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Everything posted by druxey

  1. What, no repousée sink made in your silversmith's friend's shop, Michael? Mine would be very displeased. Which reminds me, you never did get back to me about a Bramah lock for the model. Looking lovely as usual, joking aside.
  2. Welcome back, Prodigal Son! There is a wealth of knowledge on this site upon which to draw when you need it. No fatted calf, though, I'm afraid.
  3. I'm sure that there were variations on the way stun's'ls were rigged.
  4. Another make to consider is Boley. Again, it should be complete not missing a tailstock or other part. Avoid any with signs of rust! I've found that a lathe with a collet-holding tailstock (such as the Levin) is much more useful than one that only will take a dead center. A good cross-slide will cost as much or more than the basic lathe. Beware of ones on the second-hand market that lack the shoe under to square it with the lathe bed. Also, a set of collets is quite an investment.
  5. Gentlemen all; a fascinating thread of discussion and informed guesswork. Hopefully you are narrowing in on a more definitive solution, but there are always the tantalising unknowables.
  6. I'd certainly like to know the best successor to Blacken-It as well, please!
  7. I'd say that you've done a very good job on that deck. We all tend to be over-critical of our work. On the one hand it can be self-defeating, but on the other it improves our work; "Next time..." and we get more skilled and better results. You are already working at a much higher skill level than many other folk on this site. Keep going!
  8. Clever use of lamination on the deck beams and compensating for angle of laser cut!
  9. I'm amazed at the davit detail that you've achieved at that scale, Eberhard. Well done indeed!
  10. One can strengthen a softer wood using dilute PVA (white) glue.Coat both sides liberally and allow to dry completely, then shape and drill. No fumes!
  11. Your mother was obviously a character, Michael! Now go and enjoy your supper.
  12. Oh, you will have fun doing those! The compound angles of the recesses for the rails are a headache, but I'm sure you'll do a great job on them. Those rails look gorgeous and flow just as they should. Well done!
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