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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Yes, I've seen left handed ones online, but they are extremely expensive.
  2. There were other strange - to us - underwater body shapes. Another example is Inspector of 1782: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Ship_plans_of_the_Royal_Museums_Greenwich&filefrom=INFERNAL+1815+RMG+J7573.png#/media/File:Inspector_(1782)_RMG_J4476.png showing the hydrodynamic lateral fins in the aft body. It was not repeated, so presumably was not successful in controlling roll.
  3. So, some corrections were needed to make the hull fair. No big surprise! Thank you for the demonstration, Waldemar.
  4. Sorry to read that the lurgy (pronounced with a hard 'g') laid you low despite the vaccines, Ron. Hopefully all will continue well for you now. The model is really taking on life: I can't wait to see her heeled slightly in her sea!
  5. Pretty obvious which might be a more fair set of lines. It would be interesting to run diagonals or waterlines to see which had a better 'flow' without tweaking!
  6. It is certainly a fascinating study!
  7. Also note the top and butt strakes in the way of the guns. These have a different butt pattern!
  8. Remarkable! Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Mark.
  9. Thank you, Waldemar, for demonstrating the rest of the (re)construction. It is similar to the 'propositions' in the Newton manuscript.
  10. I see the centers of the radii nicely plotted now. in a straight line. But, Waldemar, how did you go about generating the hollowing curves?
  11. In the last example, the lower defining line of the conoid is clearly seen in the elevation/sheer plan. I cannot see where the designer defined the arc radii, though. The spread of these in body plan are only implied by your superimposed circles. As you point out, the floor/hollowings are rather fanciful!
  12. I agree that the pencilled drop plank ends would look far better as pencilled in, if you can bear to make the change. You are doing a fine job for a 'first' scratch build.
  13. Th figure looks very good, but the lettering on the nameboard is far too modern, if you don't mind my saying so.
  14. The demo video looks good and this obviously works well within limits of size on what appears to be basswood. It might not work as well with hardwoods. It really will depend on what applications you might need this for.
  15. Tangent points make more sense than tangent lines for replicability. However (particularly aft) the positioning of the template or mould leaves quite a bit open to interpretation as shown above.
  16. Eight hours? You obviously having staying power. (Sorry, couldn't resist that!)
  17. The pair of openings on the fore end of the quarter deck are for the top tackle when rigged. Otherwise, gratings or solid covers were placed over them.
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