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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. What Grant said mate, good to have you back. Now, stop reading this and get back to work. Be Good mobbsie
  2. She looking real nice in her new dress mate, all that's left now is the bonnet on the Bow and a bit of rigging. Well done and keep it up. Be Good mobbsie
  3. It's all been said Mark, all I can do mate is reiterate the above sentiments. Stop beating yourself up mate there's a lot of really good work there. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Looking good mate, keep it up. Be Good mobbsie
  5. Hi Denis, I like what your doing here mate, shame about the ladder, but we live and learn. The boat and component parts are coming together nicely. Your also producing an excellent log mate, keep it up. Be Good mobbsie
  6. Hi Mike, Just dropped in for a peek and I am completely smitten, what a great looking kit. I like the sentiment of why your building it and what a superb job your doing. Your friend is one lucky guy. As you say it lends itself to the imagination wonderfully and I will give this some serious thought for my next build. Be Good mobbsie
  7. Hi Matti I'm not going to heap praise on you mate, it's all been said and it's justified to. Your eyeball didn't let you down did it, I tell you, if eyes were transferable I'd be the first in the in line. Keep it up mate your doing a superb job. Be Good mobbsie
  8. Hi Adriaan, Welcome back old mate, you've been sorely missed. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Hi Kevin, She looking absolutely great mate, well done. Good fix with the hammock netting and they are looking better. I don't agree with you about you not having the required skills to go scratch, if we don't try something out of your comfort zone then we never improve. How many times have you been disillusioned by a kit part and so have remade it, loads I bet, and I'll even bet you didn't give it a second thought. You have the skill and ability, all you need is the belief. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Hi Dragzz, She's coming together nicely mate, the planking is looking really good. Be careful though not to punch the pins in to deep or you could damage the planking when you remove them. If you can get hold of some collard pins and secure the second planking by pushing the pins below the plank so that it is held by the collar, just a suggestion mate. Hope you don't mind. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Matti, There is no substitute for the Mk1 eyeball in my opinion Matti, yes we get the magnifiers but there is always a certain distortion to them, your eye has stood you in good stead so far Matti and I see no reason why it shouldn't continue to do so. You'll know when your ratlines are right so have faith in your eyeball and knowledge. Vasa is looking superb mate. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Morning Frank, A superb repair on the bow Frank, it's bordering on perfection mate, and a good catch and fix on those stern planks, well done. That last pic from above shows just what a snub bow she has, it certainly belies the sleek lines of the hull. Nice to see an update mate, they certainly get less and less from us old codgers don't they. Be Good mobbsie
  13. Hi Dragzz, Thanks mate, not much further to go, soon have her finished. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Thanks for the good word B.E., appreciated. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Matti, Ratlines can be a problem at times, clove hitches are the way to go and with practice are very quick and you will most likely get the result your looking for. I like the look of the one's you've done so far, for a first time their bl__dy remarkable mate. I have never got it right yet, mostly tight which is how I like it ( not accurate I know ) with a droop every now and again. Maybe I'll get it right next time. Be Good mobbsie
  16. Coming together nicely Sjors, your lady will go to the ball. Be Good mobbsie
  17. She's looking real sweet Hamilton and some good progress made. Promise me that the next time we see her she wont be finished. Be Good mobbsie
  18. OK Jason, you've snuck back into the shipyard mate so where's the update then. Be Good mobbsie
  19. No worries Jack, glad to have you along. It's going to be first for all of us so it should be a big learning curve and hopefully a lot of fun. By the way, I also completed my Oseburg a while ago, thoroughly enjoyed building her. Like yourself I built her for the Admiral and she loves it. Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Jack, Just checking in Jack and I must say she is a very impressive ship, your doing a superb job on her. Nice photography as well. Be Good mobbsie
  21. There ya go Sjors, signature all changed. :piratetongueor4: I would like to give credit to Donnie from Ships of Scale for the idea for my new Aggie stand, I got the basic shape from him and just ran with it until I ended up with what I have. I have also seen another here on MSW but couldn't find it, but it was a while ago. Now, get onto Grant like you got onto me about his signature. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Grant, Everything about this build is stunning, she's a real beaut mate, you have every reason to be proud. :dancetl6: I cant afford champers mate but lets have a beer instead great set of pictures as well, they deserves another beer I will follow your link for the Rocket and I look forward to working with you on the dark side. Thinking about that, if I build the port side you can do the starboard side and I'll send mine over to you for matching up. I promise not to keep you waiting long ( honest ) Be Good mobbsie
  23. Hi Guys, Thank you gents for your very kind comments and likes, I do appreciate them. Mark, Augie and Kevin have kindly sent me links which has saved me a lot of time searching, I need to check them out but a quick glance tells me they are exactly what I need. Augie - Kevin, Thanks guys, those links are just the ticket. Kevin, I would love to build you one but your gonna have to send me your Vic so I can get a profile of her. Grant, I cant wait either, shant be long now though. Carl, I didn't like the kit display stand and I made a mistake when I failed to put the nuts into the false keel so I couldn't use pillars, I must admit though that with the weight of this beast I wouldn't have trusted them anyway, I just wanted to be a bit different. Matti, Thanks mate, you know what they say, "Seek and Yee Shall Find" you just never know what's round the corner. Wayne, Thanks for the offer mate but I think I can find a home for it, I may need to put some more worktops up though. I built a small empire at work, it feels like I'm starting one here to. Feels like I'm in "Oliver" when I ask for extra space, I quote "MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WANT MORE*******". I blame you mate, I tell her you moved thousands of miles to a new home so you could have more space, I shant tell you her response but I'm still wearing the eye patch. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Hey Sjors, you want my permission to carry on, you can have it, but only if you promise to be nice to me !!!!!!!!!!! Nice fix mate. mobbsie
  25. Hi Guys, Frank, Likewise mate, I also have a piece of glass to sit it on, I will fix the glass with double sided tape, that should hold it. Thanks for the good words my friend. Augie, I have used the belt sander and as I say it's a bit heavy, the only thing is, I'm not sure what grade belt is on there now, for replacements I only 3 choices, 60, 80 or 120. I need to investigate the current belt grade or try to find an alternative source if need be. As far as vibration is concerned your absolutely right, it's hardly noticeable. Be Good mobbsie
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