ever tried Nano 470 IC80 Construction Adhesive, I believe its an American product but it can be purchased in the UK, I have seen the company video on it's use and it looks impressive but at £23.00 for 50 grams I want to make sure. Its a light activated bonding agent used for bonding glass to glass. Your thoughts and knowledge will be most welcome. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Thanks for the good word Wes. I wouldn't hold my breath on the CC Surprise front, I have been in touch with Caldercraft must be 3 years now, making enquiries about her, to be honest I'm fed up with waiting. Another reason for waiting is that when she first comes out there are going to be all kinds of glitches and problems, I'm going to wait awhile after she's out. Don't rush your Connie mate, she's worth taking the time over and to continue doing her the justice she deserves. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Ray, She looking real good Ray, good work on the Ratlines, not the nicest part of a build, good idea to brake it up. I use a very similar system as you for the Catherpins, I use 0.5mm wire served with a loop formed at the ends, the Catherpins are then fed onto the futtock stave through the shrouds. Thanks for showing mate. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Very nice Adam, but by heck that deck is dark. Is that as per instructions or your own colour scheme. Be Good mobbsie
  8. How on earth did this log pass me by, mind if I pull up a chair and follow along Jason. Your making good progress mate and I'm sure the bow will come together nicely, if anybody can do it you can. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Absolutely superb work Matti, you are doing her really proud. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Morning Gents, I'm having a nightmare of a time rigging the Fore Yard Trusses so I'm taking some time out, thought I'd use the time to write this reply. Timmo :- Thank you for your very kind comment and your always welcome, it's never to late. Augie :- Fortunately I have time on my side so that's not an issue, my main issues are remembering each process as they come up, I have to sit back and try to remember how I did something before, with not having my previous builds on hand to jog my memory that can take a fair bit of time. This is down to an age thing and is a bl--dy nuisance. Still as long as it all comes together in the end it doesn't matter. Frank :- I love your work bud, you have a vision and skill that's above excellent. I cant work in a muddle mate, I almost have a phobia about keeping my work space clean, that's been throughout my working life, if that's an English thing well so be it, it can be a pain in the backside at times because I can spend as much time cleaning up as I can building, now dusting and cleaning down the workroom is another thing, I hate doing that so tend to leave it. Grant :- Time flies my friend, Chris and I did enjoy your visit and we still chat about it. I'm glad you enjoyed your stay and our company. I just hope I'm doing those blocks justice mate, to me their special. Nils :- Thanks mate. Wayne :- You flatter me mate, I love it, keep it up. Jason :- I do agree with you, the journey is as important as the end result, my problem is putting things down in a way people can understand. Popeye :- Getting it right is more luck than judgement mate, the old memory aint quite what it used to be Keith :- Aggyathon, never come across that before but your right, it's been 20 months so far and still counting, for me that's a long time. Yard work can be repetitive but all builds have something the builder doesn't enjoy. I personally enjoy doing the yards. They can be time consuming and the symmetry is important, the old eyes arnt so good and I'm beginning to lose depth perception, I keep wafting the tweezers around trying to pick up black threads , I also have a cataract forming on my left eye but that' doesn't have any adverse effect yet, I'm slowly falling apart. The blocks do indeed come from the southern hemisphere, Grant kindly made a full set for the Aggy for me and Sjors, look good don't they. Sjors :- If you read this well done on reaching Adrian, a lot of guys were getting worried. Thanks again gents for your very kind comments and remarks and also for all the likes, they are really appreciated. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Denis There's a lot of good accurate there mate and you ain't hanging around either. This is not really my kind of boat but she's an interesting build and it's gonna be fun to see her through. You never know you may convert me.
  12. Morning Guys, An update on progress so far, all four remaining yards are now complete and waiting to be fitted to the foremast and bowsprit, that will started this afternoon. I have a series of pics showing various stages and the finished yards, I just hope I don't bore you guys with them, all you guys can run rings around me so I'm not trying to teach anybody to suck eggs. These yards have been turned on my lathe but there is still work to be done trimming up. The Octagonal is being worked on using a fine tooth file. Completed Octagon Starting to dress the yard, here I'm using black paper to form some strapping Stirrups and cleats fitted Stunsail brackets and more cleats fitted prior to painting Painted and waiting for the blocks, also the main sling is also ready. Guess who made these blocks I use my hands free to hold the yards, but the jaws are too strong so I clamp using the top of the clamp The finished yards with all the blocks attached Once these yards are attached the end is in sight, so its a matter of weeks all of a sudden, a display case still needs to be made and I want to pay some attention to a different stand, not yet designed but I have a few ideas. That's it guys. Any and all remarks and comments are more than welcome. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Greetings, Happy Birthday mate. I hope the day meets all your expectations. Be Good mobbsie
  14. You've certainly hit the ground running Popeye. Ahhh the smell of a hot saw blade, the crunch of wood chippings under your feet and sawdust up your nose and in your eyes, these are experiences of the lone modeller as he toils away in his workshop, the gentle curses when he realises that the work he's just spent the last 2 hours on wont work, the reaching for the first aid box as he tries to stem the flow of blood from a cut artery. These are the experiences none modellers will never have, it does beg the question, why on gods earth do we do it, the answer, because we love it. Popeye the love of your hobby shines through and long may it last, superb work mate. Be Good mobbsie mobbsie
  15. Wow Augie, that deck looks superb, such a shame it's going to be partially covered. It will however compliment the reining decks and deck furniture, you have set the bar higher yet again, I just wish you would have a thought for us mere mortals.
  16. Dazzling's the word, I've just had to turn the brightness down on my laptop Looking good Sjors, well done, now for the other side. Be Good mobbsie
  17. Thanks Guys for your very kind comments and remarks, also for the likes. Frank, to answer your question mate, I mark the centre section and reduce the yards to their thickness outside of these marks, I then just place the yard in a vice and file/sand one side flat, I then turn through 90 degrees and repeat until all four sides are done, I then repeat the process on the quarter turn then turn that through 90 degrees, no measurements, it's all done by eye. Simpler the better for me I'm afraid. Augie, Good job we have to put rope coils around the belaying points, covers a multitude of sins, and your right about the language, they didn't teach me that in school. Grant, I cant promise anything mate, I think I must be the clumsiest guy on the forum. Sjors, Yes I'm still modelling all be it very slowly, it's alright for you young whipper snappers to race ahead but us senior citizens need time Mark, A good idea mate, but from now on if it cant be tied off it don't get fitted, if I have bits of white paper hanging I know for sure I'm gonna bounced by some cotton cannon balls, no names you understand. :D Nils, You flatter me mate, but please don't look too closely OK, it's now time to get back into the loft and start turning out the Fore and Sprit yards. Thanks again and be good. mobbsie
  18. Hi Guys, Just a quick update to let you know that I haven't fallen of the planet. Rigging continues, all the main yards are made painted and fitted, the rigging is now completed on the main as far as I want to go at least at this moment in time. I thought I would be clever and just put pegs on the ropes before tying off, so with all the yards rigged and a multitude of pegs hanging came the first headache. I ended up almost making lace, the pegs got spun around each other and so the lace making had begun, the second headache was once all the lines were untangled where the hell do they go, they are all now tied of and trimmed so lessen learned, tie of as you go and avoid a whole lot of headache pills. It still isn't getting any easier tying around the belaying pins, even with the approved tools and a few homemade efforts. Next job is to make the fore and sprit yards, this will be done over the next day or so. I have a few pics to show and as usual please give your honest thoughts and opinions, all are welcome. These are the main yards prior to painting Lace making As I have said all these lines are now fixed and trimmed but no pics yet. Be Good mobbsie
  19. Looking good mate, do I see a second gore line or is it just my imagination. You got yourself some nice fiddly bits to do now, have fun. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi George, Nicely done mate, those Ratlines look really good, and a lot of work to boot. It's always nice to see good progress from fellow Aggy builders. Keep it up mate. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Hi Ray, Nice bit of serving mate, I find it quite therapeutic. Also if you have any stretch in the thread your serving take it to the limit then serve, when the tension is released the served thread will tighten the serving, if that makes sense. When I make an eye with a served rope I use a hands free with a wire in one set of jaws, loop the rope around the wire and lock with the other set of jaws then seize the loop, not as good as splicing but I cant do that. Enjoying your progress mate. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Its been a while since I last looked in Kevin, and your making really good progress. It'll be interesting to see the finish you put on those buckets, at that scale it's not easy. Be Good mobbsie
  23. Nicely done mate, those frames have fitted in really well. Doesn't look as though you have much prep to do before you paint but as Mark has already said, it would be a shame to cover that work with paint. If you are going to paint them then I agree again with Mark, a nice powder or surece pink would look lovely
  24. WOW, that deck looks absolutely fabulous Augie, and those joints are superb. Here's to the next year mate, and enjoy your vacation.
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