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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by mobbsie

  1. Still a ways to go mate but she's looking real good so-far. Be Good mobbsie
  2. That really does look better mate, a good re-do. Keep going. Be Good mobbsie
  3. Hi Grant, I would like to start by asking if your surgery went well and that the 3rd (Cyclops) eye is working perfectly, could be a bit difficult getting glasses or magnifiers to fit though. It amazes me the lengths modellers will go to. What you have achieved here mate is a testament to your skill and persistence, you are to be saluted Sir. Really looking forward to the fitting out of these little beauts. Thanks for the tutorial, really very informative. Be Good mobbsie
  4. Put it another way John, you made more progress than the Aussie Athletics Team. :D Be Good mobbsie
  5. You started fine mate so where did it all go wrong, once you've worked that out you wont make the same mistake again. A wise decision to remove the offenders and start over, it's a pain in the backside but if your not happy with it it's gotta be done. It's not a job that can be hurried though so just take your time. As the song says, " PICK YOURSELF UP, DUST YOURSELF OFF AND START ALL OVER AGAIN ". The spare plates are here if you need them, just let me know. :P By the way "pfffffffffffffffffffff" to you to mobbsie
  6. Hi Sjors, Looks OK to me mate, don't forget to use an old paint brush handle to rub the edges of the plates where there is a change of angle, for instance where the plates cross from the stern post to the planking and planking to the keel. That way you will get a smooth finish with no sharp edges. Something else to look out for is that these plates are so thin you sometimes get two plates stuck together, check these before you stick the plates onto the ship. Augie, Sjors is using a thick CA gel, just a couple of pin head size drops on each plate is enough. Not bad for a first timer Sjors. Be Good mobbsie
  7. I'm going to need a fireman's ladder now to get over that bar, absolutely fantastic work Remco. Be Good mobbsie
  8. I'd sack that motley crew of yours if they don't know the state of the tide mate. I don't think you can improve the lines of her Wayne unless you fare down the forward most ribs 1 through 12, but I'm sure she has the lines she should have. Nice progress mate. Be Good mobbsie
  9. Looking real good Sjors, nice paint job, and congrates on finishing the planking, that's a big job out of the way. If you use that Velcro to line the jaws of your stand don't put it where the keel fits, it will be to tight, unless you open out the slot. Planking looks nice and smooth and should take the plates but I would seal the hull first with diluted PVA so that the filler doesn't grab the glue on the plates. Onwards and Upwards mate. Be Good mobbsie
  10. Patience and determination by the bucket load, well done mate, I hope you have got it sorted now. You wouldn't think that something so small would give so much trouble. So you've used your full vocabulary of mattlock language and most likely made up a few extras, no wonder Georgina stayed clear. Stick with it mate, all will come good in the end, and forget about the UFO's. Be Good mobbsie
  11. Hi Guys I cant believe my last post was on the 26th June, jeez time flies. I have been working on rigging the Mizzen Gaff and Boom, making, fitting and rigging the Mizzen Mast. I have gone as far as I can at the moment so now am starting on the Main Mast Yards and rigging. My one gripe is the quality of my 0.75mm Natural Rope supplied with the kit, it's not just hairy but it has bits sticking out of it's entire length, applying wax does the trick for a short time then when the rope is passed through a block it's back to normal. The only thing I can do now is replace it, I'll do that whilst making the Main Yards. Before I go any further I will apologize for not posting progress pics earlier but I sort of got carried away, one moment it seems not enough to post and the next it's done. OK enough yak, here are some progress pics. The Mizzen Gaff and Boom. The Mizzen Mast Yards and Rigging The Braces are still to be rigged but that's for later. So there we have it guys, your right up to date, apologies for the quality of the pictures but in my defence I will say that I'm working with old equipment and old eyes. Be Good mobbsie
  12. Boy that is some delicate work there mate and I guess it will remain so for some time to come, at least until you are able to get some form of temporary strapping onto the ribs. If your anything like me, you get to a fiddly bit and then you sneeze, cough or your hand wont stop shaking, makes for an interesting life don't it. Watching with interest Grant. Be Good mobbsie
  13. She's looking really smart Bob, good clean lines and the stern is just superb. Well done mate. Be Good mobbsie
  14. Have a good break Jason, I'm sure the weather will behave itself, if not we have some spare heat over here you can have. Looking forward to your return mate. Be Good mobbsie
  15. Hi Grant, I applaud you resolve to get the issues right mate, a lot of hours have just been binned and I might add some very nice work, hopefully you will be able to salvage some of the frames and the keel. Ver 2.0 looks to be coming along nicely and as you say is a completely different method of building, best of luck with that mate. I'm sure all will turn out well on these two. Cant wait to see what you do for the 12ft Jolly. Nice Vice mate, I have several vices but none like your new one, mine have only got me into a lot of trouble over the years. :D Be Good mobbsie
  16. Jeez your a sympathetic lot, you all nearly brought me to tears, oh hang on, that was the Bowsprit, :D I love it. The eye's fine gents, no worries there. Popeye, I also wear reading glasses as well as distance glasses and I use an optiviser, but not on this occasion. Tried the cutting thing, all my ships carry my DNA. , to answer your question mate, it's depth perception and old age. John, I used to like you, we don't mention football in this house anymore, we build them up just to knock them down again, that should be our National Sport. Mark, Sjors, My driving might improve with only one eye on the road mate, 07:30 it is then. Augie, I bow to your greater misfortune mate, at least I went Bowsprit to eye and not eye to Main Yard. It would be interesting to know what the percentage of eye injuries are with this hobby though, I'm not asking the question. Grant, I have to wear it most of the time now but it's uncomfortable and so I remove it asap, too soon on this occasion. Be Good Guys mobbsie
  17. Nicely done Augie, could you send some of those bricks to Rome mate, most of the building are falling down over there. Keep that high quality coming mate. Be Good mobbsie
  18. Hi Popeye, Bowsprit is the some height as my eye line, I turned the ship around and the rest is history so they say, no damage to the Bowsprit but the air changed colour, funny how that happens init. :angry: Be Good mobbsie
  19. Hi Guys, Thank you all very much for your very kind comments and remarks, also to all who hit the like button, thank you. Sherry, The reason I changed the tie off on the stays was due to a conversation with Arthur (AEW), he was absolutely right about not being able to adjust or tighten the stays if they were just tied off to the eyebolt, I used blocks to attain my end result but Arthur is looking into using thimbles. The added benefit is that I get to use some superb blocks which were supplied by Grant. :) Grant, Nautical pictures will be forthcoming, research is currently underway, hopefully not in the rain, if that's possible.!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Augie, 1.5 years, is that all, seems a lot longer, when you consider that I used to build in just 3 - 4 months just shows old I'm getting. Frank, You flatter me mate, if I follow your example and that of the many excellent modellers here I can only hope to not embarrass myself, I try. Denis, Difficult to see the ship at the moment mate, just poked myself in the eye with the Bowsprit so I may change my Avatar to something similar to yours, such fun. Sjors, I challenge you to improve my photographic skills mate, you will have your work cut out, old dog and new tricks comes to mind, see you Friday mate. Thanks Again Guys Be Good mobbsie
  20. Hi Guys, It's update time again. Been fairly busy on the rigging and it's not been without it's problems, which is to be expected. Apart from the Back Stays, Breast ropes and the Jibboom Guy Pendants the standing rigging is done, I want to try and keep the Back Stays and Breast Ropes off for as long as possible to allow easier access inside for the running rigging. Following AEW's (Arthur) enquiry regarding the Mizzen and Main Topmast and Royal anchor points I decided to make a few changes, I undid the fixings and replaced them with block and tackle, I used hooks on the eyebolts with a single 3mm block with tail rope attached, the running end had a 3mm double block tied on, the tackle was tied off between the lower block and hook, it's much better, thanks Arthur. Bowsprit is fitted along with the corresponding ropes, Boomkins are also on with brackets scratch built and fitted. I'm going to get some photography lessens when you know who arrives so you'll have to put up with my efforts for now, sorry. Before the change ( Topmasts & Royal Stays ) Half way through The end result, better I think So that's it for now. Be Good mobbsie
  21. Get any smaller mate and were all going to need magnifiers to see them. It's not the withering looks that get me, it's that sharp pointy thing between the shoulder blades, don't ya just love em. Looking real good mate. Be Good mobbsie
  22. Hi Frank, That is looking real good mate, great looking hull shape but is the stern giving you any trouble, that's looks like a hell of a twist for those planks. Keep it up mate. Be Good mobbsie
  23. Hi Matti, The deadeyes look really good mate, just a quick question though, do you intend to paint or stain them or are you going to keep them that colour. To my mind they would look better stained. Keep it up Matti, she looking great. Be Good mobbsie
  24. Splendid work Popeye, good choice to scratch your ships boat and it's looking real good mate. As for the plastic boats I did exactly the same on my Badger and I was really happy with the results, these boats can be made to look good with a little imagination and my friend you have that in bucket loads. Keep it up mate. Be Good mobbsie
  25. Hi Sjors, you been a busy boy then. Plenty going on there mate, you've done well. If you like I'll send Merlin over to you, he's no good to me at the moment, I got a problem and not to sure how I'm going to get around it, like attaching a 1.3mm thread around a 5mm block, I think I'm going to have to do some rope joining. "Gentleman of Leisure" I wish, "Darling I have a just job", "Tony can you just fix this for me", "Time to pick up the Grandchildren", "Are you ready time to take the kids home", "You ready for shopping", and so it goes on. I have to keep reminding the boss that I have a ship to build but you know the old saying "Some fell on stony ground". Anyway mate, I have to go, gotta take the grandkids home. Speak to you later. Be Good mobbsie
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