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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. it was a broken day at the table.......kept getting pulled away.......and then having to go for the dreaded hair cut. death for the living when the admiral gets together with 'the girls' {I'd rather be cooped up in some stuffy craft shop} Tuesday night, I did get a chance though to fix the stand, so the hull could be put on without scratching the keel....just stuffed some felt in the slots. ...not a flattering picture, but there she is. as mentioned, the pilot house is the next point of interest, since it need to be in place to continue the trawl assembly. I had mentioned these wide strips of mahogany, that I have. I'll use a strip to do the floor. I really should use a different glue......white glue is water based......and we all know what happens to thin wide wood when water is applied.....curling! very hard to work with! I also found another bottle of paint that had met it's maker. the caps have this plastic cone in it.......I suspect it gives the cap a very poor seal. previously, I tried working with brass to make some of parts I'm going to need. I found that I'm poorly set up for that at the moment, so I'm going to settle with making the parts from sheet styrene. I'll see how this works for me the second bottle of 'dark ad gray' was good....so I painted the dash it's base color. I don't think the interior will have the visibility factor.......but I'll do a little in there anyway. the floor is finished......but not as well as I would have liked......not to mention the white glue blotch in the middle...which I failed to adequately clean up. looking from a few angles......only snippets of the floor will ever be seen....so the heck with it. I gave it a coat of semi gloss.....I may give it another to bring the sheen factor up....it will hide it better. I also cemented in the blank for the entrance.......I knew I had cut the opening a bit too large, but I had some bone headed idea about counter-sinking the door .......to add demention {if that's a word}. but it turned to dementia........and equated to nothing more than an indention. go figure.......and then the thought about a window kicked in.......... I still have those planks strips that I had ripped {thickness-wise} with the scroll saw. I painted the best parts and threw the rest away. ....and that's when the camera tried to lie to me.......think you know someone this long.....and they try to stab you in the back! I had painted the stabilizer booms.......when I took the picture, it tried to tell me that I had not painted one side, on one of them. OK......I'll give you the benefit of the doubt......bad light and angle.......white is such a suck - up! here is a better picture.....I hope I'll see what I can do today.......it's snowing again. may have to run out and buy some new shovels...my son broke the home made 'pusher' shovel.......the shaft was made from 1 1/2 inch round stock. I made it to push the loose stuff down the driveway, after the 'first wave' shovels had remove the bulk of it. it wasn't made as a 'digger' shovel......and that's what he was doing......broke in three pieces. oh...well!
  2. hard to say without measurements of the sill. I would suggest making a few test steps and see what would fit the bill
  3. thanks Carl......yea, right now, the cellar is less than sufficient......had to bring her up to warmer temps. I got to my week-end {which is four days long}.......I hoped to get to something today, but clean up took longer than expected. after that I was too pooped humidity is not good for lacquer......turns it white the problem you had might have been too little thinner, or there was a suspension issue with the lacquer......which points to poor batch quality. I used it extensively when I worked in the cabinet shop. we had a batch one time that was so bad, it would catch fire five mins after being sprayed on a rag! it can create it own heat source if not made properly. in those days we got it in 55 gal drums........today I work with 1 oz bottles.........big difference hopefully, a better table day tomorrow........thanks for the good word!
  4. love the deck Frank........now THAT is a weathered deck, if ever I saw one! if there is a mistake......I can't find it......I'm too busy looking into the collage of colors super job!
  5. Wow......I am so sorry that I didn't see this build sooner! what a ride it took you on! absolutely splendid workmanship...lots of good stuff here to be found. even with the problems you faced, you build this fine looking vessel.....my hat is off to you!
  6. double planking is imitation of the original planking....mostly done with thin strip of decorative woods over lesser woods like basswood or Obechi. with earlier kits, Billing's used to supply mahogany for hull planking.......sounds kinda nuts to me, since it can be a harder wood to work with. I'm not an accomplished hull planker either, but I strive to be able to do a single hull planking, rather than the double planking to refine the finish. some kits even instruct you to do a double planking. to me it seems like a waste of good wood......if you can do a satisfactory job with the first planking.......why do a second? stains do a good job with wood color and texture. I may be wrong.......but I think Carvel is a type of ship, and not a style of planking. there's traditional planking, where planks are butted against one another in mated strakes, and clinker planking, which is overlapped strakes. I'm sure there are other types and methods, but I haven't run across them yet I was sorry to read that you had problems with your first build,......I am glad though that you haven't given up and are starting over this is such a cool subject, and I wish you better luck this time around
  7. just catching up with your build Jerry......you've definitely made some very nice progress! looks really sweet!
  8. just checking in John.......and man! what progress you've made! she's looking awesome....well done on the masting the cooker really stands out on the deck.....sweet!
  9. kits are funny like that Ron.........but you seem to be doing quite well in getting the job done she's looking great!
  10. nice start on the rigging Dave.........I wonder if this same set up would pertain to the Half Moon as well ?.?. very well done!
  11. no worries Patrick......I'll not give up the ship got a bit of clean up to do outside with the snow and all, but I'll be at the table. I do have the one picture of the prop going on........didn't have to glue it or anything......the paint will do just fine {almost couldn't get it threaded on} I was looking at the stand, trying to figure out what made the scratches the first time around. this Billing's paint, when it dries, is a pretty hard finish.......I've not seen this before. the hull has been upside down for well over three days now........it should be fully cured.
  12. thanks Mobbsie when I get back to work on her, I hope to do a dry fit. but actually, if I touch up all the over spray, I can pretty much fix many of the parts on permanently. but the first real order of business, is get the pilot house done and the roof on, so I can work more on the trawl rig. another major snow storm has fallen........need to clean up the mess before I can do anything else thanks for the good word!
  13. very nicely done Piet! rigging , sails.......look super! congrats on such a beautiful vessel! I had to look back to see how you made your decals.....interesting
  14. one look at your fingers, and it gave me instant shivers! I use only white or carpenter's glue. I wonder why this kit calls for double planking. your doing such a nice job of it........is there a possibility that you might be able to get away with single planking? doesn't look like too much sanding may be involved, and you have the photo etch panels to go on afterwards......or is there just enough to do around the bulwarks? looks like a very nice kit.......love the brass goodies
  15. thanks Lawrence.......perhaps I can get a dry fit together, and show what she looks like in color I put the prop on, so that step is finished. more soon....thanks for the good word!
  16. thanks Mark, Sjors, and Frank! this time is definitely a keeper! I will let the hull dry for the weekend.....the first time suffered a couple of chips from the stand {probably put it on there too early}. I'll examine it for sharp edges and make the adjustments. that's what I get for trying to rush things along. with all the hulls I've done in the past.......you'd think I'd know better thanks for the good words and the likes!
  17. thanks John, Lawrence, and Dragzz.........a bit more touch up on the green {that I saw in the pictures}, and then the over spray, and then I can get back to fitting out the deck no Carl........you weren't wrong...I think you knew it was coming thanks my friend. you could come over Nenad......your becoming quite a color coordinator thanks! very true Marty.....not like I sell these boats though......they're just for my own pleasure besides......where I post build logs on the open web, I don't want the whole world to think I'm off my nut for letting something like this slide.........just here on the site I know that very well Piet.......but it still doesn't stop me from tripping up every once in a while you are right though......I didn't do the same thing the second time around ......and it came out fine thanks for the good word!
  18. just looking at these two pictures convinced me.......that...and the rack / podium is on the port side...not a good side to show her. these were taken using natural light. after weighing out which hue to go with, I sanded the bad spot on the bottom.....along with a couple of others I noticed. I did get scared after I had sprayed it......one of the pictures showed it...like I didn't sand it enough. but, later pictures, after I had removed the masking, it could be hardly seen at all. here's the one that scared me the same area after the masking was removed it's not totally gone....the only way would have been to strip the hull. done it once already.......not a pleasant road to go down. but it's to the point where I can be happy with it
  19. try the doll house section of your local craft store........they stock wall and floor coverings that might be of help.
  20. very interesting Dave.........I might have to give that a spin! instructions sound pretty detailed........I don't see any of that with the ones I use
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