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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Welcome home, Sherry. Sorry about the fishless experience ---- that seems to be going around this season
  2. Yup, Dirk has the perfect solution. Seriously. But don't sell brute force and superstition short
  3. And now it's ..............................OKTOBERFEST!!!!!! I have to finish this lady soon or someone will start a conversation on the Large Hadron Collider and Higgs Boson. But not today. Today is fishin' for Cut Throat trout ! I can report that the anchors are on board and the rigging of the anchor tackles is in process
  4. Nice progress. Glad you're getting more comfortable with the planking process as now you're coming up on the main hull. Slow and steady now. Garboard run looks good! You'll be able to 'finesse' that little gap on the transom as you move ahead. When you get to the transom cap rail, it can be a challenge to get the bend right. I believe Chuck used 3 pieces. I used one. Either way it's not the easiest thing to do. You need to soak the wood well, perhaps more tan once, or it may split. The trick is to find a 'good' piece of wood that will take it so don't be afraid to try different pieces if you run into a problem. Just be patient. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself. That's what it's all about
  5. She's coming together, Popeye. Great to get all the blocks and hearts set up. Nice rope coils and pin racks. When you said worst of luck happened my heart sunk. Glad it was just the camera rather than a 'deconstruction'.
  6. Hahahahahaha. You have a deal JP. When we hear about the paint, I'll spill the beans.
  7. I had the '56 Chevy, John. Cream over Adobe Bronze (just don't ask what I had for dinner) Chuck P. used some kind of suntan lotion that worked well for him. But I forget the brand and it was lost in MSW 1. Others will probably suggest other aging methods. I'm leaving mine alone and it is darkening. Should be perfect by the time I keel over.
  8. Looks like you're off to a great start John. Get your sunglasses....she's gonna dazzle like a new '57 Buick Roadmaster when you're done. But it darkens with time (years!).
  9. You guys are a BIG help. Putting on an addition, building under the 'Big Top', going blind working on a 1:150,000 model. Ben has the best solution......just the wrong ship
  10. Thanks for the photos. Never got to Genoa......but I like the salami ! Hey those anchors look about like mine
  11. I'm in luck Popeye. Turns out Syren will fit in a (very) slightly smaller case then the one I have available. And the smaller case will (barely) fit in the best display spot in the house. And the Base Commander likes that. So.......... a new case has been ordered and it won't be here for 2 weeks! This provides more time for foot dragging . It also allows for re-visiting the choice for the next model, based on the space left in the house. It would now appear that there is no room left for another fully rigged ship. What a dilemma !!!!!! So now I must consider what's available in a scale I like, in a ship I like. It's complicated. Decisions, decisions........ Oh yeah.......back to the anchors......
  12. Hey Sjors......stop complaining. 38C over here today. And please refrain from using the 'work' word. Brings back horrible memories
  13. Oh, yeah. There's the popcorn thing. Forget I mentioned it. It's just frightening to think of a Commodore living in a tent.
  14. Popeye hit it on the head and has coined a new phrase ---- MODELING GIGOLO. Problem is, we have many female shipwrights. Are they gigola or gigoletts. I'll go with gigoletts as I heard that word once in 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' (bet you don't remember THAT one). OK, gotta go sleep off a tough day of fishin'. Then it's back to heavy metal (anchor install).
  15. NEVER! Fine ship and aircraft models are like relationships. It's best to concentrate on one...... at a time.
  16. Well done Commodore! Cannons look very nice and the boat is off to a good start!
  17. I'll go along with this. He has that 'certain something'. The there's the rest of us.......
  18. Welcome aboard, Richard. I think you'll find Syren to be a rewarding build. I've always used the #11 blade to cut parts from sheets ---- even well before laser cutting. With laser cutting, generally 2 or 3 small spots are left uncut to hold the part in the sheet. Normally, it is only necessary to cut through these small spots to release the piece. In fact I've seen many kits where the laser cutting is too aggressive and the parts all fall out when you lift the sheet. It is possible that you have an unusual few sheets of inadequately cut parts. If you hold your sheet up to the light, you should basically be able to see daylight all around the part except for the small uncut spots. Flip a sheet over and see if you can clearly see the outline of the piece on the 'underside'. If not, the laser was set wrong. Hopefully you can make something out and what usually works is to start cutting from the underside along the outline rather than try to force a thick blade through from the 'top'. It's only my speculation but I'm betting it's not you that's the problem......it was the laser depth setting. Best of luck. ME should be good for any parts you need.
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