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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Plating one side, open the other, perhaps?
  2. I wonder if it's the photos, or has the upper stern spread a bit? Do check the athwartship distances across the transoms and compare to the plans. I've found that there is a tendency for the framing to open up a bit over time if not constrained by cross-spalls.
  3. Very, very impressive work, Valeriy! Such a beautiful finish to your metal surfaces as well.
  4. https://www.bonhams.com/auction/27375/lot/53/duhamel-du-monceau-henri-louis-elemens-de-larchitecture-navale-ou-traite-pratique-de-la-construction-des-vaisseaux-paris-ca-jombert-1758/ For anyone interested in this era. A second edition copy.
  5. I go away for two weeks and - you've completed her! An absolutely fabulous model, Rob. Hearty congratulations on the time, effort and research that you put in, in order to get this result. Well done indeed.
  6. The drippings fall into the grease pan, not on the deck! A very nice result, B.E. Now I want to see a LED red glow from inside and a little smoke out of the chimney....
  7. Congratulations on yet another fine monograph, Gérard! This looks like a fascinating subject. Coincidentally, I was in Bordeaux last week. Lovely city buildings of the same era....
  8. Do read the planking tutorials on MSW as well as study Gary's photos. A bluff bow can be successfully planked using these techniques.
  9. Coming along nicely, Alan. When marking out the scores for the counter timbers, make sure that they are spaced equidistantly on both transoms. This will give the correct angles as seen from aft, and the lights will be uniform in size as well.
  10. That ceiling plank all the way up to the wing transom has to be the trickiest piece of planking I've seen! No wonder the British ended those planks on the fashion piece....
  11. Gary; I recall your daughter was very well behaved at the dinner when we met. So was your wife, but I can't vouch for you!
  12. Great progress. Love the fleur de lys. Is it a photographic artifact, but in the overhead shots is the forward end of the port side main rail further forward than the starboard one?
  13. Gary is right: cut the round up first, then the round aft. You can't do both at the same time!
  14. With only 9% water in your isopropanol, the wood should not have changed dimension by much at all. If anything, water should have expanded the wood, not shrunk it! As you know, wood changes dimension far more across, not along the grain. So what you describe is illogical. My only thought is that the wood was not seasoned when originally put together, but the glue joints were strong enough to constrain the wood. Unlikely, of course, but what other explanation can anyone offer?
  15. Extraordinary work at that scale. I'm sorry for the loss of your obviously very talented colleague, Eberhard.
  16. Certainly it's a Herculean task at that scale, Marc. Looking very promising. Sorry to read that you had a second round with covid. Hopefully you will be healthy from here on.
  17. I suppose that you could spit-roast a quail as a stand-in for a turkey at that scale. Looking good!
  18. In a naval ship, severe punishment would be meted out to any seaman polluting the bilges!
  19. You might wish to consider running the wood grain diagonally on the knees for better strength. The grain running along one arm of a knee means an inherent weak point at the throat of the knee. Looks great so far!
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