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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Yeah, that's pretty funny Ian, can you imagine having to rely on them in battle??.... You'd be shooting yourself Frank
  2. Matti, the masts look really authentic...... whats your secret on scribing those? ..... it looks like it would be difficult to scribe such a straight line on a dowel like that...... ( if that's what you did )..... great! idea using the washes too!!..... you do some great things Matti,and , after all you've done on this inspiring build I'm sure you'll have no problems rigging her up. Don't work so hard... Do more modelling!!!! :D Frank
  3. Hi Ron ,just catching up..... beautiful job on the hull, looks like a real bear to plank, but you conquered it ,great job!! Frank
  4. Wow ! Sherry, you never cease to amaze me with your talent..... excellent work on those catheads ,the look of your ship is outstanding!! Frank
  5. Nice! work on those gun ports Sjors. I would think the template for them would be a good thing, looks like they are turning out all right for you, they certainly look good, so.......... don't rock the boat!! :D Frank
  6. Mike, looking forward to you putting this together, like all your new wood, I'll bet you can't wait to get started!! Happy modeling!! Frank
  7. That is some pretty astounding metal work Piet.... and I thought working with wood is hard Frank
  8. The deck is looking real good Popeye..... a little more work than painting a plastic deck, but this is gona be the kind when you finish!!!. It'll give your ship a whole different look. Good show!! Frank
  9. Jesse...... really nice work on the strop dead-eye assemblies, You must have a lot of patience , that would frustrate me Frank
  10. Michael....... those cannons are awesome !!!! Frank
  11. Peter your build is looking fantastic!!!..... love your sails , rigging,and of course.... your motley crew!! Frank
  12. Thanks again to everyone with all your reply's and to all the likes. Popeye....... I'm going to follow Dirk's and Alistair's advice and use the bulkheads as a guide and sand the deck to line up. After I fair the frames up then I'll see if I need to add some thin shims to the frames. I'm finishing up the bow and stern filler blocks, a little more sanding on those, then I'll be able to star the fairing. David......... she has a nice sheer line and a slight camber .I 'm sure once I get the frames faired up things will fall into place. Frank
  13. Thanks!! Dirk......"you made my day" :D
  14. Augie what is a spirketting ? You sure did a nice job fairing the bulkhead top
  15. Thanks: Mark, Alistair, Patrick, Augie, Tim for your input' Mark.... The bulkhead tops are to be removed later on, but I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better taking them off at this point now when nothing is in the way. Alistair..... that was my first thought too, I'll have to look this over real close. Patrick...... didn't think about doing that Patrick, too late now, the deck is glued down Augie..... Woe is Me .... I'm thinking bulkheads too , after I draw the line I'll let you know Tim..... Thanks for looking in, and feel free to add your comments ( good or bad)
  16. Well it's time for a little update...... I've installed the bulkhead supports and to be honest ,I really don't think they were necessary ,for a minute there, I thought I was a carpenter . the frames were really tight , and what happened was. it threw the keel off a little, so I removed the bow and near the stern supports and that seemed to relax the keel enough to make it half way straight.MY advice to anyone contemplating doing this kit it would be to forget doing that. The deck fit perfectly after removing those supports too. I have the deck installed, but I noticed the deck is not flush with some of the frames, You'll see what I'm talking about when you come to that picture, I'll have a post there so anyone can comment on it. Thanks for looking in Frank Like I stated before , after all the supports were installed it kind of drew the keel a little out of line. The next couple pictures show the sections I removed. I was all set to take them all out, but the removal of the few straighten things out, and the deck fell right in line with the bulkheads. These next couple pictures show the deck attached. The one with the lines showing which frames don't line up with the edge of the deck. would it be better to add some strip to the bulkheads so they flush up with the deck, or should the deck be sanded so it's flush with the bulkheads ???
  17. that's quite a method for those hinges Matti,....... very nicely done , the rudder looks just great!! Frank
  18. Nice Mike, really nice!!! What are the dimensions on that case? Frank
  19. Sjors... you're headed for the dark side ...... nice work on the rigging!! Frank P.S. really like your chop saw!!! Nice....
  20. Really like the look you're getting on your ship Matti, very realistic look, nice job!!! Frank
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