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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. It's amazing how that happens. And with the rigging to fill out all that empty space she'll become an object of considerable majesty
  2. I hasten to post a reminder that it was Floyd's wish to get this log to 100! I've been brain dead for 3 days (I know, hard to tell). Sjors- Case is oak and will use glass all around. I'm old school - plastic hasn't been invented yet.
  3. Rod- Yes, it's an ME case. I had originally gotten one based on the published dimensions but it was a bit too big for my taste. So I ordered a GM7W which will give a tight, but adequate, fit. The smaller case also allows me to use a better display space. The larger case will be reduced in height and shall serve nicely for Confederacy down the road.
  4. Definitely Larry. Scale was important. I've just barely gotten used to 3/16" and preferred not to go smaller. As for wood type, I want to stay away from basswood which means I may be picking an alternative from Hobbymill. Have to check the new plans first. As for manufacturer, I like MS especially the newer kits with the improved instructions and first class plans. This is why I like Chuck's work and would also do fine with Sam's --- he is also upgrading some of their older kits. I'll never do POF. Drive me nuts. Most important, it had to be a ship I like. I'm totally partial to US and British. Also, although I would have liked another fully rigged lady, I don't have the room to display another good sized one ---- hence the choice of Confederacy as the admiralty version.
  5. Oh heck.......Andy lost his leadoff spot! OK, I'm still waiting for the case to be delivered.
  6. Really great start on the deadeyes and shrouds Andy. Glad to see that overall photo. Pegasus sure is white!!!! NICE!
  7. Yeah, wouldn't want to have Andy miss his leadoff spot! Good work on marmots One comment about Coors beer though. Oh, sorry, can't write that here. Make mine Heinekin Dark.
  8. Now that you mention it Sjors, it IS tomorrow and getting late on the East coast. I shall return.
  9. Personally, I've been just sitting back waiting for ROBBYN to forge ahead and take the lead in all categories. But she does seem to be slacking lately. Ok, ok... she does have school to prepare for, a vacation coming up and ------oh yeah------ a wedding . But I'd hate to see her blindsided by we-all-know-who. Has anyone else noticed that his combined total for his unrigged fleet is becoming astronomical? Just sayin'
  10. Alex- Grazia Dei! The REAL thing folks. Haven't had a good one since Monteleone's bakery back in Brooklyn (circa 1958). Thanks for sharing!!!!
  11. GREAT SCOTT ---- now it's a dinghy!!! Wayne, if you don't get your nomenclature straight they may deny your entrance into Maine
  12. I'm smiling but I'd swear there are tears on my keyboard. You folks are the greatest.
  13. Well, after 1443 hours over 608 consecutive days, she's done !!!!!!!! Here are the photos, some of which will appear in the Completed Ship Gallery later today: Please note - as the original photos were lost in the disc corruption issue in March, 2014, I've posted these replacements (the only ones I still have available: Now, as we used to say at back work, the job's not done until the paperwork is complete. So here are a few comments I'd like to make regarding this voyage. I'd like to thank Chuck Passaro once again for designing this kit and following through to have it kitted by Model Expo (who did a fine job as well). Chuck's plans and instructions truly set the standard for future kits. They made it possible for a relative novice like myself to actually complete his first POB fully-rigged ship. But beyond even that, I wish to thank all here on MSW (1.0 and 2.0) for their interest, participation, critique, patience and advice during the journey. There is no way to mention everyone here. But trust me, there were several times I was caught in a fog bank listening to waves crashing against unseen rocks...and you folks got me through it. And for that I shall be ever grateful. Yes, I let the log go astray at times with the inclusion of cotton fields, frogs, spiders, fish, airplane and even moose. But I think we had some fun along the way. MSW became an almost daily ritual and, as much as I enjoy watching everyone's projects, successes and failures, what I really enjoyed was the friendship, camaraderie and downright concern for one another. My skills improved along the way --- and I've learned an awful lot I was completely unaware of. I am proud of what you've helped me achieve and now at least know what I can do better. Many of you know I'm primarily an R/C aircraft builder and pilot. What you don't know is that this was to be my and last ship model. But things have changed. I'll be building Syren's case over the next few weeks, have a week long annual fishing trip just around the corner and will be spending most of September overseas. So the shop will be quiet for a bit, the sense of accomplishment almost overshadowed by the sadness that the build is over. But I still have my friends here. And I'll be watching. Always cheering you toward victory ---- and sometimes giving you the business . And the shipyard shall once again find itself beneath a cloud of sawdust when the next project begins in the fall. And that project will be ----- CONFEDERACY ! Until then, everyone be well and.......... STAY THE COURSE !!
  14. ROW BOAT ??????? Hey Sjors........it's 0830 over here. Gimme a break
  15. Never ceases to amaze. Terrific. Oh, was up at the Weld County Fair yesterday picking up all my wife's ribbons for weaving and ran into a young man (about 10) who had won a youth crafts category with a ship-in-a-bottle. We chatted for a bit. Sorry I can't attend your class in August as I'll be away but I wish you all the success with it you deserve. I hope it's well attended.
  16. Way to go, Ron! That background really comes in handy for they eyes, doesn't it? I like the bit of swag you have in each one and I'm really glad you're getting that overall tension right so as not to pull the shrouds together halfway up. WELL DONE!!!!!!
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