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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. a little update:....... the hull has been faired up, and now I'm lining off the hull for the planking. I tried soaking and bending some reg. stock planking, but it was almost impossible to make it lie flat on the curvature at the bow, so I decided to use Chucks tutorial on planking. His explanation of how do to it was right to the point . He was so good at explaining it that even I could understand it . I tried a sample spiled plank and it layed beautifully, so I ordered some sheet bass and spruce, I'm waiting for that to come in then I'll begin the planking. For lining out the hull, I tried using art tape,Tamiya masking tape, blue tape, frog tape, and nothing would stick , so I ended up using string and reg masking tape to tack it down. I ended up with four bands..... the first three are pretty even from bow to stern.... the fourth is the widest and sweeps up pretty much at the stern so it's going to take some creative planing there I'm showing a couple pictures of the bands, if they don't look right I'd appreciate anyone's input. Right at the bow it measures 20mm, I could drop it to 25mm like the rest of the band.... that way I could use 5 planks without any tapering for the first 3 bands, or should I leave it alone. Any thoughts on this???? Thanks Frank
  2. Just catching up, hope you're feeling better Patrick....... your build is looking real nice!!.... stay calm!! Frank
  3. after looking at all those ropes dangling there...... you might want to start another re-do!! :P ( just kidding )... I know you enjoy rigging a lot more!! Frank
  4. Wow! what a difference...... you made some one very happy!! Frank
  5. Hey Patrick, sorry to hear about your mishap...... hope your healing o.k. so you can get back to some more building . Take care!! Frank
  6. Nice work Sjors, the windows look real good now . You're moving along pretty fast, I think a little of Mobbsie has rubbed off on you!! Frank
  7. Hey Augie, when you get back from fishing, don't forget to tie your moose up!! :D
  8. Hi Russ ....... just got thru catching up on your progress, it's just outstanding!!, and you certainly give credence to spiled planking. I'm going to give it a try on my present build. I have a question for you, not related to ship building, so I'll PM you. Frank
  9. David... I do have the AOS book , but like Wayne said, it's for an altogether different ALERT. Wayne ..... My mistake (1805), I don't know where that came from, you're right 1818 wq3296.... Thanks for the information .As soon as I get finished lining off the hull,I'll see which length will fit best, and I'm pretty sure I'll have to try my hand at spilling to have the planks lay nice and flat at the bow. Frank
  10. Hey, Thanks Russ and Wayne, That was a great help . Frank
  11. My project now is the U.S.Alert 1805, they call it a cutter, but the hull design is more like a schooner. I'm thinking I might like to try scale planking, I've tried to find out what the length of the planks were.but I couldn't find any info, so if some one here has that information it would be much appreciated. I've tried using 25ft. but at 1/25th scale it puts the planks at about 12 in. scale (if I calculated right ). Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. Thanks . Frank
  12. Like everyone said..... the gun ports look great !! ...... now, just don't fill them up with hostile guns :D Frank
  13. Matti... this build just gets better and better every time you post . Frank
  14. Yeah, nice Patrick, good job on the slip.... and good fishing too!! Frank
  15. "Do Not Disturb"........ GENIOUS@work........ well, looks like you've got the setup going, and I like the name "Pimp my Deck"....... don't worry about the bennies, you'll make a FORTUNE!!! Frank
  16. Those colors are real nice Adam, and you did a real good job applying them Looks GREAT!!! Frank
  17. Nice work , they came out real good!! Now you can start making after market wooden decks !!! Frank
  18. Good luck on this build Joe, I understand it's a real nice kit. Frank
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