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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Holy smokes, that's a lot of stern! Windows look great. 'Cap'n, I'm a shipwright not a photographer'. Chill out
  2. I just knew changing tables would present problems. Being too close to Sjors can be a dangerous proposition. Ah, the mantel of responsibility that comes with rank. It's back to the shop tomorrow AM. What good is a Commodore without a ship
  3. Thanks shipmates, now there are 2 at the 'windbag table'. And Grant perceptively picked up on why I've been quiet lately . I urge Popeye to proceed post haste (pun intended) to join the party
  4. That's a great post by Ferit. I too fear carving and sculpting. But he reminds me there is this stuff called 'sculpy' which I think they sell in craft stores. It's a putty that you shape (like the many layers of glue he describes) and then bake it off and it becomes solid. Supposedly easy to work with and takes paint well. One day, when I get stuck, I may try it. Just a possible option for you.
  5. Good thought Dave. There is the tiniest droplet of thick CA applied just prior to the shrink and 2 coats of flat lacquer over the bands so they should be ok!
  6. Thanks to all for stopping by. The idea for the shrink tubing hit me last night. With the various tapers on the anchor stock I knew tape wouldn't sit right. I was thinking of using thread and then realized I'd used the tubing on the planes in a similar fashion quite a few times.
  7. Thanks for the well wishes, Mark. No photos forthcoming. Grayling are never lunkers ---- state record is 16" caught back in '01 (1901). Oh well, as long as I'm here............................ Here is the beginning of the anchor assemblies. I used some spruce stock I had handy to fabricate the wooden stocks. I think they're an improvement over the castings supplied with the kit (also pictured). The rings are from black 22 gauge wire --- I may serve them with thread. The simulated iron bands on the stocks are heat shrink electrical insulation. It gives a lot more texture than the suggested plastic tape. Ben --- I got to seven coats of paint on the anchors. This leaves you as undisputed Champion. Anchor buoys are next. But off to bed early ----- be up at 0300. Y'all stay healthy!
  8. Sorry Adam ...... they all go back to keep growing. I don't eat freshwater fish and the briny stuff left here 147,000 years ago. But if you've got some fresh cod around I'll find you on Google Earth . Time for some Dullcoat!!!!!!
  9. Been a little slow this year for some reason, Larry. We're going to change that tomorrow with a trip up to the high Rockies (10,000 +) where it's still cool and attempt to corral the elusive Arctic Grayling. Besides, I'm too tired to build after horsing around my 1/64 anchors and stocks all morning. I was attempting to follow Ben's lead by using 20 coats of paint but I guess I'm just not cut out to get above 6
  10. My condolences Mobbsie. Perhaps you could talk with Commodore Sjors whom, I believe, is the only person holding sufficient rank to endow you with a 'field promotion'. GOOD LUCK!
  11. Wayne to the (quick) rescue !!! I hope Rafine's log answers Ed's question. Ed- I don't really feel qualified to answer your question on the coamings and I hope someone chimes in. If I knew how to make a drawing here it would make life easier. Let's assume for a second that the coaming around the gratings could be simply made from 4 pieces of identical dimension timber glued together into a rectangular box. That would actually do the job but it's not 'correct'. The joints must be interlocking (or overlapping). Normally I've just notched the ends of the 4 identical pieces so that the end pieces sit down on the side pieces and the whole assembly is the same thickness.
  12. Great vision, Wayne. But I'm thinking something more along the line of a scrimshaw steering wheel !
  13. As they are labeled as white, how about cutting them from a flag decal? I realize you wouldn't have 3 dimensions.....but if all else fails......
  14. Back in a day or 3 John. Already screwed up the first set of anchor stocks. I need a mental reset. Also, one of my float planes almost sunk taxiing back to the beach yesterday......I might need to double plank her with boxwood and holly
  15. Nice idea on the striker. I only nailed mine twice. And yes, I also have the mystery blocks. Figure I'll save them in case I ever do a 1:1 scale longboat.
  16. I understand that Frank, their long-time Service/Parts manager, retired. They have hired a new person so things should be getting back to normal.
  17. Sounds like a great color contrast. That is one TON of belaying pins. Tells me a lot about the rigging
  18. Tough call Mobbsie..... so I'll let you make it. She is coming together fast....and beautifully !
  19. The guns look terrific with that bloodwood, Rusty. Don't let 'he of the 20 coats' give you any grief.
  20. My understanding is that the capstan bars were stowed below deck when not in use on Syren.
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