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Posts posted by Katsumoto

  1. 1 hour ago, MESSIS said:

    Dutch Colombous..  hip hip hura! She is a beauty! She is magnificent! Great work, fine model. 


    You are at last almost ready to sail off to the new world.  Am anxiously staying tuned to see the final stage and your photographic skills.


    I assume the last update will be the moment we light up the fire works....



    Ps. I saw the amati model, not yours of AL and the sails  had red crosses on them. What about this model, it doesnt have any?

    Thank you for the conplements. I decided not to go with red crosses on the sails, due historical vagueness about the truth of red crosses on the Santa Maria.. 

  2. **The final Chapter - Aesthetics over Function...**


    Hello my friends,

    Today I've finished the build of the Santa Maria. The journey has come to an end so to say and what a ride it has been. For me a big milestone because it's been a while since I've finished a model ship and just in time before the big move starts to our new home!

    But, it's not the last update of this ship because I have to make a photoshoot by daylight what I will do first thing tomorrow!


    But first, some work has to be done...so here we go!

    I've ordered some new rope for the Santa Maria so I can continue with the rigging.










    Next I turned to the pre-fabricated flags included with the kit. they are made of a synthetic fibre and they are hopeless....won't complement the model at all. I still need to use them in a sort of way. So eventually I came up with an "easy" solution. I used a woodstain for "ageing" the fabric and it worked!!




    It's time to raise the flag(s) and set sail to the new world! Bon voyage!






    Next update will be a complete shoot of the model, like I said earlier....stay tuned!



  3. Well, well well.....nice work Sir. Clean lines and clean work. When this ship is finished I believe you are ready for a more complex vessel. 
    When bending wood, there will always be a little recurve, so make sure you make the mold more curved than it supposed to be. 


    excellent work so far...keep it up Will!






  4. 27 minutes ago, MESSIS said:

    Gunwale almost done with 14 planks in total. Though today the shipyard, as I already mentioned, has closed for two weeks.... the shipyard master will be busy by the visit of his grandson -a three months old petit officer, not of the Cyprus Navy, he is a British subject.


    Limassol its now spring over 18° C. and the colours of the sea are beautiful! (picture: Limassol Port, harbor tugboat is piloting Natural Gas Drill  platform)





    Lovely site, just stunning! Have fun with the visit of your grandson! What a gift that must be...😉

  5. 38 minutes ago, MESSIS said:

    Love it Peter! It became a very beautiful model.  Did you weathered the sails? The colour fits great.


    Yes, I used the tea stain trick. Some love it, some don’t because tea has tannen into it and it can slowly deteriarate the fibers of the cloth of the sails. a ship I made years ago don’t show any damage on the sails whatsoever.

    thank you my friend, also for the trigger to emulate wind into the sails. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Backer said:

    Well done Peter

    The finish is in sight   🏁

    Yes, it is...almost there! Thanks my friend!


    10 hours ago, kier said:

    Nice sails Peter, with a great technic included.

    .  Well done

    Hi Kier, thank you I hope you liked it!


    9 hours ago, nikbud said:

    Excellent work on the sails Peter, She looks fantastic, a real masterpiece.

    You, Sir, have set a standard I can only wish I could emulate.

    Best of luck with the rest of the rigging.


    I need all the luck I can get, so send it to me please. Thanks for the compliments sir!


    8 hours ago, Wallace said:

    I can only second what the others have already said Peter, very nicely done sir. That sail "trick" does lend a certain dynamic to the build I must say. 

    Thanks Mark, I didn’t know the outcome before I started with the sails, so I’m pleased with the results so far.

  7. **The end of a rope....**


    Hello my fellow mates,


    A new update from the Santa Maria shipyard. It is one of the last episode on the yard. I think maybe two more updates after this one and then she will be finished. But for now, a small glimp of her current state. 
    I start with a few pictures how I attach a block to a piece of rope...












    After this, I attach the block to the bold rope of a sail.


    Some violin blocks in action, they hold the main yard.






    I found it difficult to get glue on some parts of the ropes. I do not have a needle and syringe, so I use a piece of brass wire and bend the end part in a oval shape. I put the CA glue on the oval part of the wire and press it against the knot of the rope.





    Then Murphy shows himself.....no more rope.....


    So I ordered more rope of the same colour and thickness. In the mean time I thought about the sails. I wanted to do it a bit differently than just attach the sails to the yards and let them hang as if there's no wind. Like hanging your clothes on a line to dry....
    Messis or Christos my Cyprian friend brought me on ideas to simulate if the wind is blowing into the sails. To achieve this, there are several methods, but I choose the method which I can do with the material I have in stock. "brass wire"


    Now I placed some brass wire into the seem of the sail, I can bend the wire and give the sails some volume. I only put the wires into the sides of the sails. Not the bottom or the top!





    So, this was it for this weekend, hopefully I receive the ordered rope pretty fast so I can continue with her....

    Stay tuned....



  8. 2 hours ago, kier said:

    Thankyou Peter for your info.

    .          Ps keep your build going, it's a fantastic build to follow with many tips included. She's looking great.

    .                  kier

    You’re welcome and thank you for following my log, I’m humbled with the reactions from you and all the others.


    so thank you my friend 🙂





  9. 12 hours ago, kier said:

    Hi Peter,

    .        thanks for the info Peter it has allways been on my mind as I to like the ships of that era and may think about making one in the future.

    .       At first I thought you didn't put a rabet into the false keel was because maybe the lower bulkheads came down to far to the main keel and just wondered if other similer builds such as the pints have the same issue. Many thanks.

    .                kier

    I see what you mean. Yes the bulkheads came down almost to the keel. I uploaded a picture below which shows a green triangle. That is where you trim the width of the false keel. After that, no rabbet is needed for this build. Hope you take on a ship like this, it's a pleasure to build, I really enjoy it. It's not to big, fast result after something has done, not to expensive to buy and easy to storage if you do not have a permanent "building area" like I have. 



  10. 1 hour ago, kier said:

    Hi Peter, 

    .       excuse me for bothering as well as going back a few months, but did you form a rabet at all prior to planking your hull. If so was it put into the false-keel or the keel itself. I maybe am totally wrong but so called barking up the wrong tree for example the keel was glued straight on after the planking?     Sorry to bring it up, many builders have different ways. Me, am just curious and wondered how you did it. 

    .              kier

    Hi Kier,


    No bothering here mate, thanks for asking. 

    I didn’t form a rabbit into the false keel or into the keel. I should have shaved a bit off the stern side on the false keel. I didn’t that either, but I had to sand off a lot of the first layer to get the proper width by not doing so.

    But it turned out allright. 🙂


    hope the answer make some sense...

  11. **Chapter - Long-winded**


    Hello my friends!


    So, still working on the sails and it's a long proces when you do this by hand as I do. So, stick with me please and forgive me that it takes a bit longer and I perhaps challenge your patience. 

    What I have done so far is to use the pre-fab sails and took everything apart and build it up again with a different approach. I stained the cloth, stained the rope that goes around the sail (do not know the English term) and sewed everthing by hand into a sail again. After spending some midnight hours doing so, this is the finished result...




    It's time to put the sails on the yards, but the instruction manual was not clear again. The drawings stated that the sails are connected to the yards by two loops in the rope that goes around the sail. It was not what I liked so, I changed this as well....














    Continues with a lot of "lose ends".... :P








    So the proces step by step...









    After all sails has been connected to the yards....





    Recap, the pre-fab sails from the box....



    The finished result after altering the pre-fab sails....what do you think?




    I did it again and bashed everything my fingers can get a grip on....oh well....such is life...:)

    Peter aka "the sewing machine" 

  12. It will be a ship in no time at all...when you sorted out the bulkheads and keelplate, before you know it the frame of the vessel stands. Some sanding is needed on the bulkheads so they can accept the planks of the hull. Then the deck will be placed...some paint on the hull. Mast and rigging and she is finished.👌🏻


    nothing to it really...you’ll be a master in no time at all madame! 😉


    so, one step at the time and keep asking questions no matter what, it’s a good way to learn new things afterall. 



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