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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by augie

  1. That MS Constitution is 5/32 isn't it. You're a lot like me as I think my next is the new MS Essex, also 5/32. Oh well, bigger magnifier and smaller tweezers! Perhaps, when we go to the hereafter, there will be a 1:48 Agamemnon waiting for us ----- and a house to hold it!!!!!
  2. If it's any comfort, Patrick, I empathize with your situation. You get so focused on what you're doing today that you can miss the big picture. Or, even worse, you can see that as well and you're stuck. I could list any number of things on my build that fall in that category. It is definitely part of the learning experience. I mentioned way back in MSW 1.0 that, when we build a really big deal, first class scale model airplane, many of us build a prototype to check things out. Does everything fit, is the integrity there and does it fly????? We don't worry about that here (ships have lousy aerodynamics). Then we tweak the design and have a go at 'the real one'. It would be insane to build the same ship twice. Or would it ............??? Different woods, different finishes. Endless opportunities. But most of us, including myself, aren't wired that way. Back to reality. Your Niagara looks great. You've got a lot of work in her and she is impressive. I don't believe there are any among us who can't look back on a model and think we couldn't improve it. In fact, if I ever build the PERFECT model, I'll know it's time to quit and do something else. Take pride in what you have created. You deserve it.
  3. Gun is very nicely done and rigging for it looks appropriate. Good choice on painting there. Hope someone with knowledge chimes in on the anchor. I can't imagine she wouldn't have one. But where would it go?? Very crisp, Bob.
  4. That head area has a lot of detail. And the head rails are very impressive. As previously suggested, now would be a good time to make any changes to the gratings. It's really going to get 'busy' up there when the bowsprit comes in. Well done, my friend.
  5. Hey Rusty! Be interested where you used the Cherry and Swiss Pear. I'm assuming you used the Holly for the deck?
  6. Yes, you could 'lower' the carronades with some trimming of the guns but I'm worried about your waterway sticking up above the lower gunport sill when viewed from the outside. You can't lower the deck now and you may be forced to notch some of the waterway. You still have to install the wheels/casters on the aft end of the gun sleds. Chuck will chime in I'm sure. If not you might consider sending him a PM.
  7. Many thanks, gentlemen. But more important than a few feet of standing rigging, Popeye is back on the case and has his Goth almost back up. NOW it's a Forum!
  8. #11 exacto blades and magnifier (ok, tweezers as well). For magnifiers I use inexpensive fly fishing glasses in 2.25 and 4X. So light and comfortable that I get complaints from the 'Base Commander' when I show up at the dinner table still wearing them.
  9. Nah. Popeye remembers the old days when lobster claws used to be 'pinned' with wood pegs. Treenails should do the trick!!!!!!
  10. I'm going to keep this in mind. Thank you for the information. I was looking through a new book --- The Sailing Frigate, A History in Model Ships by Robert Gardiner. He depicts beautiful, old ship models from England, many of them 1:48 Admiralty models. The finish on many of the hulls is gorgeous and I kept looking at them thinking 'what wood is that'. I came to the conclusion it was maple. It appears it can take any finish you desire. That's why your post jumped out at me. That AND the precision and neatness of the plank laying.
  11. I know nothing of the terminology of the 13th Century. But I do know this ---- she is blooming into a wonderful looking and unique vessel. I am particularly fascinated with your use of maple for the deck. Your craftsmanship here is outstanding!
  12. Gee Popeye, she sure looks sleek and seaworthy. Absolutely great job on her classic lines.
  13. Glad you got the heat back on! I know about re-ordering as well. Derek is funny with his 'one coat' comment. But wait!!!!!! You never told us about the Sopwith flying air cover over your workspace!!!!! Impressive.
  14. Hey Popeye, glad to see the shipyard coming up to full speed! The customer waiting for his yacht needs to understand that our working boats take priority. Some weathering might be great and I know you'll leave no barnacle unturned. But maybe the Cap'n had her reconditioned and only kept the old pots for their good luck! Speaking of which, took the Base Commander out to Red Lobster for lobsterfest. You are personally responsible for stimulating the US economy. And I won't even send Sjors the check.
  15. Thanks Popeye. I miss you not being up to your previous pace........yet! You are an integral part of this place and you innovative ideas are an inspiration to us all.
  16. Eyebolts and carronades both look like a good choice. On the issue of the carronades, I'd wait to hear Chuck's opinion. I can tell you this much. Using the standard carronades from MS, the muzzle extends out about 3/32" from the edge of the caprail.when viewed from the dead overhead position. This puts it about 1/8" beyond the hull planking. But in looking at your photos I'm going to guess that the MS carronade is just a little longer than your new ones. Of course I could be wrong there as I'm simply measuring the distance from the muzzles to the leading edge of the carronade sleds here on my computer screen . Again, seek out Chuck's opinion before you notch the waterways.
  17. Sarah........Sjors would never make a fool of YOU. He has Frank and I to pull that on . And thanks, 'room thingy' is proper nautical nomenclature (for the 21st Century).
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