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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Yes, it's the opposite of a line running foul - it runs fair. There is also a line from the weird sisters in MacBeth: "Fair is foul and foul is fair, Hover through fog and filthy air." They wish to turn things upside down.
  2. Fairleads is usual: the lines run fair through them. They neither eat or pay, as in 'fare'!
  3. Hattery? Is there no arcane skill that you do not possess? I hope you stay away from mercuric compounds - wouldn't want you getting hatters' syndrome. Lovely work on the model as well, SHJ.
  4. Welcome and accept the excellent advice from Keith and Chris.
  5. Yes, rigging looks like a rat's nest or intricate maze and seems very intimidating. One needs to take each line soearately, one at a time, and it will become less daunting.
  6. To use Silkspan, it must first be wetted and stretched like watercolor paper. If you do not do this properly, wrinkles are inevitable!
  7. Producing these timbers involves a large learning curve if you have not done these before, so don'r beat yourself up over them. Every good model-maker has a scrap box for a reason! Keep at it and you will get there.
  8. Thank you, Toni! I was looking for brass, so missed seeing copper.
  9. Yes, I made the same discovery some years ago: square wire is definitely the method of choice. Finding square wire is another story, though.
  10. Ow. Just looking at that hurts. But I applaud your efforts for authenticity. Good for you, Rob.
  11. Lovely work so far, SHJ. However "There's the rub" is from Hamlet - his 'To be or nor to be" speech. Sorry to be so pedantic. I'll go back to my corner now.
  12. Any scratch builder accumulates a collection of concave and convex sanding sticks or blocks. You have a very organized collection there, Mark!
  13. Nice to see you back on the job, Toni! How did you like using square wire instead of sheet metal?
  14. Congratulations for getting your article submitted, Rich. And now, we wait.... Thanks for the tip of the hat!
  15. Very nice, but there's no need to hold her nose with a clothes peg - she is far better than that!
  16. Interesting technique! And obviously it works well. I hope you didn't need to adjust all the jacks in the harpsichord that way - there are a lot of them to deal with! As a matter of curiosity, what style of instrument was it that you built?
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