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Jim Lad

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Everything posted by Jim Lad

  1. Well, I was at the museum yesterday and the Stag was sitting on the desk in front of me, but very little happened. Firstly, there was a conference on in the next gallery and every time they had a break the delegates would come over for a chat to fill in time. Secondly, I decided to do a bit of extra work on the sheet bitts as I wasn't really satisfied with them. The first thing I did with them was to break one side off while trying to drill a hole for a dowell to make them stronger (looks like that dowell was needed). Then I carefully placed the broken piece on the desk so it would be safe and it promptly disappeared - completey - without trace! How that can happen on a clean and clutter free desk I don't know, but it did. Next, I decided to try making a few blocks. I only need one treble block for the Stag, so after completing it I carefully placed it on a piece of white paper on the cutting mat so it wouldn't get lost - and it too disappeared!!!! At that stage I thought a cup of coffee was a good idea! During the rest of the day I only managed to get a few blocks made, but at least I'm progressing. John The few blocks made during the day. And a few photos showing the ridiculaous spread of the fore and aft spars. Only the bowsprit is permanently fitted at the moment, but just placing the spars in their positions gives a good idea of the size of the rig.
  2. At least we have a record of your lovely model! John
  3. Looks just like a bought one, Augie! Nice save, mate! John
  4. Michael, If you're getting reflections in a bare deck, then I'd say it was pretty smooth! John
  5. She's coming along well, Mario. Resist any temptation to rush it and you'll be fine! John
  6. "I don't recall the proper name for this part." Hmmmm. How about 'main sheet horse', Popeye! John
  7. Except in the case of late19th/early 20th century full rigged ships, Druxey! John
  8. Have you thought of the 'Shalom' as a possible future project? John
  9. Håkan, Sorry to hear that the dinghy project didn't work out, but you've learned a lot of valuable lessons from your efforts. Next time you try this sort of thing you'll be able to do much better! John
  10. Sorry, but I think your only solution is to replace the shroud. John
  11. Bob, For a launch like yours, an Admiralty pattern of about 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches length would probably be about right. John
  12. Nicely finished gun, Bob. Can I ask the purpose of the metal plate with the hole in it at the after end of the mount? As for the anchor, a small Admiralty pattern anchor with a folding stock could be tucked away in pretty much any spare corner - maybe against the side on one of the benches, or even on the bottom of the well. John
  13. Popeye, You're doing a great job of getting all your build logs up and running again! John
  14. I agree. A pleasure to read - and also a real pleasure to see your beautiful model! John
  15. Popeye, Fishermen often take a lot of pride in the condition of their boats. Look at the state of general maintenance on these lobster boats moored amongst the yachts at Perkins Cove. And I remebered this parking restriction sign - obviously put up just for you! John
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