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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Aye, mate....message received. I've ordered the (flag)ship's cook to lay in a double ration of spinach for the occasion
  2. Sjors, running rigging is not designed to hold you up at the Pub. That's standing rigging
  3. Well, I'm certainly impressed. Still another fine effort on your part to get things absolutely spot on. Really super, Grant. Just one thing. I suggest you get a timer for that block tumbler you designed a while back. Hate to see you put any of these blocks in there and leave them for too long !
  4. At long last, the anchors are aboard. Someone asked how to get the tackles in there as there appears to be very little space. The only answer is to play with the forward leaning angle of the anchors to make just enough space for the tackles. Here's how they came out: Now, as I'm not going to add any flags, I added the flag halliards and that leaves........... nothing !!!!!!!!!! So tomorrow, I intend to do the photo shoot and make the formal announcement of completion ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND
  5. GREAT looking ship's boat, Sjors!!!! Love the rudder set-up. NICE JOB!!!!!
  6. Great to hear from you. Very nice aircraft. Looking forward to your return to Victory!
  7. Thanks guys. Occupational hazard. That was my 'practice' AT-6. I have another
  8. Great to have you up and running again. Very nice indeed.
  9. Popeye, you're a hoot! The reason for my slight delay is a 'salvage' project on my AT-6 Texan as the result of planting her 2 feet deep into the ground (at 85 mph) during a 'senior moment'. This is why I enjoy being a model shipwright ----- model ships rarely get torpedoed......although I have managed some small bench top deconstruction on this very build
  10. Richard - I know nothing about copyright laws but as you do own a copy of the plans you are certainly free to scratch build a second model. Are you crazy ......not at all. I've been an RC pilot for many years and sometimes compete in scale competition. With a new plane or new design, we often build a prototype to work out the details of the build, proper CG (center of gravity) location and flying characteristics of that design. Generally we do so without putting in the time on that first build to add all the scale details as we're just 'practicing'. Once satisfied with all aspects, we build the masterpiece for competition. With a ship, you're not worried about flying characteristics but, if you're new to the game, you learn an awful lot on your first build and sometimes wish you could go back and do a better job. So a second, scratch build might be a lot of fun. You could even chose to use different woods for the rebuild so that you might wind up with one ship being the painted version and the second being done in all natural wood tones. And of course you could always change the scale of the build with some creative copying.....again for your own use. One gentleman on here, Roger, has a build log of what I believe is a 1:32 Syren which is a real beauty (he hasn't posted in a while). He was using Chuck's plans blown up. Keep us posted!
  11. Actually, I thought the frog was doing a Gene Kelly imitation of 'Singin' in the Rain'. NOTE - for kittens, please see Robbyns log. 99.31% completed! Photos @ 11...... Sunday AM, MST ( +/-)
  12. Syren actually has the forwardmost ports as bridle ports (closed) and also 2 at the rear.
  13. This is like when John Wayne takes off his Sheriff's Star. Could get interesting
  14. Isn't it spectacular that the addition of only a portion of the gun port lids has changed the whole character of the build? I love it!
  15. AHA! So JP does have a reason for keeping us all in suspense! No need to listen to the wishes of the masses.....that beautiful Rattlesnake you're putting together will look great no matter what you decide. Back to the shipyard tomorrow after still ANOTHER fishless day under the watchful eye of still ANOTHER moose. This is getting old ......the fishing, not the build. FLOYD- May as well go for 100 at this point and then let Shaz go for the record
  16. Nice work on that scratched binnacle. BIG improvement. If you are ever around a hobby store, you might want to pick up a piece of brass tubing that you can slice thin and make a 'compass' that fits into your opening. Hope you get that bulkhead former soon.
  17. Sjors told me to say we will await the photos. Don't kick your own butt about the 2 butt
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