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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. looking really nice ron good method......I'll have to try it on the Goth, when I'm ready. your Supply is really taking shape....very nice!
  2. thanks for the good word Mark yea.....it'll be a while still.....those two have been routing for me to get there. I don't really pay attention to the count.........I just take my enjoyment from building and showing it to you fine folk. this site is the pride of the fleet!
  3. yes, I promised the pictures of what I did the other day........it's not a lot......but as I said, it's the progression of the build, that I'm happy with it must be awefully lonely, sitting at the Comodore's table........all by....yourselves.....Hee...Hee....Hee anyway..........After the first shroud was set, it was tied in place.......it will make for good reference. the mizzen was fitted with blocks ....and the yards were painted the first coat the port side bumpkin rigging was done at this time and then the right side shroud was tied in place
  4. as Groucho would say..........."Hello, I must be going!" good to hear from you.....glad to hear that the elbow is doing a lot better I'll look forward in seeing what you've cooked up on the back burner
  5. did you feel it..........the feeling I described? when the last piece was finally set in place........did you give thought that this will be the last time you'll lay a finger on this build. ........bet you touched the hull a couple time, just to prove to your senses that this was real........all of your efforts, made flesh. it's a mixture of happiness and emptyness.......all rolled into one confusing ball.......it washes over you, draining to your feet. there's only one remedy for it, my friend........you know what you must do.......... now that I've scared you with my B.S. you have a beautiful build Augie.......a tribute to your talent! the anchors are the crowning touch that finishes your Syren build to the nine! you only made it to 91............but then again, there's the 'after party'....that should carry you, at the very least, to 101! congrats my friend, she's a beauty !!!
  6. I have oars.......Sjors.......with enough stuff to make a few mores..... it took a few more for the ideas I hatch just to get four so equal, they match you can have the plastic ones, so plain.....ugh the reason I got the scratch making bug my scratch making paid off, in a really big way four now belong to my build, of the ship Susan A. I have these extras.....I know not what to do if you would like, I'll give them to you
  7. thanks Adam........I made a bit more progress........the first shroud lines are on! now work.......if the place was fun to be at, it wouldn't seen such a drudgery. I'll try to get the recent pictures up. right now.......everything I do is a plus, because this build sat dormant for so long. thanks for the good word.....
  8. yea......I know it's a ways off........there are other thing to do before that happens. super job on her so far.......I think to myself what the admiral would say If I brought something that large into the house! LOL!
  9. that's not your optical illusions.....that picture is right side up nice to see her above it jig line! it may look like a small step, but compared to all you've done so far......it's huge. planking's looking good, and looking forward in seeing more
  10. pardon me if I don't hit the like button.........nothing pleasing about that! that's not the one you showed me is it? was that the last flight for it? you have my condolences........as she goes to that great hanger in the sky I understand for the grieving time. I've been slow......haven't done anything to the spitfire. I gotta get a move on........the summer's almost over
  11. I had read where folks had used wire, and depending on humidity and other factors, they begin to rust and transpose the color around the edges of the sails. it is good though........you can achieve perminant shaping with it.....but for this reason, I havent done it.
  12. it does keep the shape, as long as there is not too much tension on the rigging. I used to do plastic kits in my younger days. done too tight and it causes distortion.......so I thought up a cool way to do it. thread can be pulled just tight enough where it looks taught, but there is hardly any residual tension. this is what I refer to as 'absolute zero'. there is the stretch value of the thread to take into consideration, but it can be achieved. I try to buy thread that is 'pre'stretched'.......beading thread in craft stores is an example of this. if I have to stain thread {black......I like to use India Ink}, I stretch it when this is done. I like the thread you get from large plastic kits, like Revell and heller, but they don't sell it separately......too bad
  13. come on!!!!!..............squeeze out the other 69%..........and sunday at that? you must have used Sjor's camera LOL! I'm not going anywhere near those kittens........If Robbyn's afraid of momma.........I'm not one to dispute it
  14. sure hope you got to drink it before you went horizontal
  15. I did a bit of looking around...I found this for you. from what I see, there is a cabin that covers this area, attatched to the bulwark and the central structure. Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
  16. yepper.....we have that brand {company} here in the states. there is some nice stuff out there......just need to l :) k. I can't complain about Hobby Lobby though.....the lady I dealt with was very helpful......told her what I ws looking for, and off we went I wishI had a picture of what I settled on.......I will look in the Susan A pictures to see if I have a good one there <pause> these are the best pictures I have. when I made these sails, I wasn't as focused on the edge seams as I am now. as with most processes, the more you do it, the better you get...... I stained the two sails with tea.
  17. good to hear Piet!........good use of your time......too bad about the beverage choices though LOL! the nice thing about my neck of the woods, is there are three possible place I can get what I need.....all very central to one another. if not, then there is one more craft store and a Home Depot, on the way home very interested to see what you do with the conning tower
  18. I love the way your mind works..........I quite agree.....fasinating! this is photo etch...am I correct.....in the early pictures, I notice the tiny holes in the weave.....so cool. I do wonder if the airbrush would make a better delivery for the paint. brushes tend to push the paint into gaps and places one would not want the paint to go......leaving the texture detail to remain. I intend to do something like this on the United States........I have a good amount of tulle on hand. I think it will work..can't wait to try it. beautifully done Daniel......always pleasing to the eyes
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