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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. I am trying to imagine what she will look like when you apply your finish. I'll take a wild guess ---- fantastico!
  2. Aw.... you take care of that family of yours. I suspect they find themselves in a very, VERY good home. And welcome to the real world of model ships. I'm laughing over here because Chuck's Syren manual has about 50 pages on (you guessed it) rigging!!!!! And every paragraph sometimes feels like a PAGE!
  3. That's a LOT of fine progress there Mobbsie. At that size it must be like planking a gymnasium floor! She is going to be impressive my friend.
  4. I think she's just adorable. It takes a brave man to pin with stainless! Your skills with wood, including finishing, are impressive. VERY well done. Will look forward to finishing details.
  5. I personally like what you call the light/dark effect with the planking. To me it's very realistic. Looking forward to more!
  6. Can't go wrong with this one. Excellent plans are surpassed only by the 130 page, full color instruction manual. Model Exo service is outstanding if anything is not right.
  7. Sjors is right.....we have to get back on point. Until the next mid-course correction comes up . I hereby certify, under penalty of law, to have a bona fide, ship-related, photographic update posted within the next 59 hours.
  8. Price go down????? No way!!! Prices go up when aided by the distortion of the magnifier. If you get a headache, take 2 aspirins and call me in the morning. Nice work there Dan.
  9. Darn it Popeye. You've been plagued by deadeye and now block problems. Ah well, you're not alone.
  10. I think John hit the nail on the head. The concept of ramming a vessel to stick an explosive charge into it then backing off in order to 'pull the trigger' strikes me as shear lunacy. Try your gun first, Bob.
  11. Don't hold your breath. I've got 4 new ones I haven't flown yet. I need the perfect day, the perfect wind, the moon in the right phase......HAHAHAHAHA.
  12. Gee, that's TERRIBLE. Maybe Wayne can give you some guidance on the rigging. And I'm sure there's a masting and rigging tutorial here on MSW. I'm going to check.
  13. Yup! And I don't have a photo yet (always taken before the maiden flite). I've got the D-VII kit awaiting my release from shipyard duty!
  14. I know how you feel. Got a few flites in today just before the next snowstorm is about to hit. I gotta get my new Fokker D VIII up this Spring.
  15. I just checked mine Russ. The stains are 8 oz. the pre-stain 16 oz.
  16. I second the suggestions on using pre-conditioner. Minwax makes cans of stain about 6oz. in size but the pre-conditioner is a little larger. One thing to keep in mind. If you pick a stain color, say Golden Oak, it's fairly dark. If you want to lighten it up, dilute with the 'Natural' stain. For example, I used about a 50/50 mix throughout. If mixing, always use the same brand of stain. And yes..........experiment before you take brush to actual model. Good luck!
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