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Everything posted by druxey

  1. The meaning of 'speculum' has morphed over time. Bob. It also used to mean a mirror, reflector or lens. In other words, it meant an observational aid. Certainly the meaning of a medical instrument was (also an observational aid!) also used at the same time period (the late 1500's). Information is from the reliable Oxford English DIctionary.
  2. Too bad the paint is so dark we can't see the fine details! First rate lovely work, though.
  3. I note that professional art movers pack ship models in a very sturdy wooden crate (at least 1x 3 faming and 3/4" ply), secured well to its base but with a good volume of air around them, not packing materials such as styro peanuts or whatever. Should a side get pushed inward (unlikely due to the sturdiness), the force is absorbed by the wood, not transmitted by the styro to the model. These crates are fitted with large labels, with shock and tilt meters that will record any 'incident'.
  4. Either the anchor or, more likely from its position, the anchor chain.
  5. Looking good, Steven. Glad you re-made that mast step!
  6. Very nice, Kevin, but please don't leave the tommy bars in the chuck. Accidentally switch the lathe on and.....
  7. JW, I'm so sorry to read of your health issues. I hope that things will turn around and improve for you. I also hope that you can find someone to carry the torch for you with Tally Ho. Every best wish as you face treatment and for a good outcome.
  8. I'm puzzled by the different ways those descriptions are written (post #23). "48 pounder carronades" is clear enough. But why then write "carronades of the calibre of 48" (my italics)? Does this perhaps relate to bore diameter rather than weigh of shot?
  9. There are exceptions to having the first shroud athwartships of the center of the mast, and Endeavour is one of these case. The reason, I think, is because a swivel gun mount occupies that position. See ZAZA 6587: As for construction, generally the channel was placed against the side, not in a slot. There were long slots on the inner edges of the channel for water drainage to prevent rot. The only places the channel touched the side was where the bolts went through. This is seldom seen on models. Here is one example before the chains were added.
  10. So, it is a water color painting heightened with white gouache. Enjoy your lucky find, Michael!
  11. The way to tell a print from an original is to put a magnifying glass over it. If you see a pattern of tiny colored dots, it's a print. If not - congratulations!
  12. It appears that M & H Valve and Fittings was named as such in 1926 and was sold to Walworth Valve in 1955: https://www.mh-valve.com/about-us/company-history/ It seems the name was then shortened to M & H Valve. Therefore the notebook cannot be newer than 1955 or thereabouts. This was 66 years ago. How long does copyright remain with the author if is not renewed?
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. Thanks for the latest photos for those of us (north of the border) who won't be able to make it to the show on October 2. It would have been a treat to see your progress up close and in actuality. I'm sure those who will be there will be very impressed.
  15. Bienvenue, Bastaco!
  16. Welcome aboard, Doug. Enjoy the wooden world!
  17. Welcome back, Keith! Glad you had a good summer. Nice new detail work.
  18. Can you tell us the source of your image, please, greenstone?
  19. Good news, Michael. Thanks for letting us know. Doctors need a good laugh these days. I recently underwent colonoscopy ( all is well) and, at the follow up that my wife insisted on attending with me, told them both that he had seen more of me than my wife ever will.
  20. I'm sure that you can adjust so that both sides are the same. A little careful sanding on the 'tall' side.... Also, any glue blobs can also be taken care of. Next gluing job, remove squeeze-out with a damp brush before it dries. Much less work!
  21. I agree with Pat: it's a traverse board. The second item might be a duty officers' name board or on-off name board, perhaps?
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