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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I think you are vastly underestimating your build. I even like the 'self bailing' longboat.
  2. Seems to be a pretty good selection of Windsor & Newton in local craft stores. I need to check it out.
  3. Andy- That length looks spot on. Very nice. Thanks to Grant's comment, I just went down and checked my deadeye shroud wraps......they go clockwise. Not because of logic or reason ---- just blind luck on a 50/50 chance. However, yours look 800% neater so I'll trade anytime.
  4. Very many of the British Admiralty models are built to 1:48. I think it's a great scale but the models can get really large.
  5. Another beautiful build Popeye. Congratulations are in order. The sails make her spectacular!!!!!!! And thank you for sharing her with us. Ever onward
  6. So THAT'S what those tackle pendants are for. Another mystery solved. Thank you John
  7. Glad I've got enough F-5 Glaze in stock to build all of Nelson's Fleet at Trafalgar. I guess next they'll discontinue the Dusenberg !
  8. Thanks to all! Where is the 'Notify Moderator' button. Back in the dark ages some guy sent me 'Chain Gang' by Sam Cook now I get 'Rawhide' by Frankie Laine. I gotta call Admin....... Whoops, hang on...........
  9. OK, I'm BACK!!!!!!!! The relatives have headed back East with Syren none the worse for wear. She did manage to survive a Tsunami started by an errant can of Coke. Whew But you folks have been having so much fun in my absence that I feel I must contribute something --- even a minor update. So here are the mainmast lower yard buntlines and falls. Yes, they're hard to see. I know I promised an overview shot but I want to finish the buntlines on the foremast first and set the next yards. And tomorrow I simply MUST go catch some fish But it's great to be back tying knots and herding the spiders !
  10. STOP EVERYTHING !!!!!!!!!!! What is this new 'next build' I see in your signature????? Yes, I understand 'schooner'....and Hannah. But what on earth is this POF Hahn Style scratchbuild??? Are we losing still ANOTHER builder to the dark side ?????????????? Does Sjors know about this ?????????? Will he lend you his new tools
  11. Well, it's unanimous. Good conversation and a concensus! Didn't mean to imply your keel was too thick. Actually, I love it as is. This is a skiff for trophy whales. Just don't "Call me Ishmael"
  12. Ok, I'll take the bait (and display my ignorance). Wouldn't the centerboard only be deployed when under sail? I'd think it would be tricky lowering it if being towed behind a leviathan! And you've got a pretty substantial keel there. That said, aesthetically I would think it would be good to show it's there and personally like the uppermost photo. It adds that 'certain something' and you did one heck of a job on it.
  13. Tilapia is not a fish. There were NO great Portuguese fleets heading to the Grand Banks for tilapia! Hit a lake last week at 9,000 foot elevation. Water temp = 38 degrees F. My waders are still frozen in the garage
  14. Darn it Popeye...... we're going to have to petition to have you assigned your very own 'Completed Ship Gallery'. Since I started on my ONE you have completed about 5. But who's counting.............
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