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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Coagulate is the word you are looking for. According to the Internet - which, as we know, is infallible! : Egg whites coagulate at 60°C, egg yolks 65°C, with full coagulation occurring at 70°C. But, once again, we digress!
  2. Dan: There are several liquid solutions used by conservators to consolidate brittle and fragile lines. Cellulose nitrate in acetone is one possibility. HMG adhesives in thick and thin formulations are others.
  3. I wonder whether there are still enough pieces of The True Ship around to reconstitute her.... Just kidding!
  4. My, but that planking looks great with the fastenings in place! Well done, Toni!
  5. I hope you've labelled that piece, Michael. Otherwise some day it may be mistaken for firewood....
  6. That is interesting that a gun port was placed in the path of the anchor lining. I don't question it - it is on the original draught, but quite unusual.
  7. Longridge will make all things clear! (Well, nearly all.)
  8. And Bob, do not forget the weskit (waistcoat). See also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/sutton_hoo_dig_collection/zs6xqfr Interviews with those involved in the actual dig. If you've seen the movie, there is quite a difference in the characters!
  9. Ah! Now I understand the question. Scarphs are generally oriented so that any stress is at right angles to the joint line. The one on the left will resist an up and down stress, whereas the one on the right will resist lateral stress.
  10. Using a die like that is an interesting technique. Thanks for sharing it.
  11. Update on a reconstruction: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-suffolk-55939515
  12. What do you mean by 'rotated'? It would be helpful for you to post a sketch or diagram of what you mean.
  13. Back to the form of stem! I've straightened the photo and superimposed a circular arc in perspective, then the line of the stem and a vertical. The arrowed set-back, measured in stem-widths should establish the angle accurately. The circular arc appears to have a radius of keel to waterline, more or less. Comments?
  14. My perception, from photographic evidence, is that from the waterline down, the bow and stem were a straight line, slightly inclined. The curved portion is only above the waterline.
  15. I've yet to meet anyone who regretted trading up to a Byrnes' drawplate. Really. And I was one of the earlier adopters.
  16. Ouch, Keith! We hope to avoid that if we can. Love the full size cabinetry work applied to the floating panels, Michael. Sweet!
  17. Be careful that the tape doesn't distort when you pull it off.
  18. A better indicator of vertical is the dependent anchor shank, I think. (Less possible distortion due to the camera lens).
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