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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Boy, that looks real good Matti..... nice job. Frank
  2. Really nice! work Dave,........ just visited your blog, very impressive collection you have there. Tried leaving a comment.. with no success. That's a great idea with the blog to keep your kids and grand kids in touch. They must be very impressed!! Frank
  3. Dafi.... you are unbelievably talented!!!...... great! work. Frank
  4. Real nice!! Tony.... you do excellent ratlines ... and ,everything else looks pretty good too!! ( I have to be careful and not give you too much praise because I don't want you to loose your initiative to always do better!! ) :P Congrats to you and the Mrs,and Sjors on celebrating your special day. Have fun on your holiday!!! Frank
  5. Nice words Tony..... they apply to all of us !!.....( especially me) Frank
  6. Wayne if you decide to drill the windows out ( which is a good idea!! ), you can use Window Glaze from MicroMark, Augie used it on his windows on his present build and they came out really good. Just some food for thought...... and tell your son he's a very neat painter!! Frank
  7. Hi Robert just went thru your log...... GREAT!! job, your planking came out real nice, and I like the contrasting color too Keep up the good work. I'll be ck'n in from time to time. Frank
  8. Hi Vivian, just catching up on your progress......... great redo on the doors and windlass, big ,big improvement, your work is real good!! Glad to hear your starting to feel your old self again. Take care. Frank
  9. Nice job on the wales Sjors, even if their off a 1/2 mm ( just kidding!! about the 1mm ) ...she's looking good,real good !! 1/2 mm +1/2mm = 1 1/2 half ea. side By the way, just to assure you I was kidding,........ I can't even see a 1/2 mm , and.... I won't let you wait 2 years for more picture either. Frank
  10. Hi Pete.... just now went thru you build, what a great looking boat..... excellent work. Frank
  11. Mobbsie: ...... the kit's way is to double plank, but this is going to be a single planked hull. The frame set up is really not designed to accommodate scale planking, But, Russ has been giving me some good advice on how to handle this. He sent me a picture of a schooner's planking pattern that I think will work out real good . ( thanks Russ)... So stay tuned, I should be finished with this planking in another couple years !! :D Dave....... thanks for looking in, it's nice to have you on board, and thank you for your nice comment on the Supply. Frank
  12. thanks Popeye.... like I said earlier, I'm really liking the spiling , it's a little more time consuming but the planks lay real nice. Once I get the hang of it, it should move along a little faster. Frank
  13. Very nice work Mike..... looks like you're giving your new toys a good workout!! Frank
  14. A little update time as to what's going on ........ Well , I finally got started on the spiling process and I must say I really like it. The only real problem I ran into was finding the right pen that writes on the clear tape. Pencil did'nt work , so I ended up using a Sharpie ultra fine , works fairly good ( sometimes ) . This takes a little more time to do, but the end results are worth it. Here's a couple pictures showing the first couple planks at the bow. this was the first plank set on the stbd. side I don't know if you can see the tape laying across the frames, but it's there, you can't see where I traced the shape of the plank because the first pen I used was too light. but after tracing the shape, the whole tape was transfered to the basswood sheet and cut out with a sharp blade.Then a little shaping is done to fit. this shows the second plank set, ships curves came in real handy for drawing out planks shape, impossible to do without them (at least for me). Well that's it for today, hoping to get a few more done tomorrow. Thanks for looking in. Frank
  15. Great !! looking build Bob..... real nice work on your fittings. Frank
  16. Russ.... do you mean run a line down the middle of each frame.... down to the bottom of the keel?
  17. Hey Thanks Russ for the encouragement, your build was certainly an inspiration for me to try this spiling method. If it comes out anywhere near yours I'll be a happy camper. Say, do you think the bands are OK ?? Thanks Frank
  18. Hi Robert, thanks for looking in, Yeah I really like his cutter, it'll be a fun build!!! Stay tuned ! Frank
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