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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I've sent an inquiry, via PM, to Jim Ladd. If anyone will know about these rudder straps it is he.
  2. It all looks good. Interesting question about the copper vs. bronze. Let's see if someone pipes up.
  3. There are a couple of photos back on page 107 both before and after installation, Dave. I think those pics are about the best I can get at this point. Is there a specific angle you need that may still be photographable??
  4. Congrats on the forethought. I just have to say that your shell room is exquisite.
  5. I don't know, Popeye. A door sinking down halfway into a molding? Think I'd just as soon drop it all the way down to the deck and cut out the molding there entirely. But Adrieke is the Capn'
  6. Time for a small update. In preparation for the quarter deck planking, a series of coamings, hatches, gratings and ladder down to the gun deck have been added. Nothing spectacular, but here are a few photos to show where we are: Need to do a little tweaking before everything is cemented in place. Have begun working on the waterways and margin planks. These are being cut from Swiss Pear. Need to finalize some decisions as to how much of the quarter deck will be left open to view the interior. I'm favoring Chuck's suggestion to leave the entire port side open but I think I may add the margins and waterways to that side just to look more 'finished'. No pressure .......
  7. Just one amazing thing after another. Can't wait to see the birds. I am, however, a little fuzzy on the 'zero gravity' concept. But with you at the helm, anything is possible!!!!!
  8. That'll work. Make a little sanding block and start with probably 100 or 150 grit. Keep it straight!
  9. If the door is that cast white metal, it should be fairly easy to sand off some from the bottom using a sanding belt.
  10. I like the idea of cutting the fore, aft and midship ports to aid in the alignment of the others.
  11. Glad you have resolved the earlier issue with the wale planks. On 'lining' the hull, I definitely favor using a wood batten (generally one of the planks) to get the smooth flow and then laying out the pencil marks for the individual bands. As you've already seen, your planks must lay flat against the faired bulkheads and some may require slight edge tapering to fit snug with the next plank. You'll also mostlikely be using drop planks and stealers at the stem and stern respectively...these are described in the planking tutorials. There IS a bit of an art to hull planking so take your time. It's a combination of using your eyes, feel and 'listening' to what the wood wants to do. Set your standards high...as if wood filler doesn't exist. And treat each plank as a project. You'll do fine!
  12. Looking spectacular, mate. Within 2 scale inches --- impressive!
  13. I like the look of that Hornbeam. Nice work. This will be the first Syren I've seen to carry lighting. Good luck!
  14. That looks terrific. Like yourself, I worry about that front end but won't be tackling it for a while. Nice job.
  15. The main railings, along with the hances, volutes and beaded moldings have been completed: With the bulwarks (finally) sealed off, it's almost time to start on the planking of the quarterdeck. But first we'll be adding some hatches, coamings and companionways. Hope everyone is feeling shipshape and being productive!
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