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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. super job on the anchor Piet.........looks very good! you will need to be careful around the housing though....paint chipping is going to be a problem. looks real good though......shows a lot of thought went into it .......for sure!
  2. I think there was "Holiday in Vermont" and "Holiday in Connecticut "..........."Holiday Harbor"......Hmmmmmmm, sounds like a good movie for John Wayne, but there's no 15 mm guns and no horses......so he would be standing there, bowlegged in the snow :D I would like to see multi colored lights Mark.......I haven't gone scavenger hunting yet. I still need to come up with a wiring diagram for them, probably two of them will be lit. with the flasher, I'm not sure how many lights it can handle........still not sure if it works, but I'm sure Dan wouldn't have sent it to me, if it didn't. a lot of this is still in the planning stage.......I'm one of those eccentric builders.....hardly even write anything down. the broken bow post.......{a small update}.......I cemented in the second plank and clamped it to the first one. the second one rests on the bow rib, so it's pulling the first one out to the bulwark shape. I'll cement in a piece later. thanks for the good words gentlemen.......I hope to have some sort of an update soon
  3. I just looked at the re-finished ladders.........go to hold them up against the hull.....and they're too wide! oh well........back to the drawing board!
  4. lots of folks have good luck with the Tamiya tape for masking............I use the Frog tape {green}. painting it with a brush is bad......paint is forced under the tape {in my experience}. I haven't tried airbrush though.........I suppose light coats, letting it dry a bit between coats, might work........spray dead on, with no angle.
  5. I've heard of this happening........Sjors had a heck of a time with this. I even had a bit of a problem with the upper shrouds on the gothenborg, but that was due to the wrong size dead eyes. it boils down to bad dead eye hole positions. as I have learned..... sometimes a bit too late as well........dry fitting is important. not that I don't dry fit my parts, but it's easy to feel safe in cementing parts on when you see the pre drilled holes. the only thing I can suggest, is if you want to correct this, you may have to re-drill some of the holes, or scratch produce new chain plates, drilling the hole yourself. perhaps other folks may have an idea for you that is less intrusive, but it's all I got. I'll have to look, but I think Sjor's Mirage is from Mantua. thanks for the congrats any updated pictures of your build? love to see your progress
  6. that's funny Andy........I thought that as well, when I read the question.....can you imagine having to don a safety rope, tethering it all the way aft on deck. bad weather......waves crashing on the deck........I sure wouldn't want to be topside
  7. .....just let me know when the bar is set up.........OK _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FINISH LINE
  8. thanks John......figured I had better get going on her ........all the crap that went on and all. refreshing to be doing something that is normal.
  9. well.....thank you all for the congrats.........I hope I can continue to keep you all entertained. but, don't get too comfy with the boys, I hope to be able to change all that soon enough I haven't done too much with them since the other day........but if I continue to have trouble with the Larry frame........you'll be looking at Abbot & Costello, and the Larry frame WILL go on to become the Andria Gail :D .......I'm beginning to like that Idea {since I saw the movie} :D nawwww..........just a small problem.......nothing that can't be fixed once I get the hulls planked......I can get a handle on the deck layouts........and all will become clearer. I'll be on the 'light' side for a bit for now........I'm going to try doing some bouncy stuff........thank you all for the good word and the well wishes
  10. awesome work Mobbsie.........so your going to be doing shrouds now.......Great! even with the scale that I'm working with, I'm still tying on blocks...........I thought I tied on all I would need.........the great fallacy! the tops look so good......she's going to look great. I kinda wish I had done my masts like that......hope you get your serving machine back in order
  11. very good info to keep in mind.......thank you very much. feel free to make suggestions........I could use the help.....thanks again!
  12. looking really really good John.........I should get myself one of those draw plates, one of these days. it's in my wish list
  13. it is amazing how the rigging changed .......through wars and capturing enemy ships.....and even venturing and studying cultures. one might think perhaps, that this was an early form of camo.......a British sailor looking through a spyglass, might see her rigged as a British ship, and make the fatal mistake. this being my first wooden sailing ship......I'm finding it a whole lot different than plastic. but I'm armed with a slew of pictures of the actual ship, one of the best ways to see how a ship is rigged. sounds like your in for a fun project......the ornamentation alone will boggle your mind. I'm sure you'll have a good time with it.....you'll have to let me know when you begin.....definite must see! do be careful with the multiple build bug......they replicate like crazy!!!! hey there Mobbsie........no problem about the ladders. the original ones are 11 rung.......I'll have to add some at this new thickness......not a problem. I did notice one problem......I finished my latest update, and I looked over at the Goth to see that I had missed the mark. just above the gun port lids, there is a slight gap in the second planking, and you can see the underlying planking. looking at the above pictures, you can barely make it out........but I saw it......in spades! I ripped them all out and redid them. now they all look like this.......touching the lids, and not up against the rail above it. with a little more work, I can get to the main shrouds.........and then I can get to that 'fun' that your talking about
  14. hello there Keith!........nice you want to follow, but you need to keep in mind that this is a Swedish ship.........the rigging may be somewhat different. the terminology might be a little different as well......just watch other folks who are doing ships like your Swift. too bad about Randy......don't know what happened to him. he was all over the news for a while there.......now he's probably sitting in a Canadian jail, all because of that crazy woman he hooked up with I got the Movie from a company Christmas party.....Yankee Swap......it's a staple in our house too........right along with Scrooged :D yea......Dr. Dafi's correct Ferit........just something I overlooked. I've stripped out some 1/32 flat stock from my junk bin..........a tiny bit more narrow, and I'll use some thinner rope. I'll just save these two for something else. I don't need them right now......so this will give me time to make new ones. in the meantime, I did as I was going to do.....cut some of the anchor ropes and make the gaskets for the gun port lids. I also painted the railings and cemented them in place........I'm happy with how they came out. the last thing I got to do before we took off to get the tree, was the eye bolts for the lids. I'll see what I get 'roped' into today
  15. well Dave....the lucky recipient of the flasher will have blinking lights.....hopefully I can find colored lights. I hope to light the decks and hopefully the pilot house, and other structures I may have on deck. if you have any pointers.......I'd love to hear them......I've never done this before. I haven't had the chance to look at some of the builds that are doing it......but I will be when I have the planking under control.
  16. my bad........then you are like I was......in a bit of a slump. I can understand. got spinach?
  17. absolutely Mark! I'm going to try and bounce around the builds and do some of the sub assemblies, while I work on the planking. you seen one.........you've seen three I don't have any thinner stock for the ladders, so, I'm going to have to cut some....I have some flat stock I can strip out......1/16.......1/32......I need to look. I made more progress......still in the camera though. we went out this afternoon and got our tree.........I kinda goofed on the height {can you say Griswold} :D no problem.....a little trimming, and it'll work {I made sure there were no squirrels} thanks for the good word........another update soon!
  18. thanks John.......yea, they're moving along. if I can just get through this step, I might be able to move a bit faster thanks for the likes gentlemen!
  19. sorry to hear your having an ongoing problem.........I wish you well.
  20. thanks for the good word Augie 'n Frank. yepper.....gett'in back with the program you might be right Dr. Dafi.........I just stained them too.........hmmmmmmmm. don't take much to make a new pair.......I'll see if I have anything thinner......I had to dig into my 'bits & piece' box to get this wood. I might have something left from the lobster traps thanks for the good word and the keen observation..........did I tell you that sometimes I can be like a bull in a china shop :D
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