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Everything posted by druxey

  1. Trimming the yard using the lines - just like the full size ship - is fun, isn't it? Looking really fine, Bob.
  2. Nicely finished, Kevin. Well done! Termite treatment is something we northerners don't consider.
  3. I don't know whether this would apply to your model, but I've found working the inside first enables one to make vertical measurements between frames of things like deck clamps more easily. If the outer plank is on, then one needs a gantry style set-up to make internal height measurements. Looking very nice so far!
  4. I did not take you to mean that you were critical of the kit, Bob. I appreciate your wish to be more scale-accurate than the 'out of the box' version. Go for it! There are excellent commercial ropes available, or you can learn to spin your own with a suitable machine.
  5. Nice looking sail color, Ron. Trivia: 'Unbleached' titanium white does not exist! Originally a batch of regular titanium white paint (TiO2 ) was accidentally contaminated with a little yellow oxide. Rather than ditch the whole batch, the manufacturer decided to sell it as 'unbleached'. It took off, so it's been marketed ever since. True story.
  6. My, but I lived a sheltered childhood. My chemistry experiments were merely growing crystals in super-saturated solutions. OK, there was that time we kids made potassium iodide, saturated small pieces of paper with it and let them dry on the dormitory floor (this was at a boarding school). Late that night when the dorm monitor, a senior student, cam to bed, he always took off his shoes so as not to wake us. He trod on the pieces of paper and, potassium iodide being unstable, created a series of tiny explosions and an involuntary dance.
  7. Looking good, SHJ! I use Saran wrap stretched with masking tape around the edges rather than waxed paper for a non-adhesive surface.
  8. Bob: As you obviously have the interest, I suggest you are well on your way to scratch building and research. Fortunately there is a lot available online these days. Due to economic constraints, there is a limit to how accurate any kit can be. The more costly, the more you should expect, but that is not always the case. I applaud your efforts to get it right, or closer than the 'out of the box' kit can be.
  9. Cheers! Well done, Kevin. Except that the box description should read 'its', not 'it's'.
  10. As long as you don't navigate yourself onto any rocks.... That is pretty good accuracy, Alan. Well done!
  11. Ye gads, Kevin! Some really heavy duty silver soldering to come? Seem a pity to hide all that framing, but the planking job looks very good.
  12. The standing rigging will do its job and keep the masts in place - just like the real ship. No glue required!
  13. Perhaps starch painted on and allowed to dry while the 'wind' blows?
  14. Many instances of 'doubling up' would be to resist greater forces on the beams where there will be stress or weight.
  15. I've had good success by drilling a hole in brass sheet of the thickness of the ring I need. The hole is the OD of the tube 'slice'. I insert the rough-sawed ring and file the surface flush to the sheet using a fine file. Your turned result using lathe and wood mandrel is very nice indeed.
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