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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. yea......winter is hard for me, since I don't have a booth either.........I just spray in the cellar. warmer days are much better, when I can do it in the Garage wide open spaces is my booth! any progress is good progress.....good to see your back!
  2. your showing some advancements since the Mystic............very nicely done. not only do we get to see the evolution of the model, but we get to see yours as well the cabin look super!
  3. that's some really great progress you've done.......looks really sweet! when I leave mine for any length of time I put a cloth drape over them.......keeps them clean
  4. that's some seriously sweet planking you've done there Rod. here is something to think about........you need to remove all of the bulwark posts. if you want to get out of doing a second planking....you could simply plank the inside bulwarks, and finish the outer hull for paint and such. this would hide the mating of the deck platforms and the bulwarks.
  5. been a while since I looked in John.......been very distracted lately seeing your progress put a smile on my face though......you've done a super job......especially with the block issue you had. she looking really sweet!
  6. Jay did a better job than I did.........but with what I have in the works, I'm not going to change them. he did very well in doing so if I didn't have such a primitive scroll saw {I have a craftsman without all the extra attachments}, I might have made a second attempt. it sounds like you have a plan........go for it! there's nothing wrong with experimentation Experimentation + creativity = success..........it's what this hobby is based on we are buried up here!!! more snow coming as well.......and we still have a bit further to go. had a couple of days above freezing, but now we are back in the deep again. so depressing.....seems all I've been doing is shoveling.
  7. very nice detail there Kees.........really cool searchlight, and those tiny lights are very realistic. the curved parts of the structure came out very well. I know what you mean about pictures........some of the ones I try to follow are less than helpful sometimes none the less though, you've done well in filling in the blanks really super job!!
  8. nice work on the stern decorations and the ship's boat...........they look really sharp!
  9. wait......don't tell me......you found that in the latest copy of '101uses for household items' a very neat and interesting idea
  10. gee......I dunno Mobbsie..........you mean, like this? has been since May.......hasn't it? thanks for your interest as well Scott. when I first came here to MSW, I was working on the Cutty....and then.......BAM.....I get a wooden kit tossed in my lap. it's been mayhem ever since. my problem stems from ideas I get......and the "I can't wait to try it out" mentality. I'll probably kick the bucket before these are all finished, but I'm trying like crazy not to let that happen. I am so jealous that you have an Alabama kit in the wings........I was trying to get a copy of the Billing's HMS. Warrior instructions....would be a great ship kit to modify into the C.S.S. Alabama. there I go again.........I got it BAD! I hated those seam lines as much as the next guy.........there must be a way to get rid of them. I had done a few build from this Revell series, and I wanted to do one with a perfect deck. when the idea of the wooden deck hit me, it was killing me....the longer that I put it off. So I bounce around the builds, doing a little here and there, with the hopes that they will be finished.....sooner or later. I refuse to terminate any of them thanks for your interest as well Frank.......as mentioned, the wooden deck concept was too good to pass up! I believe that's what got this build in my roster in the first place. yes, that is what you get when you work with lacquer, in less favorable environments. I probably would have been better off using a brush.......but I did it with an airbrush. to this day, I still don't think it was part of the cause. I have already built this kit back in the 90's.........really sweet that I should find another one. thanks to a friend of mine alerting me that one was on E-Bay.......I probably never would have seen it....the price I got it for was even sweeter! all I can say at the moment, is keep a sharp eye. should I do any progress on her, you can bet your boots, I'll be posting it! again, I thank you all for the interest you've shown....I really appreciate it
  11. I had trouble with the roman numerals with my Revell Cutty. the decal sheet was garbage in the kit, so I ordered a set from Revell. when I was ready to use them, I found that they were in just as bad a shape......broke into tiny shards when wet. had I known that there was a product called decal bonder out there, I probably could have saved them. I have a decal maker program....the bad thing is that ink jet printers do not print white. so I printed out several copies of the decals and traced all the numerals in with a white paint marker. they were not perfect.......but they suited my needs and I went with them. http://www.taubmansonline.com/ look in the hull markings and variety packs.........these may help you
  12. I get the 'after thought' bug too Piet.........nice one with the simulated hinges for the other mine doors! looking forward in seeing the finishing touches..........she' come to be a very beautiful build!
  13. nice work with the rigging Dave....both builds look really super!
  14. thanks Carl and Marty............we don't need any more snow! I'll try to get more don on her this week thanks for the good word!
  15. nice work with fitting out the benches........you've made some really fine progress! are you going to do a full deck or a cut-a-way?
  16. thanks Mobbsie.......dry fits are one thing.......but when everything is cemented in place, it shows major progress I'm still amazed with how she's shaping up. to think that this build comes from a simple observation I made, when I built the Boulogne hull. I didn't think it would look as good, particularly with the stern being tapered like it is. looking at her now, it's hardly noticeable. yepper......I'm pleased with it.....what pleases me more is that others are enjoying it as well thanks Bob......I'm probably not going to go much further with the pilot house.......a few more thing perhaps. I'm chomp'in at the bit to get the roof on there! much more to go yet! thank you my friend! thanks also to everyone who hit the like button...I gotta get busy now and make more parts to put on her!
  17. not even a cold can keep you down! those are some super pictures.......some really great progress there! take care my friend and rest up......be sure to eat....at least a little something. I used to have to get after my boys about this.......I tell them "how ya gonna fight what's ailing ya, if yas got no ammo!"
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