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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Beautiful work Michael, the guns are looking real nice. Frank
  2. thanks Mark, it took awhile to finish her up, but perseverance came to the rescue Thanks for all of your input these past 4 years , you are very much appreciated on this site. Alistair, glad you liked the Supply, it was a fun build, a little trying at times , but all in all an enjoyable one. Frank
  3. Just went thru your log Jesse...... you've got a real nice build going on. A friend of mine gave me this same model, one day I'll give it ago. I'll be using your log as a guide, so hang in there :P Frank
  4. Sjors, whats that old saying..." When in Rome, do as the Romans do" ( I think that's right )..... and , "When in the Netherlands, do as Sjors does " Hey, you do what ever it takes. Your rigging is looking great!!! Frank
  5. Tony your work is outstanding!! The crows feet and your snaking look just perfect. Better hurry up and finish your kitchen, then you'll be able to play with all your new toys when they get there :P take care mate!! Frank
  6. Thanks again to everyone!!! Tonynewman ..... Thanks for your comments. The figures are from Cornwall Model Boats, I'm pretty sure they're Amati"s figures !/64th scale. Dirk.............. It's always nice hearing from you, Glad you liked how it turned out. Mirabell61 ........ Thank you for looking in and commenting on my build. It took awhile , thought I'd never get finished Doug ............. Finally!! finished her Doug. :) Thanks for your nice comments. Mobbsie ......... Well Tony, it's a done deal !!.... I'll bet you thought I'd never finish ( me too).. thanks for all your accolades, but I'm really not worthy of them, but thank you anyway. Now I'll clean up the work bench and get ready for the next one thanks for all your support Tony Sjors ............ "2014"..... finished!!!! About time , right Sjors..... for right now she's sitting on my piano, she seems to be happy with that , so I'll probably leave her there for awhile. Thanks for all your support during this build it was very much appreciated. Matti ........... WOW!!! those pictures look a 100% better!! Thank you so much . I sent you a pm. and thanks for all your kind and encouraging reply's thru out this build. :im Not Worthy: Bob ......... Thanks for look'n in , your kind words really make me feel like I'm better than I really am :D . How about that UCONN !!! Frank
  7. Andy...... thanks for your comments and support, looking forward to having you on board next time around. Popeye...... you'll be welcomed to be on board!! Frank
  8. edmay ....... Thanks for your comments, it took awhile to get her finished, but I'm pretty satisfied with the end result. Frank
  9. Thank you all for your comments: Mike ............ thanks for your support and encouragement thru this build, I'm looking forward to be working with some new lumber the Alert should be a nice change, I hope !! Popeye ......... your work, like so many here, has always been an inspiration, so thanks for helping me get to the finish line like I told Augie and Mike , my next will be the Alert, so stick around, I'll be needing your help again!! JesseLee ....... I'm Glad you like the look, I thought I'd try something a little different . It's not every ones cup of tea but for those who like a beat up look, I thank you for look'n in Augie............. I hope so Frank
  10. Wayne......... thanks for dropping by, glad you liked it, I'm just glad it finally got finished !! Sherry ......... Thank you too for look'n in. The more I got into the weathering process , the more I wondered if I was doing the right thing , but now that it's finished I'm pleased with most of it. Augie .......... I was happy to have you on board, your encouraging remarks always helped to keep me going. I have two kits in the closet, Amati's Bomb Ketch, and Kricks Alert. I think I'll tackle the Alert first, it's a little different. Thanks again for all of your support. frank
  11. Well here it is folks........... the final update !!!!!......... and I must say, it's about time... whew!!, for awhile there I thought I'd never get this finished. Any how, here's a few pictures ,hope you like them, and again thanks to everyone here who helped me to put this together you've heard of a skeleton crew, well when it came time to placing the figures, I realized I didn't have a figure for the tiller , so I made a wire skeleton fig.to fill in. Next time I go to Michaels I'll get some clay and try my luck at making a figure. That's it, I have a couple more different shots that I'll add in the gallery. Thanks for look'n in. Frank
  12. Popeye you're out doing your self !! ... ( again ) really nice looking job on that stern.... Frank
  13. Beautiful!! Matti....... Great looking build you've got going on. Frank
  14. Sherry..... the stern is absolutely "gorgeous".... you certainly have a talent for carving !!!!! Frank
  15. That's quite a comparison.... really shows just how big the Aggie is...... nice job on the hull Sjors looks real good!! Frank
  16. It looks soooooo nice!!.... Augie you're doing a great job. and I like those windows, glad you gave them a good showing. frank
  17. Nice Popeye ,real nice.... the transom looks great.. the decals really bring that ship to life!!
  18. I love you too Sjors!!!! Do they have a Dutch museum for yours??? ( of course when it's finished)
  19. Hi Mike.... looks like your off to good an accurate build.... if it comes out half as good as the Badger, it'll be fantastic!!... Have fun! Frank
  20. Wow!! what great news Tony, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, how sweet it is to have one's work displayed in a museum. I'm happy to hear that your talents were recognized . Good show mate!!! Frank
  21. Augie nice job on the windows.... both the clear and antique looking glass look real good, I'm still trying to decide which look is best... right now I'm leaning a little more to the clear, maybe it's just because the latter would be hard to look thru..... but then again you have the model right in front of you, so you have a better look at it, which ever you choose I'm sure will look great !! Frank
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