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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. Glad you've got her all up to date Popeye. I know we've been down this deadeye road already. Model Expo does have the 3.5 mm in stock in walnut as of today.
  2. Daniel- It took me a while to 'see what you see'. The first placement looked fine to the untrained eye. But, thanks to your explanation, one really appreciates the re-orientation. That said, I also think the distortion caused by the glass is, in itself, remarkable and actually adds to the overall look of the project. The uppermost picture of the final version does it for me. Ironically, for me, the slight incompleteness or wearing of the external symbol on the glass actually enhances the overall 'feel' as to the age of the display. Where ever this model finds a home, I'm sure she will be displayed proudly far beyond our years. Very, very well done.
  3. I think the building has actually proceeded at a normal pace.....but there are fewer of us. And the new site has only been up for 3+ weeks. In additon, maybe everyone checks in more often to see that we're still here and tends to interact more to sort of forge bonds against future mishaps. It's human nature.
  4. Now you need to finish San Felipe before you change your name again --- to Masterbuilder
  5. Good to see the deck going in, Mark. The tools make the job
  6. Gee, Richard, that lug problem is a new one on me. I have the 'old' ones and they came mostly without holes drilled for the elevation screws. But I've heard there are newly designed carronades as many people complained about the overall width and quality of the carronades. So hopefully you'll get yours from the new casting. Let us know how you make out.
  7. HEY------ I still have one of those knives in my tool box, circa 1973. Still cuts beer cans (not so sure about tomatoes).
  8. Aha....so now you delegate the knotmaking. We'll, knot so on Pegasus! You'll need to draw on your experience.
  9. Thanks for the summary on Pickle. I always find your descriptions and research fascinating.
  10. Ah, February 2nd. If you look (and listen) around Europe, there is a legend of the Lady of the Candles which occurs on Feb 2 of each year. Probably has some ancient religious basis? Anyway, this woman 'appears' carrying candles and, if they go out winter lasts another six weeks. If they stay lit, Spring will be early. Here in the USA we are more 'earthy', less ethereal. So we have this legend of the groundhog. He appears out of his hole on 2/2 and if he stays out, Spring will be early. But if he sees his shadow and goes back in the hole, winter lasts 6 more weeks. Same basic idea. Except, being practical minded Americans, we have an actual groundhog, Punxatawney Phil, who lives in the state of Pennsylvania and we get the whole event on video. Phil, who is currently female, lives forever of course!
  11. You folks are killing me with the superlatives. But thanks to all as yes, we ALL deserve to sit back and smile once in a while and take off the magnifiers. And I look forward to sharing that same feeling when everyone else here reaches their milestones.......CONGRATULATIONS GRANT!!!!!! I trust that, oneday, even you-know-who reaches a milestone.
  12. You know John, I never thought of it that way, I always pictured Andy as sitting on a cask with a pipe in his mouth tying sheepshanks and monkey's fists all day long. I guess we'll just need to wait and see.
  13. Go for the gusto!!!!! Besides, as a Moderator, Mark can tell you how to do it! Actually, go to your profile, then to edit profile then to display name (don't tell him I told you that)
  14. I have no concept of what you're doing ------ but I'm going to keep an eye on it. Fantastic
  15. Hahahahaha. We sound like battling salesmen. She may not be able to use the additional LUCKY13 code because of the sale but it's worth having/trying. Now, for the next 10 minutes only, I have a great deal on a bridge in Brooklyn
  16. Shaz- open this link for the sale price: http://www.modelexpo-online.com/search.asp?SKW=cat1_s@%20ms@%20DANCE&srccode=MAD13 The price for the kit should be $250. If you just open their main site the price is $299. The link above came in to MSW members. NOW--- If you also type in Offer Code LUCKY13, you should get another $45 off that if you order by 3/31. Good luck!
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