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Everything posted by Redbeard

  1. Sjors...outstanding coppering. Enjoying your build. John
  2. Nenad, Just wanted you to know how much i'm enjoying your build. Marc, Just goes to show you there is more than one way to skin a cat... or stow an anchor John
  3. Great looking build Stergios! Can't wait to see it finished.
  4. Bob, Just found your build...great job. Very inspiring. Plan on following if ya don't mind? Enjoying the banter with Nenad as much as the build! Keep up the good work
  5. Mike Just another "thank you" for all your input/research/R&D on this subject. This will definitely be of help on future builds...just can't wait to get started. Maybe one of our illustrious moderators will pin this thread. John
  6. Great build Store. Looks like you're on the home stretch... Thanks for the log John
  7. Hi Doris I'm impressed with you work! This really inspires me to be a better modeler. I hope to see more of your work soon
  8. Hey Everyone! Maybe some lead weights like the ones used to balance car tires could be affixed to the inside framing. They're small and you could crimp several of them in place. And the best part... I would imagine that a tire shop might just give you some. John
  9. Nice work Mark. Gonna follow your build. Look forward to more progress! John
  10. Jim Really like your work! Hope to get an update soon Apart from your modeling your camera work is nice as well! John
  11. Great work Dave! I'm getting ready to start Bluenose myself. Looking forward to watching yours progress. I'm sure i'll pick up some helpful tips along the way. John
  12. Good luck Edward! Excited to see this build!
  13. What hasn't been said about this build?...Impressive! Not only envious of all your toys but mostly of your talent. Thanks for your time and effort in sharing. John
  14. WOW!...Nice job. I look forward to seeing her get finished. John
  15. Bob, just thought I would stop in and say...WOW! This is absolutely a beautiful build. I'm blown away with your details. I'm "brand spankin new" to wood models and this really inspires me to make the extra effort. I just ordered my bluenose this week but I feel like ive already started after reading you log. So many great tips from your details. I cant wait to get started. Thanks for your hard work at not only building a beautifuk ship but sharing it with those of us that have so much to learn John
  16. Hey PopJack! I just noticed your keel vise stand. Looks like it's pretty sturdy. Ive been looking around for one myself...nothing i like. Mind sharing where you got it? Thanks John
  17. Hello PopJack! Gonna follow your progress as I'm getting ready to start the bluenose myself. Placing my order tomorrow and hopefully get started on it in a few weeks. Good luck on your build and we'll see ya around. John
  18. Hello Guy...welcome I to am a nubie. I don't have much advice at this time. I'm trying to keep my nose above water as well. I'm sure you'll get lots of help from the masters tho... John
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