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Everything posted by SkerryAmp

  1. Hidey Ho Good Neighbors! Hard to find time lately to even post let alone build - but doing my best!! Did a couple quick additions to the willie to keep it moving forward - nothing grand unfortunately compared to the others around here but getting there!! First, went ahead and added the plankshears, trimmed them up and sanded to shape as per the plans / instruction book. Then to wrap up that part mounted the log rails and sanded them out. That is set aside to dry and am starting to get the other hull pieces ready to go so I can give it a final fill, sand, prime and paint and then ON TO THE DECKING!! (kind of excited about that part ) As always, thanks for peeking and Enjoy!! (And yes, flemish coils would look snazzy!!!! ) -Adam
  2. Simon, great job on that little guy!! I give huge credit to you for sticking that one out, I have a definate hate/hate relationship with mine, but you did it! Awesome!!!!! -Adam
  3. Augie, so much rigging! and so awesome to look at! Absolutely marvelous!!!! -Adam
  4. Looking Good Sjors! The cannons look quite nice!! -Adam
  5. John, that is one very nice looking model you have started! Nice and neat from the looks of it and a nice tight build so far! Excellent!! -Adam
  6. Wow those ropes look so much better! Good choice and nice job! And SOLD! (now to find me some good rope!) -Adam
  7. Thanks all for popping in and for the good words, it is very appreciated! I did leave the door as was, Pop was right it was much more exagerrated off of the boat. I can still tell it is a bit off, but once everything else is on it won't be bad at all I believe. At least not warrenting taking it all off. If it was as off as it looked before it was mounted it would have been redone in a heartbeat!! Still moving forward on the kits, will have updates soon. I put up a firepit in our back yard so the wife and I have been spending the last couple of weeks sitting outside at night relaxing and getting away from the office to chill a bit. Soon though, soon =) -Adam
  8. Wonderfully done ! The talent around here never ceases to amaze me. -Adam
  9. Robbyn your paint job looks fantastic!! What, if any, flaws that may exist will get overshadowed by the rest of the model as it gets put together - I can't see anything that jumps out as . Trust me, I am the master of the building these things :blush: :blush: -Adam
  10. As usual Popeye a pleasure to watch it come together! And I can Second Frank's bit about wiping the glue. PVA comes off real nicely with a damp (not wet) soft cloth and some Iso Alcohol. I sure have done my share of it to know . Not wet wet though, or it can loosn up below the wood - don't ask how I know, I try to forget . -Adam
  11. Howdy David! Also late to the party (as is usual for me, keeping up with posts is rough at work - they frown on that sort of thing here, but I try not to let that stop me too much). Looks like you have come quite a ways and quite well done! The fix looks great, your decking and hull look great! Trust me, I am a newbie to this as well and I totally understand the nervousness - one thing I have learned (many many many times) as others have said - it is wood. Anything can be fixed! And you handled it like a champ! NICELY done!! Will sit back here behind Sjors, Augie and crew and observe - they know what they are talking about, I still soak up information as much as possible. -Adam
  12. Moving right along and quite nicely. The coppering job is fantastic, that can be such a pain but you seem to have got it down pretty well. Nice job!! -Adam
  13. Very nice progress! Enjoying watching this as it goes on, can't wait to see it with the planking. -Adam
  14. I use beading wire, and similarly to Russ I bring enough tension to make the ropes etc taught but don't put extra pull on them to bend the hook. -Adam
  15. Credit to you for going back and doing the redo! First time I had to do it was but after I did it, it was definately . And congratulations on the engagement! Enjoy!! -Adam
  16. Loving this build, the color is so good. Nice and rich!! And am learning too... learning that I need to learn about ropes I guess. The AL vs morope comparison should be used as marketing for whatever the heck morope is. Off to try to get some learning on ropes. I think I may have to see about upgrading my strings Thanks a lot!! :P :P :P :P -Adam
  17. The banter is half the draw to MSW for me. Great builds, great advice, great information and great community. Can't have that without the banter! As for the build itself - My eyes are crossing looking at all the rigging. It is amazing looking and one of the draws to this hobby for me. HOW you keep all the lines straight (no pun intended) and taught (intended) is beyond me. -Adam
  18. A weekly installment kit?? That sounds interesting and oddly kind of cool. I wonder if that have anything like that here in the states. The build is incredible. It looks so complex already, very impressive! -Adam
  19. Outstanding work, neat and clean (I am so drawn to that and dying to do that kind of work on my own... but living through people like yourself for now =) ). And the colors just pop. The masts are coming along really nicely and look solid. Love it. -Adam
  20. Decals can be finicky depending on how they are made but there is an easy way to make them look "painted" on. Make sure the surface is clean. Trim the decal as close as you can to the inkwork to minimize decal flash around the edges.. Soak and apply the decal Put on a coat of decal set (there are several kinds out there) over the top. Once completely dry seal it. The decal set is what helps the decal settle into cracks and form around raised detal so that it sets into the detail instead of on it and solves the problem of the decal looking like a decal. That is really all there is to it -Adam
  21. Currently on that bench I have a 3" grinder, a cutoff saw, a dremel/workstation and the small disc/belt sander from Harbor Frieght. Plan to add Byrnes Table Saw and Ropewalk at some point. I have not had any issue with vibration. Il take a picture of it when I get home and post it up here. -Adam
  22. I am using that desk, have been for over a year and love it! Very sturdy, plenty of top space. The only wierd thing about it is the drawers don't open quite as far as I like, but it is not a problem as much as a wierdness. I would recommend it. -Adam
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