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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. thanks OC I fixed it Mike........laid another layer over it. it doesn't look too bad now I though it would, but one never know until one tries. I've been lax in thanking all who've hit the like button.....sorry
  2. I PM'd you OC........ small progress........with one minor hiccup. now that the structures are painted, it's time to get the roofs on. I used that thin strip mahogany I have on hand. the port holes were filled with window maker and set upside down, so the stuff does sag inward as it dries. it does take a while for it to do so. when dry, this is the side where I will dab some paint on them, so when you look at the port holes in place, the color will show through. this is how they looked this morning. I started to make some of the other fittings........like the mast winch here is the hiccup.....after the roofs were dry enough to trim, I used a pair of scissors to do it. one of the side edges split and now there is no overhang on one side of the forward structure. debating what to do with it at the moment. it would be a real bugger to remove the roof, considering how it is cemented in place.......a real mess indeed! I could try and cement another roof over it, but the concern is that it will look thicker than the other roof. I at least wanted to give them a 1/8 overhang
  3. I only do E-bay if there is a buy it now on the product......I feel the bidding process is rigged somewhat. a tip from a friend helped me a lot though with my purchase of the U.S.S. United States....and I got a hell of a deal! the kit normally sells for $89.99, but I got it for $45.00 {shipping included}. when bidding on a product, someone can post a 'silent bid', which cannot be seen, but will over rule your bid if it's too low. I feel this is a effort to boost the return on the product being auctioned off.........by the time you win your bid, your paying much more that you either really wanted to, or than what the product is worth. should you not win the bid, rest assured...you'll see the product up for bid again on the morrow, trolling for the fool that will win and pay the ridiculously inflated price. I saw that other offering Carl........I took the one that cost $51.94 ......still waiting....twittering my thumbs........you'll both be done before I even get the blasted kit!
  4. good food for thought going on.........is that funnel grille part of the PE sheet? neat what you did with the screw shafts Carl......I'll be sure to look into them
  5. thanks for the kind comments all.....being married almost thirty years, the admiral has come to expect things like this. thanks OC. did you hit the 'close' button in the upper left of the Fokker log? that will bring you to all the other logs pertaining to it. scrolling down, you'll see the Fokker D VII, the Guillow's Spitfire MK I, and the F-15 Eagle. thanks Piet and Lou time to have gotten rid of those old carpets. the new carpet is less hairy......perhaps easier to see dropped parts....we'll find out thanks John.......model master makes that color. if I see it, I'll buy every bottle they have!
  6. no...that's Gibb's kennel...........she'd toss me out in the garage. I can share sunflower seeds with 'Chippy' the Chipmunk hey there EJ.........just missed my juggling act with paint....hoping the rest of the build is less eventful
  7. oh my! stop and check in, only to find you on a double lay up! what in the blue blazes were you trying to cut...........never mind....don't tell me it'll remind me of some of the things I've done in the past! take care of yourself my friend......I hope you recover quickly
  8. nice job on the canoe John.......not have too much knowledge on them, I didn't have much to add, but I had fun reading and following along. I do agree with Lou though........to do one at a smaller scale, it might bring out a whole new list of problems. you did a super job
  9. you did a sweet job on the stern deck. I'm not saying that you should change it, but it's too bad you didn't do it to the mid ship as well.......it would look more uniform. the fore deck will overhang over the mid ship though and overshadow the effect, so it might not be as noticeable. the color is really nice.
  10. bench? if you get down to it......I have three, counting my desk {judging from the looks of it}. that probably where I'll build the Vendetta......it's small enough. I see you like the Fokker aircraft too. I should put my Guillow's Fokker Dr I build in the nautical forum.......at 1:14 scale, it's a fairly large plane https://wordpress.com/post/popeyesquadron.wordpress.com/1025 yea......I used that silly blue tape. I have to make sure it's pressed down before I paint. I usually use frog tape...I did the touch ups this morning...I still want to do a white mask........or maybe I'll mix it up and do red as I mentioned somewhere here......I made up a list of all my projects that are in progress and still in boxes. I'm afraid to make it public.......the men with the white coats would be here lickity split!
  11. the US is still in the wings.......nice that I can see how the prep work goes. I'd probably use filler for the gaps......I'll look into assembling the deck first and fill around the edges that was one of the problems I saw with the Jeanne D'Arc....parts are way too small to be well defined. I hope they are wrong about the 6 day delivery time...the admiral hasn't gone through her emails yet {I used her sign in on E-bay & pay Pal}.
  12. when I knew the paint was dry enough, the hull was masked up again. the upper hull paint was done. no mixing required I still have to touch up some bleeds.... the gap between the two paint sessions was pure damage control. even though I have a very understanding admiral, she is also very adamant......the missing carpet sections reveal a very ugly floor {cheap landlord}. she wasn't going to live with a naked computer room floor for very long. so a trip to Big Lots was in order....instead of two sections, we got one larger carpet to lay on the floor.
  13. it was a nice day yesterday......partly sunny, warm, with spot thunder showers breaking up the trend. I had the day off.......got up early to boot! I wanted to add inner cap rails to the bulwarks, to widen them, since adding strips to the outer edges. everything I had seemed to thick, considering the scale........even 1/16 seemed to thick. then I remembered the balsa strips that I didn't use for the Guillow's Spitfire model plane. I used basswood for the stringers, for the fuselage and wings, and I had set them aside for future use.. taking the height of the bulwarks into consideration, I may end up not planking the deck. it's a small concession.........I'm still up in the air about it. the balsa was wet down so it could make that harsh bend near the bow. while this was drying, I sanded the forward structure to shape, since I had added the outer fascias. it too will be drilled for port holes. drilled....resanded......and now painted in the color I will use for the upper section of the hull. I am bent on using up the rest of my Billing paint stash......I should just toss the rest, but some is still usable. the deck layout now looks like this.......I drilled the hole for the rudder & tiller. another test to see if it was worth planking the deck. gaps in the two strips on the cap rails were filled with wood filler and will be sanded......later to be painted a brown color. holes were drilled through a small sheet of flat stock for the port holes I will need. once they were pressed in place in the sheet, they were painted gold....later to be filled with window maker. this is when the mishap occurred.........and the frantic clean up operation thereafter. surprisingly, none of it got on the table.......anywhere! we were amazed, considering the scope of the mess......the hardwood being the easiest to clean up. I had wiped off my foot and thew out the affected flip flop, but I was hell bent on painting the hull bottom. the color is very close to what I was trying to acheive. it's still wet in this picture.........I threw a towel down over the paint splotches on the carpet, so I could stand to do it. once I got done with the rest of the clean up, the bottom had dried by this time. the masking tape was removed.....the first phase of the hull painting was done. I should have put the rudder on before I painted.......it would be the same color anyway.......on well....I still have enough of the paint to do touch ups and stuff.
  14. awwww....thanks everyone......even those who were laughing too hard to hit the like button >sorry again to anyone who didn't head the warning......should have stated it at the beginning< I'm glad I have a very understanding admiral, no matter what the cost. thanks Michael......this is life at Wenzel's Wharf.....even the admiral doesn't know form time to time what the heck I'm working on since the youngest son moved out, I've set up one of the tables in there {I have two work stations}. if you mean here, on the site, I'm not sure who holds the record for the most open logs, but I'm sure I'm a contender I thought about it many times.......if I were to get all of my projects done, I'd likely fill a room. I even imagined putting them on line to sell them....even thought up a name for it......'Mantel Models' {catchy, no?} thanks Lou.....yea, that was quite a stretch.....I think it even made my voice go up an octave I was using the detergent full strength {I also use it when I work on cars}. the admiral wanted to help, but I said no.......it was my mess, I will clean it. I did have enough to do what I needed to do Hi John.........DARN!.......I should have had the camera in record mode! {my camera will also do short video}.....glad to see you BTW thanks Mark........too late for the carpet. I'm sure there's an unwritten rule about that somewhere. the funny thing about it, is when I was a member of another site.......{long time ago before I came here} I wrote quite a few blogs. one of them was a beginner's introduction into modeling.....the tools they'd need, set up, ect. there is a part about painting too........I distinctly recall mentioning something about a drop cloth, in case of a spill. now, looking back.......I think I wrote it just to put mothers at ease, that I wasn't telling ghost stories of something "WOW!....this guy knows what he's talking about..............." no way John........that would indicate that I had a method to my madness, I like to fly by the seat of my pants! my theory is to mix paint in large quantities, so I won't run out. even if I did write down the formula, I likely forget what I used to measure it with hey Sam........THAT"S IT!!!!!!! I wasn't quite out of the woods with Gibbs though.......apparently he found a spot that had landed on the other part of the carpet. I had rolled up and removed the half that had 'ground zero' on it. but while I was cleaning up my foot, he laid on the other half, licking the spot.....I have no idea what is so tasty about it. he has a habit of trying to lick my hands, whenever I work on the models.......depending on what I've been fool'in with, I have to wash as soon as I'm done. anyway.......he ended up getting sick.......thankfully, it wasn't enough to be a danger to him {silly dog}. the other part of the carpet is now gone as well {gotta keep my 'lil buddy safe}.
  15. well.........that was an experience! I started working on the Krabber this morning, adding an inner cap rail strip to both sides. the other structure is now sided off, drilled for portholes, and both are painted. I did a few other things, but I wanted to get some paint on the hull. I checked to see if I had any more of the usual bottom paint I like to use.......didn't want to use red {almost went for an olive drab}. I can't recall the name of the paint color......I can always check my past logs to find out, so I took to mixing some. I started with a 1/2 oz bottle of Billing's flat black........the solvents were almost gone, leaving it a thick pigment. I added some flat white and tan, along with three caplets of thinner. I shook this mixture for almost a half hour.........my arms were a bit fatigued after this. opening the bottle, I saw that I did a reasonable job of getting it right...............but that's when it all went to the dogs.......I spilt it! hit it with the rag...........rolled off the table onto the carpet....two big blotches and splashed onto the hardwood! thinner cleaned up the hardwood alright, but that's when I felt something sticky on my right foot. I'm wearing flip flops and it was all over my foot! the admiral thought it a funny sight to see me with my leg lifted over the kitchen sink and washing my foot with Dawn dish detergent......an amazing stretch, since I haven't contorted like that for quite some time. the carpet is gone now.......I don't need Gibbs getting at it, since he seems drawn to anything I spill that will kill him. I think the paint color is called Dark Drab. so anyway......I just thought I'd share this small mishap with you all....if anyone is drinking coffee of anything, don't read this til your done........don't want to be the cause of you losing your keyboard
  16. now that is the crowning touch! beautifully done.........I am in awe Doris......REALLY!
  17. nice! if that diagram comes with the kit, I'll be all set I like both variants........I hope the model fits as well as it looks back in the day, I used to readily get Pactra and Humbrol. these two are now hard to find in the shops. I have a few conversion charts bookmarked. I think I'm going to regret the PE tool I used to have........traded it for an unfinished Billing Bluenose kit. I think I can make do with what I have handy though. thanks for showing me the kit........now I can't wait for it to get here
  18. looking very nice EJ.........the bolting really looks good too. I use a face cloth over my stands, so the hull doesn't get marred or anything. hate to see that happen to yours. cannon layout looks good as well your moving right along.
  19. well done on carving the stern out. once the deck is in place, filler can take care of any gaps.
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