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Everything posted by riverboat

  1. Nice!! build Al, missed this one on the old site, glad you re-posted. Frank
  2. thanks Sherry for stopping by, I just hope I can do half as good a job as you're doing !!! DavidB...... Yeah i was a little disappointed , but I'm sure I'll get something out of it. ( I hope ) Frank
  3. Ditto !! Patrick...... you're move'n right along Augie, classy looking ship!! Frank
  4. Matti the stern is just outstanding, the painting is awesome!!! Frank
  5. Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. Alistair...... You're right about the book, I was hoping it was related to the American cutter, but that's OK , It'll be a good resource and I'm sure I'll get some good ideas that can be applied to the Alert. Tony.......... Thanks for stopping by. I've always wanted to do this cutter, from way back ( In the 1970's ) I had purchased some Alert plans from Luci, I got as far as the frames, then it came to a complete halt. So now I'll try again, and yes you 're right a bout Dirks work. I'll definetly be looking at his work for inspiration. Kester....... I realize now, it's the wrong cutter. .... Kester I don't think the word cutter threw me off, The word "Alert" threw me off Max......... the quality of this kit is'nt too bad,considering it's price. Although I do plan on upgrading the blocks and cordage. I sent you a pm with alink to Arthur's Gulnara build..... ck it out it's really good. Dirk......... If this build comes out 1/25th as good as yours, I'[ll be a happy camper!! :D Patrick...... Seems that way does'nt it. ...... Well it's been sitting in the closet for awhile, so I thought I'd better get it out of there before it really starts to warp. Popeye...... It's always a pleasure to have you on board..... I'm sure I'll be needing some expert advice down the road , so I'll be honored to recieve your advice. Wayne...... Thanks for all the info Wayne and it'll be a pleasure to have you pull up a seat to see where this build is headed Frank
  6. Hi Gregor, just now went thru your log, What an excellent!! build this is.... love all the embellishments you've made , she's a great looking cutter. Nice job!!...... In regards to the book, I ordered it a couple days ago ,I'm sure it will be a great help. Thanks Frank
  7. Nicely!!done Sjors...... see, now when everyone does their shrouds and ratlines, they'll say "Do as Sjors Does" :P Frank
  8. Danny this is one amazing build, haven't looked in for awhile ......the progress you have made is just outstanding!!!! Frank
  9. Alistair take a look here , is this the book you were thinking of? Frank
  10. Hi Alistair... I thought Goodwin's book was for this particular revenue cutter, geez I hope so, I'll let you know as soon as I get it. I bought it thru Amazon , used ($ 60.00 ) supposed to be in excellent shape, I'll find out..... very soon The larger scale suits me fine too!!. I'll get back to you on the book. David B.... thanks for chiming in, Alistair was just asking me if the book was related to the Alert or some other , your input makes me feel a lot better. .... I planned on going thru the book first like you suggested, I'm sure I'll get some pretty helpful ideas. Augie........ I wasn't sure, I know I have their Pride of Baltimore ( started some time ago and still waiting to be finished ) and the plans with that kit were rolled. I'll ck my iron to see if it's still spiting steam .... sounds like a good idea!! Frank
  11. Hi Bindy, thanks for stop'n by .......... yes the plans, I can't figure out why they do that. If I'm not mistaken, I think Model Expo rolls their plans. I just don't like a lot of creases getting in the way !! This should be an enjoyable build (hopefully!! ) Your launch is looking real sweet!!! You're a fast learner!! Frank
  12. Hey Mike, thanks....... I wanna look thru Goodwin's book to kind've see whats up with this cutter, and yes, I too like the little bigger scale to work with, it' better for these weary eyes. Frank
  13. Before I begin this build of Krick's Alert, I'm going to do a little research on this cutter. I ordered "The Naval Cutter Alert" by Goodwin. It should be here in a couple days then hopefully I can get a better look at this fine cutter, meanwhile I've taken a couple pictures of the box and parts. This is a German kit, so the instructions are in German, but they do include a sparse English version, but that's no big deal, If I get stuck, I can always ask Dirk . He did this same kit and did an amazing!! job on it. (as usual ) Anyhow,here's the pictures One thing I wish Krick would've done, is to roll the plans instead of folding them. It's really a bummer when they do that. I noticed that the keel is ever so slightly tweaked, I'm going to set the bulkheads in temporarily to see if it will pull it in . I have some box wood strip That I had purchased from Jeff when he ran a special, so I 'll probably use that instead of the supplied stock ( depending on the finish I decide on ) Here again , more than likely I will up grade the blocks and yardage with Chucks products. I purchased the sale set as an extra. After seeing it I'm not so sure I like the fabric, it seems a little on the heavy side, I don't know, maybe it's just me, but that's along way off. Frank
  14. Nice recovery Adam, she 's looking real good........ Like your taste in the spirits too!! Frank
  15. Hi Patrick....... thanks for looking in, glad you liked the end result, It really was a fun build, I think I enjoyed making it look used more than the actual build itself. I only wish there were some real pictures of these ships showing their aging process so one could get a better perspective, but all in all, I'm satisfied how it turned out. .Thanks again' Frank
  16. forgot to tell you..... good idea on purchasing the ext. bed for the 250, it's always good to have. I've got to get up to Home Depot and get a suitable mounting board for mine. Jack Tar has something he posted that you might want to look at as far as mounting the 250. I think it was under the tools section. ck it out. Frank
  17. Popeye those are cool,I'll p.m. you my address. Peter........ I guess it does fit all those descriptions I don't know how artistic it is, but I'm glad you liked it.Thanks Frank
  18. Nice Mobbsie, those ought to keep you busy for awhile, one of these days I'd like to get that MP 400, I have the others, never used them yet, but they're nice to look at. :P they make me feel like I know what I'm doing!! Frank
  19. Hey Popeye, I forgot about those too. I still have'nt decided what I'm going to do . do you have a picture of them and whats their size? Frank
  20. Arthur, they say flattery will get you nowhere....... not true......... with me , flattery will get you everywhere !! :D Thanks for your nice post , very much appreciated. Frank
  21. Congrats!! Ulises.... Beautiful work, she looks outstanding!! Frank
  22. Nils............ my next build will be the cutter Alert by Krick. As for the flash , it's working just fine, but I choose not to use it this time, I wanted the dark background to contrast the ship . It's the effect I as looking for. Next one I'll try and do some brighter ones too. Promise!! Thanks again Frank
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