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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. No worries Adam........your progress really looks good!.. you think you camera savy looks bad......look back on some of the snaps I've taken....LOL! I still don't know what half the buttons do on my 'time replicator' {it doesn't even qualify the camera status} I'm even afraid to take it outside........for fear that someone would drive by an' holler out the window........."TOURIST!" that's not a boo boo, by the way..........it's just something you haven't done yet now if the ship was finished and it wasn't done.......now THAT'S a boo boo. your doing a swell job Adam.........keep it up!
  2. thanks Alex........good to have you back. I say the same for your build as well I was putting the finishing touches on the AmericA I believe, when we last spoke. I have been busy........but not as busy as I would like to be. been a crazy summer so far..........the in-laws from Texas just left........and my friend from Florida should be here by now..... ooooops! just got some banter about mowing the lawns............out there in the hot humid weather. it's about 20 till 10:00 here at this time, and it's almost at 90 degrees. the index is going to be over 100 today with the humidity...........yea......I'm right on it
  3. good timing then that the RV is here..........any further, and I'd bet you'd think better about 'er tagg'in along......LOL! there's still plenty of little aspects to work on though during your travels steady 'er she goes.........Mr. Checkov
  4. the funnel looks great Clare your overall bulwark layout looks really nice as well.......I wish I knew something of those gunport sections. perhaps knees were utilized......either affixed to the port sills or the sections themselves, to act as stops for them. it might even be that those braces that support them are pivoted, with turnbuckle screws that when retracted {or otherwise} only allow the section to pivot in a 1/4 radius? figured I'd take a stab at it anyway
  5. good to see your doing well Tom.. yea, I hated that as well. when I did the Cux, you couldn't see crap because of how small the windows were. when I did the Mary Ann, I saw the pilot house, and said "not again"! it was made from scratch with larger windows and the doors were made to open and close. the M&M ship has large windows.....fitting for a stern trawler pilot house........the Boulogne will sport the same concept, when I get to that point I'm not one for doing detail that you can't see.....I like to better spend my time on what you can see. you've done a very nice job with the interior......it is a shame. but as said, you know it there.......you did it........an' we saw it! now you'll be able to hand folks a mini mag light, and they'll be able to look in the windows and see some of your handi-work. at least, you didn't do like I did in my Nordkap.....I have two pictures on the wall in there........Popeye and Olive Oyl dancing and a picture of Poopdeck Pappy. you can see them.......but you have to l :) k
  6. I am so glad your back!!!! you've created such a great looking build....I've missed not seeing any progress! these would be called cannonades......am I right? ........I gotta get me a ship with cannons they're very well done, and set in place, they look even better! I try and put stuff off as well.........the admiral and I have an agreement though.......she's more than willing to let me show my inner child, but I have to keep my chores up too. if I don't, I can't get the bling and baubles I need for my ships. she can't use the 'kit card' on me anymore........she knows I can scratch build Hee....Hee a poem came to me, when I saw your post I thought I was seeing a spectoral ghost I clicked on it to read your text and quite surprised at what I saw next pictures, pictures, came to view of lovely cannons, shiny and new all set in place, in neat little rows which bolstered me to write this prose we all know life likes to get in the way of the modeling we'd love to do every day words become jumbled, causes me to say pay the piper...'n...keep the peace 'cuz the more you pay........the more it's worth AHOY! from New Hampshire
  7. I'm not too sure what exactly the agreement was other than what I was told I will definitely look towards doing it on the scratch build.....I just need to get more info on the spar deck arrangement I dunno Frank........you look to be a 'sharp cookie' in my book! have you begun tying up the loose ends on your build yet? I'm not stopping this build for anything.......I've still a few ideas I want to do, but hearts, eyelets and blocks aren't going to stop me. I have told the admiral that I want to place an order, and get some of these parts. that's like the yards........in the pictures, you can see the bunt and leech line blocks tied on..........I wish I had some 2mm blocks. there are some in the Half Moon kit........but I dare not use them. I'll close off now Frank.........supper's here.........SEAFOOD!!!! gonna sit in front of a fan and watch some NCIS..........been so freak'in hot and humid here........
  8. there you go! now that's worth some imbibing.......and some eneibing to boot! off to a good restart .....nice looking rigging!
  9. you have a good basis for the actual planking.......I look forward in seeing it being done
  10. hello Ferit....thanks for the good word. don't get me wrong.......but it misses quite a few aspects that would have made this a great kit. the most glaring aspect is the scale.......1:100 to me is sort of an odd scale for this type of ship. I think it would have been better to have scaled it much larger...more detail could be added. then there are the inaccuracies in the kit itself.....there are two obvious ones that I did not have the experience to know better. to try and pry off the lids and carve out the ports, which is only about 1.8mm thick, would be detremental to the build. the absence of ports on the spar deck, is another aspect that would make the build, unbelievable at best, if I were ever to have tried to put them in. somewhere down the road, I would like to try and size up the hull parts for a second build. it wouild give me a chance to correct some of the inaccuracies, and add in even more detail. I have pondered this earlier in the build.......but too late to really so something about it. I did ask about to my friend at Billing's........in order for them to get the Ok to design and sell the kit, they had to display it as a 'peacetime' ship. I respected the wishes {I guess}.
  11. I know that kits like this have been out there for quite some time...........but you pose a very interesting idea for those who have trouble making the delicate curves, of planking a full hull. waterline kits........build from the waterline up! you still get to the deck and all the goodies, and you can have the masts..........with the proper support framing, of course. this is also a good way to test out new ideas and parts of the deck that are the most interesting.
  12. I agree.......they look great. the plans probably show them scarf jointed......something that I am guilty of not doing either. let me know when you start doing it and I will too........is that a deal? she's looking great........love the bow shot
  13. looking sweet Adam..........love to see a closer look at those windows {I'm nosey} looking at your bow.......I then look at the bow of my Half Moon. If I have to take a saw to it, I'm going to scream! I did those bow bulwark walls according to the plans.........that's the way they told me to do it your bow looks great........the doors are alright........they are perpendicular to the bow decking. your doing a fantastic job........nice progress!
  14. I'm going by the pictures Mark.....I'm not using the rigging diagrams from the kit at all......yet. I'm a beginner at this......the first rigging of a wooden kit build...of this magnatude....it's a learning process thank you I'm so impressed with how many of you commented..........I've been modeling most of my life......and with this one, I feel like such a newbie.....I can't thank you all enough......you really make me feel good about it it's your idea Frank........you gave it to me if this is how you did yours......it's sheer genius I didn't get to do much more today......it's so oppressive.....hot and humid. but I did manage to get a six-pack of superglue....got them at the local Walgreens for $4. 50........you can't beat that I have two more days to get something more done on her. I don't know if anyone noticed, but the fore mast belaying rail came off the deck. just as well.......I had to drill some holes anyway. I saw something in the pictures that I really would like to try..........film asap thanks again for the good word.....I really appreciate it!
  15. only if he's looking at Sjors........."alas poor Yoric.....that was the last picture"
  16. ...even murphy couldn't stop me now! I finished the foot ropes on the spirit yard. after the ends were trimmed off, everything got touched up and painted. then it was installed on the bow spirit. Frank gave me a good idea..........I liked the way he did his. I made sure that no glue got on the connection point of the yard and the spirit....so that when it comes time to do the running rigging, the yards can be positioned the way I want them. then the yard that will attach to the boom got it's foot ropes then, it too was attached to it's location in the same way I'll see if I can do more a bit later.........Gotta get some more superglue
  17. a banner across an overpass would suffice.............."welcome to the land of Ice and Snow" kind of a 'Zep' theme, don'tcha know
  18. I love how color makes one feel like they've hit a milestone...........nice progress! glad you found the stars...........shine!
  19. I'm sure you'll find something...........when I read your post the other evening.......I scrambled looking for the paperwork for it! there's a lot of cool stuff for this puppy! heck, maybe you'll find an assortment kit for it....I'm sure they sell them that way I wish you happy hunting!
  20. honest.........I didn't send murphy to your house! he's still here........messing with my build time! LOL! take care of yourself........elevate your feet and have a frosty while your doing it!
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