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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice job on the fiddle block........ Frank
  2. WOW!!! Dave ....that is some awesome!! work on those cannons. frank
  3. Nice!! build Sjors......... Good thing you got a new keel ,that thing was really tweaked........ You're getting to be a real pro putting these builds together, you don't fool around either, you go for the BIG !!ones...... keep this up and you'll be looking for another house to display them .... Frank P.S. thanks for the call......
  4. Michael... those gun carriages are awesome!!!!.... your work is just outstanding! Frank
  5. Nice!! Denis...... real nice... just went thru your log, great work as always.... REALLY love the color on the hull . Frank
  6. That is one great! looking kit E.J...... looks like you've got a good start going on her.... she's going to be a beauty!! Frank
  7. "Happy New Year" Michael........ and...YES we are!!!!! :D Frank
  8. Michael.... you out did yourself again!!.... really like your work.... HOPE YOU HAD A NICE TRIP SOUTH OF THE BORDER!!! Frank
  9. Nice! start Denis...... looks to be an interesting build...... it's amazing, how many builds is this now?????? will be watching.... Frank
  10. Nice!! work Greg.... the complexity of this build is amazing... talk about detail.......have fun!!! Frank
  11. Just beautiful!!!!! work Matt... your soldering skills look pretty darn good!!! Frank
  12. Hi Peter just catching up on your build.....excellent work as always...... beautiful job on the brass plating and deck,,, oh yeah ,really liked your added scenic shots too.... Frank
  13. Nice idea Denis with the belts, they look great!!! Nice work again.... Frank
  14. Wether you take credit or not you certainly did an excellent job of putting them together..... looks like a really well thought out kit..... Now I better get back to finishing up my not so well thought out kit Frank
  15. Hi Don... just catching up... really nice work on the hatches and hinges, and I really like your ladders.I like the way you put them together. Mine always come out kind of crooked with the steps.when they slot those sides they never really match up when you put the steps in. Next time I think I'll try your way..... Did that cherry wood come with the kit? Frank
  16. Great looking deck Don..... I agree with Bob( cutting the deck up)... you gotta do what you gotta do!!! Frank
  17. "Congrats" Denis...........Have you picked out your new grandson's first ship kit yet!!!!!! frank
  18. Thanks Don....... didn't think about the rigging, better leave well enough alone Hi Mike....... Thanks for stopp'n by, always like hearing from you!! Frank
  19. Great work Greg, look'n real good!!! Frank P.S. if you are looking for an airbrush, look at the Iwata's, they are first class!!
  20. Yeah Don, you're right about that........ I'd be surprised if they had any toes at all after high jumping those things all day long!! Do you think I should leave them in or take them out???? Frank
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