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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Wow ---- everyone is on my case I think for Confed we'll have a theater-in-the-round so everyone has a front seat
  2. Looks logical. Having never worked with ebony, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  3. MODEL EXPO CASE As a few folks have asked about the cases supplied by ME, I'll provide a few impressions and photos as I go through the build. The case I'm using is their model GM7W. It is a tight fit for Syren but just makes it into the display cabinet I have available. I was concerned about the inside dimensions but they checked out exactly as advertised so I'm home free. The case comes shipped in an honest to goodness crate and weighed in at just over 17 pounds: That's a standard yardstick on top --- the case has an id of 33" and an od of 36" The wood is red oak. It's fairly well sanded but will need some final sanding before staining. Here's what's in the box: They provide 5 uprights so you have one extra. Everything is slotted for 1/8" glass (not included). The hardware package looks adequate. Going to be a few days before I get to sanding everything smooth and I need to carry out some trial staining/finishing and see what's available locally out here as far as glass is concerned. I'll post an update when I have some progress.
  4. Grant- don't make me laugh too hard GOOD NEWS- ME had a terrific sale on Confederacy so she's ordered. Sorry John, not $1.29 but a darned good deal anyway!!!!!!!! That should keep me busy for the next 2.5 years
  5. Thanks again folks. Plan to be back in the shipyard in a few days. My case is HERE so it's time to get to work. I'll be posting a few photos here for those who were curious about the cases supplied by ME.
  6. Just catching up Alex. What I'm seeing is some beautiful work. The time you put in below that deck really paid off. Yes, it's hard to 'see' but you know it's there, I know it's there and so does everyone else on board here. Decking looks great to me! Just superb.
  7. Hello everyone. Had an unexpected hospital stay the last few days. Nothing serious. I'll be catching up over the next day or 3. STAY WELL!
  8. Thanks for the tip. But the waters we fish are fly/lure only....so we can't throw 'em a ham sandwich WELCOME HOME. Was thinking about you two. Hope all went well and my wishes for many, many happy years together.
  9. Looking nice Randy. Sjors wants them higher........just remember that he lives in the 'low countries'
  10. Very nifty. A boat-in-a-box ! Isn't today the ship-in-a-bottle class at the library? Good luck ---- wish I were there.
  11. First rate all the way. Tumbler seems to be doing it's job (gotta make me one of those). Can't wait to see the 3/32
  12. Following your Supply is one of my greatest pleasure, Frank. Glad you're back at her. Too bad your anchors look so old and beat up
  13. Congrats on the completion of your gorgeous Syren. You certainly must have established the speed record for this project ! WELL DONE ! Any thoughts on your next project?
  14. Thanks for the homecoming! I miss seeing what's going on around here. The targeted species was rainbow trout and, although we saw plenty, they seemed to be more interested in watching our version of the 'Fly Fishing Comedy Show' then in coming home with us and hanging on the wall. It will now take a week to recover from treating these old bones like they were 35 again. Just checked with ME and my case is in-transit so we should get back to work soon. No Sjors, don't wish 1,000 pages on anyone!!!!!! Looking forward to Popeye movin' on up
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