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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. ship's boat is coming along quite nicely Mark sometimes when I need an aggressive bend, I will go with the grain. I get the added flex. it can make whatever it is I'm making fragile...I just take a bit more care with the handling
  2. hello Andy....good to see your back at the table no reason to think you'd have too hard a time.........you've done very well on the model so far. looking forward in seeing your progress
  3. not sure if you gents noticed this or not, but the information about the model has nothing to do with the Vendetta.....but about the HMAS Vampire. the HMAS Vendetta, along with three other V&W class destroyers {Vampire being one of them}, were loaned to the Australian Navy {RAN}, and were nicknamed 'the scrap Iron flotilla'. the Vampire was lost April of 1942...I book marked the article.....very interesting reading. Vendetta and Vampire were together on quite a few missions.
  4. thanks OC this morning I started to add the eye bolts on the mast. for the boom........I didn't have a kit dowel long enough, but I had just the thing in my dowel inventory. I went out one day and bought an assortment of different sizes........just in case I did another trawler {guess we all know that's a probability }. it's tapered and drilled, as is the gaff. update soon
  5. relative without being guawdy.........I like that doesn't tell me much though.....but that's alright, because I got a surprise today. I was out mowing the lawns, and pruning the bush along the side of the building {to me, the front faces Varney St}, when the mailman pulled up and gave a package to the admiral. I got done with what I was doing outside {ran out of line for the weed whacker}.......it's in the 80's here, so it was a good time to come in and cool off {lawns and bush look great again >Trump would be pleased<} now....I didn't catch the name of the guy I was ordering it from.....shocked the heck out of me when I did.......I think I found Mark's doppelganger the box is the same......... ......and I can attest to how small this bugger is.....the Jeanne D'Arc was 1:400....I figured that 1:350 would be bigger. I really like the decal sheet.......but wow! the PE is insane at this scale. nightmare scale
  6. ahhhhhhhhhhh!......Tuesday! I'm off today.......actually I came home early yesterday.....there was no work. I found one trailer I could work on, but I was finished with it by lunch time. we all decided to have a cook out for Memorial day, so I had a super lunch and came home. Wal Mart {even though we don't get the holidays off} will supply luncheons for their observance, but we as a shift planned on something a bit more elaborate. we got to bring some subs {sandwiches} home, because they brought some down to the shop. cold subs VS hamburgers, hot sausage, and Kielbasa {and all the fix'ins}....... what would you pick?!?!?!?! anyway........on the boat front, I was thinking of the boat numbers and name of the boat........I should make some decals. XF-103 is the boat number, and I thought up two cute little names for her. the problem came when I looked......all I have is white decal paper...I have no clear sheets. I went onto my bag of pre printed decal sheets {from past projects}, and found a sheet that I hadn't used the entire sheet. even though I sprayed it with decal bonder already, it shouldn't matter. I made 'em up......sized them down to the most probable size.......and printed them out. I sprayed them again with the decal bonder, and they had all weekend to dry. they should be good to go now. I have a couple of chores to do this morning........I hope to get something done for an update later on. thanks for all the likes.....glad to have yuns follow'in along {Piet's teaching me English}
  7. day..........I've lost count, of waiting for the kit your gonna lose me on your paint techniques Greg.......you always do.......you do such a cool job of it. what PE set was shown in one of the previous pictures? very nice work of getting things painted. I done some reading......all through her refits and service, she always had the depth charges. one thing strikes me odd, that the launchers were added later during one of her refits...makes me wonder how they were launched early in her career. the paravanes were never discussed, although they must have had some use during WWI. I saw a reference to having 4 oerlikons.......didn't know what they were......so I looked them up. they are 20 mm machine guns how tall are the masts supposed to be? if they are incorrect, it would be good to know, so I can see what I have handy. not sure about the bollards....if the kit is anything like the Jeanne D'Arc, they are gonna be tiny. are they really that large Greg? I'm still looking up stuff.......got a lot of the pictures you've shown so far. the waiting game continues.......
  8. looking really good carl.....nice paint work is there still a gap across the fore deck seam? haven't got the kit yet, although the admiral told me that she ordered the PE kit. I'm sure some work can be done on the model before it arrives.......Eduards is located in the Czech Republic, so it might take some time to get to me.
  9. I did finally start plotting the deck layout. the only way I was going to get the bow spirit set up was to assemble it. the bow spirit had a really bad angle to it....but I sanded the yoke base down and took some of it away. I also could have positioned the yoke further back from the bow stem.......with CA though, you only get a one time chance. it all starts with the post for the fife rail...the rail will have to sit on top of the yoke. I wish I had taken pictures from the beginning.......but this is what I arrived at. I probably will need another eye bolt or two......but I think I can add them without too much problem. I needed to see this in the flesh. the forward cabin was added to the deck layout. this was measured from the diagram. the first pair of posts were added as well. I could have brought the bow spirit & yoke back a bit further, but I don't think it would have done much more to relieve the slight angle it's on. now it's get the mast fixed with it's eye bolts, so I can position the sail winch and horse. hard to tell if there is much in the way of standing rigging, but I am going to run at least one fore stay.......a good portion of the bow spirit's length, is the run for the traveler for the jib. there is what I would consider a flying jib....I'll see what factors in for it. I.m taking Tuesday off.........more to come thanks for look'in in! thanks as well for all the likes...your too kind
  10. the two tone gray looks cool I'm not a PE expert either.........I've been looking at other manufacturers
  11. thank you for your kind comments and likes I spent the day yesterday planning and plotting where to put the eye bolts, to kick off the rigging process. the diagrams don't show all the placements, so I'm doing dry fits and getting my ideas together. thanks John.....I have an enormous selection of these eyelets. should I ever do an ocean liner or something along these lines, I am definitely going to be in my glory! does make me wonder if someone else though of it before me, but I still like to think I did true Lou......considering the company that sells them. should I ever see one of these mantle pieces at hobby Lobby that tickles my fancy......I think it would make for a cool log to re rig one. have you ever looked at the price tag on one of those? crazy! thanks EJ and welcome to the log couldn't have said it better.......I enjoy the freedom so painting was in order for some of the parts that I have already partially assembled. I started to go through some of my odds and ends looking for stuff to add. the kit supplies 2 mm single and double blocks, two different size thread {rope}, and those small metal rings I spoke about. the eye bolts are all one size, so I will be adding some smaller ones where needed. I dug out a package of the belaying pins, I ordered for the Thermopylae. they will be perfect for the model. 20 should be enough, I think the yoke was assembled onto the gaff......not totally happy with it, but some sanding should make it look a bit more presentable. silly me did all this before I tapered it.....now I'll have to do it by hand. the sails are all cut out.......I may do as I did with the Norden sails, just some simple gluing. if I run into a need to sew......then I'll pull the machine out. I need to do reef lines anyway. drilling and eye bolts.......the bow got some of them........bow stays and fore stay. one for the boom.......which I will need to look in my dowels for. for some reason, there isn't one long enough. I will add a boom rest on the transom too. another thing I noticed, is that there a no numbers for the bow......no decals or anything. I will make some with the decal program, along with a name for her on the transom. com'on now..........gotta have a name?@!?!?! something to do with Holland....any Ideas?......."toul-lyp"? more parts have been painted. I have been adding eye bolts to the bow spirit. I have some of those brass bands, but none of them fit........it's OK though.....I have plenty of flat brass sheet to cut up more planning.......I need to make the fife rail........then work on fitting out the main mast. thanks for look'in in
  12. nicely done Danny......never knew there would be railings and walkways in there. chalk that up to a dirty job
  13. sorry to hear OC.......Hope you have a safe trip and your brother recovers swiftly. family is very important
  14. I ws under the impression that it would only be a one season series............looks like there will be a season 2. I haven't seen the finally, but I read something about it online.......will there be a season 2?
  15. very glad to see your continuing with the story really sweet how it's coming together........the antiquity of the boat, and especially the old man.......very life like! ...a really great project
  16. I've been dabbl'in around with the rigging diagrams.......and frankly, I find them a bit disappointing. my first assessment of them I think was too kind. yea, the lines being rigged are in red, but you need a magnifying glass to see the termination points......if it shows any at all. no dead eyes....just metal rings.......the most obvious 'dummying up' of the rigging so far. the more I thought {as I toyed with her}, it gave me the impression of re- rigging one of those mantle boats, you'd see in Hobby Lobby or someplace. we'd pass by them, and even the admiral would tell me, I could do better. I just chalked it up to mass production. so......I'll just use the diagrams as a guide, and go my own way. I'll be adding a few lines as well. I didn't take any pictures during all this, so I'll make up for it today
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