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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. hey there Pat......that's some great progress you and the boys made....surely tell your friend, that is one nice looking funnel your not such a slouch with your metal work either.......the cable stoppers and the other parts you made look super. can't wait to see more of your deck work
  2. this has been a short but interesting build. I've never seen a model done in this fashion before.......perhaps the method you used produced the shortcomings you stated. a more 'solid state' construction may have alleviated the hull twisting, but for what it is, you've done an admirable job I really like the outcome. in scratch building a model, anything can happen........having done quite a bit of scratch building myself, I've come to expect it. don't count yourself short......it came out better than you think super job! what's your next project?
  3. sweet looking hull very well done. I think the life boats are cool too.......the engines are a nice touch..very detailed.
  4. really nice job on the finish.......sometimes it is too bad though, that it had to dull down a bit as it cures fully. but the dulling gives the model more realistic wonderful job! chain plates look really good too.
  5. what you want to determine is the pitch of the prop......the twist. the leading edge of the prop is thicker than the trailing edge......just like a wing. as L.H. said the root of the prop is thicker that the tip.
  6. hello Don.......Happy Birthday!   we're the same age....but I'm a couple of months older than you  HA.....Ha   hope you have a great day today.....hope you have the day off  ;) 



  7. good you caught that in time........curing glue can do some strange things if it looks like it's happening again.......set 'er up. that way the new glue will cure and help in the correction. she's look'in great Nils.......a really sweet job!
  8. good to hear you and the Mrs. are well. I gotta work the weekend......but I'll surely tune in to get a good seat. look'in forward to it!
  9. I'm gonna try that idea with the rope belayment........running the thread through the hole before the pin is inserted. thought about doing it to the Thermopylae when I get to the rigging part.......haven't seen it done too much here. takes a lot of the fight out of it nice job on the repair and trim work
  10. super looking redo Daniel......top has a lot more detail than the original. nice job straightening the mast
  11. hello Sam...glad to have ya aboard I'd love to have the fervor I had when I first came to MSW.......I seemed to have slowed down in recent years. I think that once I can finally retire {pipe dream}, I'll have more time to quicken the pace it seems this ship went through some stalled ideas in the past. I tend to think that they had a hard time in deciding what role she was to play. originally, she was slated to have a quadruple 305 mm ASW mortar at the fore deck. for some reason, they changed their minds on this. the next thought, she was to have the Masurca SAM missile launcher on the fore deck and six 100 mm guns {two more on the stern, but they settled on the triple MM38 exocet anti-ship launchers and never fitted the aft pair of guns. for reasons unknown, the kit sports the Masurca SAM launcher, but not the extra pair of guns. the original Jeanne D'Arc was a cruiser built back in the 30's. she didn't have the capability to carry helicopters or planes........I have a picture, but it says it's copy righted. it can be seen here: http://navalanalyses.blogspot.com/2016/02/warships-of-past-jeanne-darc-helicopter.html I haven't done much with her......yesterday was a run-around day {well worth it too!} we'll see what can be done today.
  12. welcome to the forum! anyone who dons a Popeye shirt, can't be all bad I's got 2 er 3 of'em! AK-K-K-k-k-k! plenty 'o folks here to help if'en you git stuck! build away!
  13. would this ship have a whip staff that would operate a tiller arm below deck?
  14. yes....those two factors will cause yellowing. decals are like a fine cigar yes Greg.......that is my first choice. I've seen other colors done, and to me, they make them look toyish or fake. I think a good color would be flat black with a bit of silver mixed in.....reflective shine factor. not sure if I'm gonna go that far, but so far my choice will be flat black. I ended up printing up some more letter and number insignias, since I found that all I had were too large. the bonder must need at least a day to become totally dry, cuz it played hell in putting them on the 'choppers......kept wanting to transfer to the blotter...grrrrrrrr. I also wanted to add a red ring around the tail section. that didn't work out too well, so I just painted a ring around them. I painted the wheels too, while I was at it. while I was looking through my decals, I found one that would serve well as a clock face on the flight deck. not a good picture........and then the tedious task of adding the rest of the decals to the 'choppers next will be to paint the windows and intakes.......then finish off the rotors. still weighing my options for the deck repairs. thanks for the kind comments and looking in
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